The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, March 03, 1909, Page 19, Image 23

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March 3, 1909. T] Sunday evening services, also two more accessions to the church. KENTUCKY. Rev. J. W. Atwood has been called to the pastorate of the Carrolltcn church, Kentucky. LOUISIANA. New Orleans: Dr. Sumniev, of New Oi leans, editor of '"The Presbyterian of me soiun," is at De Funiak Springs, Fla., delivering a course of Uible lectures, his fourth year at that delightrul place. ?The Council of the Reformed Churches, holding the Presbyterian System, in the United States, will meet in the Prytania Street Church on March 11, and will be in session for three days. The members are expected to remain over the following Sabbath. ?Rev. D. L. Barr, of Houston, Miss., Rev. Chas. A. Hyland, of Morgan City, La.. Rev. Morrison Brown, of Jeaneretle, La., and Rev. M. R. Paradis, of New Iberia, La., were in the city last week. Ruston: About five o'clock Saturday mornin, February 20, the Ruston Presbyterian church building was discovered to be on fire, and within a very short time the entire .structure was consumed. There had been no fire in the church for a week, and the origin of the lire is a mystery. With the church and its furniture were destroyed the libraries of the Sunday school and the pastor, botii owned by the church. The church was one of the early structures of the Kind erected in Ruston, and there was no insurance upon it or its contents. At present the cungregation is without a pastor. Centreville: Rev. A. Oscar Browne conducted a Sabbath School Institute at this place, Wednesday and Thursday, in terfered with by unfavorable weather, interferred with by unfavorable weather, was good. At least five Protestant denominations were represented, and fully twenty Roman Catholics attended. Manv persons came to the services who are not accustomed to attend religious exercises. The visit of Dr. Browne has not only given an impetus to Sabbath school work at Centreville, but a splendid impression for good has been made upon the community generally. The uriiversal hope of those who heard him is that, before many days are gone he will visit us again. Morgan City: Rev. A. Oscar Browne came to Morgan City Friday, February 19, and remained until Monday. He conducted six services in all. The services were held in the Methodist church building, that being the only white Protestant church building in use in the town. The weather was not altogether favorable, and the carnival season was approaching; oflll 4U. -ii -a ?- * ? me utieuuauce was gooa. 'I'ne attention given both to the singing and to the talks of Dr. Browne was profound. His Institute work enlisted the interest of the people, and we are expecting good result's, in the introduction of some, at least, of the most approved Sabbath school methods. The community as a whole has been greatly benefited, and a new "impetus has been given to Christian effort. Many persons who have not been regular attendants upon religious worship were reached. The 1 \ HE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU hearts of a number of the young people were touched, and we are looking for results in an in-gathering of some of these into the church. MISSISSIPPI. Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, at Port Gibson, is nourishing under the care of Kev. M. E. Melvin. One of the handsomest postal card we have seen in a long time, came to us from that institution. }f we had more such institutions we would have more men looking to nama uie ministry. Corinth: . The attention of the pastors and the Sunday school superintendents in the Synod of Mississippi is called to the collection, ordered by the Syncd to be taken on the third Sabbath of March, 1909. The money contributed in this collection is to be sent to Rev. J. W. Orr, Corinth, Miss., who is chairman of Publication" and Sabbath schools in the Synod of Mississippi. It is ordered by the Synod that the Synod's chairman retain one-fourth of this collection, and three-tourths is to be sent by him to the Presbyterian chairman in the Presbytery 11u 111 wiiu-n 11 came. This Is a must important collection, and one that should he taken in every school in the Synod or Mississippi, as all of our aggressive work largely depends on this collection. WHJ you he the one to neglect this? The money retained by Synod's chairman wil! be used in the promotion of the great Sunday School Institute, to be held in Crystal Springs, in the early part of Juiy, 1909. Synod's Chairman of Sabbath School Work: Please notice the vtiutigc wi guaiiman, from Rev. M. E. Melvin to Rev. J. W. Orr, Corinth, Miss., to whom all money should be seut. MISSOURI. Richland: At a called meeting of LnFr.yette Presbytery, held, February 23, at the Westminster church, Springfield, the pastoral relationship existing between this church and Rev. J. R. C. Brown was dissolved, that he might accept a call to the church at Troy, in the Presbytery of St. T.ontc Tliio 1 *- ' ? ? ?.i.o leaves ?a cm ii i a ueil of great importance and usefnines?, which should be filled at once. '1 here is universal regret in the. Presbytery at the loss of Mr. Brown, as he has greatly endeared himself to all who have come to know him. The interest and prayers of this Presbytery follow him to his new location at Troy. Lamar: The Ladies' Missionary Society of this church celebrated, on the evening of February 19, the twentieth anniversary of its organization. A history of the society was read, telling or its small beginning, of the numerous members who have been active in its work during these years, of the different enterprises with which the society has J - * IA- * (uuuu, tinu 01 us present condition. The, treasurer read a summary of the'offerings made to Home and Foreign Missions, which was quite encouraging. A liberal thank offering was made, including several gifts from former members; these were accompanied by letters or greeting. This society sustains one of the shares which this church supports in the Kunsan station, Korea. TH. 19 NORTH CAROLINA. Cross Roads Church: Rev. W. O. Sample was installed as pastor of this church on February 14. He has been with this church only a short time, but he and his family have greatly endeared themselves to the people. The Presbytery of Asheville will meet in Mills River church, Henderson county. North Carolina, on April 27, 1909, at 8 p. m. Rev. R. F. Campbell is chairman of the Home Mission Committee, and Rev. R. P. Smith, treasurer. R. B. Grinnan, S. C. Davidson: Rev. Robert F. Kirkpatrick, class ot '97, field lopresentative of Union Theoloeionl spminnrv -- O , IIIIEU IUC JMUjlll OI the church at both services on Sunday, February 21. In the morning he spoke on a call to the ministry, and followed his sermon proper with a statement of , the work done by Union Seminary in its contribution of ministers to the Southern church and the missionary fields of the world, and the Seminary's present and urgent need of an increased endowment. His sermon at night was a strong and earnest discussion of the theme, "Whosoever will save his life shall lose it." It was a matter of pleasure and pride to all friends of Davidson td note at tha Birmingham Convention what a large number of Davidsonians, ministers and laymen, these latter in all the walks of life, were present at that gathering. Durham: On February 20, Rev. Edward R. Leyburn completed seven years ui service as tne pastor of the First Church of Durham. During those seven years, 374 members have been received into the church, the majority of them on profession of faith. This church has * three mission chapels under its. care and support. One of these was organized six years ago into the Second Church, with a membership of sixty-five, and it now has a membership of one hundred. This church and the West Durham Chapel are under the pastoral care of Rev. M. N. M'lver. The First Church has recently called Rev. Carl Barth, of Point Pleasant, W. Va., to take charge of the Edgemonl chapel, one of its most hopeful and encouraging mission points. Mr. Barth ha<4 flftTPntAfl t VlC. roll rmA ?> I'-- ? v??vy vu.l, UltU CA^CV ia IU gin his work in Durham, March 1. The First church also supports Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Wharton, in Cuba, and its mem. hers have subscribed over two thousand dollars to be paid this year toward the erection of Mr. Wharton's church at Cardenas, Cuba. SOUTH CAROLINA. Synod of South Carolina: The action of the Synod at Sumter has no hearing uppn the February collection for Home Missions. It should be sent as before, to G. G. Mayes, Treasurer, Blackstock, S. C. The James Island congregation wR' build a new church of modern stvle to meet the demands for larger seating capacity. Bishop Guerry, of the Episcopal church, has offered us their church while ours Is building. There will be no conflict of services, as on their day, the second Sabbath, the Presbyterian pastor, Rev. N. Keff Smith, has an appointment at McPhersonville. Tne invitation has (Continued on Page 22.)