The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, February 24, 1909, Page 28, Image 30

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28 Tt M arriages Batton?Alford.?At tlie residence of tlie bride's jiarents, near Crystal Springs, Miss, January 28, 1909, by Rev. S. C. Caldwell, Mr. George McQueen Batton and Miss Lily Alford. Black?Nutt.?At the residence of the groom's father, Mr. James Black, near French Camp, Miss., January 27. 1909. bv Rev. F. L. McCue, Mr. J. S. Black and Miss Allie Nutt. Brockway?Neff.?At Warm Springs, Va., January 12, 1909, by Rev. Wm. C. White, Mr. Oscar O. Brockway and Miss Rhoda O. Neff. both of Williamsville, Va. Clipp?Conrad.?At Charlestown, W. Va., January 10, 1909, by Rev. A. C. Hopkins. Mr. Clarence E. Clipp and Miss Hattie H. Conrad, both of Jefferson Co., W Va. Currie?Pool.?At the residence of Mr. W. L. Holiday, Jackson Springs. N. C., December 20, 1908, by Rev. J. D. A. Brown, of Aberdeen, N. C.. Mr. Edwin A. Currie and Miss Iola Pool. Donnelly?Rey.?In the Thirti Presbyte nan church. New Orleans. La.. January 27, 1909, by Itev. Dr. George Summey, Mr. Peter Paul Donnelly and Miss Augustine Jane Rey, both of New Orleans. Douthat?Price.?In the Presbyteriait church, Montvale, Va., December 12, 1908. by Rev. T. M. McCorkle, Mr. Warner H. Douthat. of California, and Miss Lottie A. Price, of Staunton, Va. Erwin?Milam.?At Sandy Springs, Anderson county. South Carolina, December 30, 1908, by Rev. Jno. Gordon Law, D. D., Mr. William Gordon Erwin and Miss Irene Milam. Gulledge?Davis.?At the home of the bride's mother, in Fort Worth, Texas, December 30, 1908, by Rev. S. .1. MoMurry, Mr. C. W. Gulledge and Miss Elizabeth C. Davis. Garnett?Payne.?At the home of the bride's parents, near Healing Springs, Va., December 31, 1908, by Rev. Wm. C. White, Mr. John Buckner Garnett, of Beach Island, S. C., and Miss Mary Madison Payne. Hall?Ferrill.?At Batesville, Ark., Jannary 26, 1909, by Rev. Cochran Preston, Mr. James T. Hall, of Newport, Ark., and Miss Callye Ferrill, of Batesville, Ark. Lotts?Benson.?Near Brownsbnrg, Va., at the home of the bride's parents, January 20. 1909, by Rev. G. A. Wilson, D. D., Mr. ?award F. Eotts and Miss Mary Belle Benson, both of Rockbridge Co., Va. Major ? Hammond.?At Hammond Place, Anderson county. South Carolina. December 25, 1908, by Rev. Jno. Gordon j^aw, u. i)., Mr. Patrick Webb Major and MiSs Ruby Eilene Hammond. Martin?Sperry.?At the home of the IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU bride, Bedford Co., Va., January 26, 1909, by Rev. T. M. McCorkle, Mr. Hubert H. Martin, Campbell Co., Va., ami Miss Hettie Graves Sperry. Phillips?Conklyn.?In Charlestown, W. Va., January 1, 1909. by Rev. A. C. Hopkins, Mr. Oscar K. Phillips to Miss Frances C. Conklyn, both of Charlestown, W. Va. .omovii mr ui Duyn.?in me r irst iTesbyterian church, Staunton, Va., February 4, 1909, by Rev. A. M. Fraser, D. D., Dr. Briscoe B. Ranson, of Maplewood, N. J., and Miss Daisy Yarbrough. Reed?White.?In the Presbyterian church, Hope, Ark., February 3, 1909, by Rev. C. C. Williams, D. D., Mr. James Reed and Miss Lillie White. Snecker-Thomas.?At the bride's home, Steele's Tavern, Va., January 2, 1909, by Rev. G. P. Hamilton, Mr. Benjamin G. Snecker, of Staunton, Va., and Mise Grace L. Thomas. Smith-Vandiver.?At the bride's home, Taladega, Ala., Jan. 5, 1909. by Rev. F. B. Webb, D. D., Mr. Howard Lee Smith ana miss Annabel Vandlver. Taylor-Anderson.?In Winchester, Va., Jan. !), by Rev. J. H. Lacy, D. D., Mr. Frank H. Taylor and Miss Grace A. Anderson. Witherspoon-McClelland.?At Meridian, Miss., December 31, 1908, by Rev. E. B. Witherspoon, of Boston, Ga., uncle of the eroom. assisted Uv Rev av,?r? man, the bride's pastor, Mr. Samuel Andrew Witherspoon, Jr., and Miss Eva McClelland, daughter of Mrs. MaryHunter McClelland. The tiniest dewdrop hanging from a grass blade in the morning is big enough to reflect the sunshine anil the blue of the sky. We do not need to do great things to show the love and kindness which fills our hearts. L'ttle sacrifices and self-denials mirror that inner life as ' the dewdrop mirrors the blue .of heaven. ?Children's Friend. If we could but see it, believe it, act upon it, the worries, the petty annoyances. the gains, the pleasures, the things that we count hindrances, the wrongs an? disappointments?tnese are all helps, the hands that shape us, if we will, in God's own image. These are our opportunities for courage, trust, endurance; for hope, for love which makes us like God. There are no hindrances to holiness outside us, they are all within; and if Christ dwells within us, reigning there, then all things outside are helps. and cannot be otherwise.?Mark Guy Pearse. Put this restriction on your pleasures; be cautious that they injure no being which has life.?Zimmerman. BELLS. Steel AUnj Church and school Belli. w-Send for twuioru* The C.8. BRLIj CO.. HIIUb*r*,o TH. February 24, 1909. A. B. Griswold 6 Co., Ltd Jewelers and Silversmiths Our stock of Jewelry. Silverware, Diamonds and Precious Stones, Watches, Novelties in Gold and Silver, is the largest and handsomest we have ever shown. Everything New, Fresh, Attractive. Write for our Book of Suggestions. A. B. GRISWOLD A CO., Ltd. Established 1817. 723 Canal 8treet, NEW ORLEANS. Henry N. Gastrock 3120-3122 Magazine St. NEW ORLEANS, LA. RELIABLE SHOES FOR THE FAMILY. Agent, M. A. Packard A Co.'s &S.KQ AND on suncs cno mcw Phone Up-town 2200 W. F.Johnson & Son Company LIMITED. UNDERTAKERS AND FURNISHERS OF FINE FUNERAL FURNITURE. 300 I&agasine Street, corner Julia, and Washington and Prytania Streets. Both 'Phones 697. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Bohne's Rnok Stnrp BOHNE & WILT, Props. Booksellers & Stationers 1328 DRYADE8 ST., Near Thalia. New Orleans, La. Base Ball Goods, Fishing Tackle, and Periodicals and Religious Articles. New and Second-hand School Books bought, sold and exchanged. C. J. Macmurdo, Jr. E. R. Gregory. Macmurdo & Gregory GENERAL INSURANCE. Office No. 914 Hennen Building. Phone Main 4411. New Orleans, La. nre, Acciaeni, LiiaDUlty, Boiler, Plate Glass, Indemnity, Burglary, Tornado. COAL PITTSBURG COAL. ALABAMA COAL. ANTHRACITE COAL. GA8 AND FOUNDRY COKE. For Sale by W. G. Coyle & Co. 837 Carondelet St., Bet. Union and Perdido. Phone 311, 82, 16. Branch Tarda, 4716 Magazine St.. and North Peters St., bet Montegut, and Clouet. NEW ORLEAN8, LA. ROTALINB OIL (or Pains and Wounds. ROYALJNB OIL, the best Antiseptic. ROYALINE OIL for Colic and Cramps. ROYALINE OIL for Sprains & Bruises. ROYALINE OIL is Best of All.