The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, February 24, 1909, Page 34, Image 36

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34 TK How to Get Rid of Catarrh A Simple, Safe, Reliable Way, and it Costs Nothing to Try. Those who suffer from catarrh knowits miseries. There is no need of this suffering. You can get rid of it bv a simple, safe, inexpensive, home treatment discovered by Dr. Blosser, who, for over thirty-four years, has been treating catarrh successfully. His treatment is unlike any other. It Is not a spray, douche, salve, cream, or inhaler, but is a more direct and thorough treatment tnan any of them. It cleans out the head, nose, throat and lungs so that you can again breathe freely and sleep without that stopped-up feeling that all catarrh sufferers have. It heals the diseased membranes and makes a radical cure, so that you will not be constantly blowing your nose and spitting, and at the' same time it does not poison the system and ruin the stomach, as internal medicines do. If you want to test this treatment without cost, send your address to Dr. J. W. Blosser, 59 Walton Street, Atlanta, Ga., and he will send you by return mail enough of the medicine to satisfy you that it is all he claims for it as a remedy for catarrh, catarrhal headaches, catarrhal deafness, asthma, bronchitis, colds and all catarrhal complications. He will nlcn cnnH vaii f roo or* booklet. Write him immediately. FARM LIFE ONE OF INDEPENDENCE. (From an Address by Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick. Not many decades have passed since farm life was held to be synonymous with drudgery, loneliness, monotony, overwork and almost Imprisonment. The wife of the farmer, especially one upon the prairie farm of the West, became so lonely that not infrequently her mind gave way under the strain. Today, how* ever, the conditions are far different. Improved farm machinery; the construction of better public roads; the energetic trollev car Dushintr its linos in sit iiiroo. tions; the moderate priced automobile; the rural telephone; the free rural mail delivery, carrying to them the daily paper; the improvement in the construction of homes, making them more sanitary, more cheerful and more artistic; the correspondence schools of education and the correspondence bureaus of lectures ?all these have changed the character of life in the country, taking away its disadvantages, and yet leaving with it the advantage of air, sunshine and of health with which no occupation and no surroundiners can rnmnoip circumstances it will not be difficult to . prove tnat farming today is one of the peasantest and one of the most independent occupations within our knowledge. There is an idea abroad among moral people that they should make their neighbors good. One person I have to make good?myself; but my duty to-my neighbor is much more nearly expressed by saying that I have to make him happy, if I may.?Robert Louis Stevenson. | [E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT jr ; i- ' . v' : Senior Hall Main Bu Texas Presbyterian, THE GREAT PRESBYTERIAN S< Splendid buildings, elegantly furnished, beatet obviating nil danger of fire. The beautiful acetyl tennis, outdoor games. No serious Illness In the ] College and Seminary, leading to degrees. Specl Organ. Guitar, Expression. All branches of Art, with sky light. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD, CHI of Interpretation Classes. One hundred and thlrt* SEPTEMBER 24th, 1908. For Catalogue Illustrated by photographs, wr '.dent, Mllford, Texas. JOUANNET'S GIANT ARGENTEUIL A! 100 Roots, $1.00; 1000 for $5.00. JOUANNET'S CABBAGE PLANTS GIVl ties. Prices: 1000 for $1.25; 5000. large lots. Everything shipped from Charleston, S. C ALFRED JOUANNET, Available Teachers are invited to regis tions. FREE REGISTRATION F Wb place our services, without charge presidents of colleges, and all who are ir Pnll ?? .... ~ 1 * v/oii uu uo ttisu ii yuu iieea any son 01 SOUTI Electric Lighl You simply press the button and pay on New Orleans Railway & Light Co. Wm. T. Hardie, Pres. Arthur A. Cast&nedo WILLIAMS-RICH; Importers anc Dry Goods, Notions and ] 209-211-213 and 2iS Magazine, 512 New York Office, 5 Leonard St. P. O. the: bes Angell's Cough and W Contains No Opiu For Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, C FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIST: fire INSUR LIABILITY Phom STEAM BOILER GODCHAUX <S ACCIDENT 626-630 COMf H. February 24, 1909. ? ? 1.,, y. *4- 11 iiiMiiiiCSSiww tpe. rffrglP r ilding Dickson Hail College For Girls CHOOL OF THE SOUTHWEST. I by steam from outside metal furnace room, ene gas light. Large gymnasium, basket-ball, history of the school. Two courses of study, al departments: Piano, Voice Culture, Violin, Artistic Needle-work, China Kiln, Art Rooms CAGO, Visiting Director of Music and Teacher p-8lx music pupils last year. COLLEGE OPENS He REV. HENRY C. EVANS. A M., D.D., PressPARAGUS ARE THE BEST. Price: i SATISFACTION. All Leading Varieand over $1.00 a 1000.^ Special price on 1. Cash with order! please. Mount.Pleasant, S. C. iter with us for Summer or Fall posi OR A SHORT TIME. s, at the command of school officials, i quest of teachers, school suplies. lUiKiN SCHOOL. BUREAU, Macon, Ga. t and F?ow ily for what you use. Expert advice free. 317 Baronne Street. NEW ORLEANS, LA. , Vice-Pres. M. M. Hardie, Sec'y & Treas. \RDSON CO., Ltd. I Jobbers of Men's Furnishing Goods ! Common and 515 Gravier Sts. . Drawer 581. NEW ORLEANS, LA. T MADE 'hooping Cough Syrup m or Morphine. oughs, Colds and Throat Trouble/ S. PRICE 2b AND 50 CENTS. :ance b 1665 PLATE GLASS . MIOTON, Ltd. SURETY BONDS AON 8TREET .BURGLARY