The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, March 10, 1909, Page 31, Image 31

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March 10, 1909. Tt special order all the committees will hold over in the senate, but no work, other than that pertaining to tariff, will be referred to them. Taft's Cabinet: While no official statement has been made by President Taft of the men selected by him as members of his cabinet, it is practically assured that the following will serve: Secretary of State, Philander Chase Knox, of Pennx sylvania; Secretary of the Treasury, Franklin MacVeagh, of Illinois; Secre- | tary or war, Jacob M. Dickinson, of Tennessee; Attorney General, George W. Wickersham, of New York; Postmaster General, Frank H. Hitchcock, of Massachusetts; Secretary of the Navy, George Von L. Meyer, of Massachusetts; Secretary of Jthe Interior, Richard A. Bailin ger, of Washington; Secretaiy of Agriculture, James Wilson, of Iowa; Secretary of Commerce and Labor, Charles Nagel, of Missouri. Members of President Roosevelt's cabinet who went out of office on March 4 have completed arrangements for the immpilinto fninrn ConfAfomr V>? ?ill iiiwutv. UVV.1 tlUI j uawuu Will I return to the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., I of New York. Before doing so, however, he will take a two months' hunting trip in the South. Secretary of War Wright will return 1o his home in Memphis, Tenn., and resume the practice of law. Secretary Newberry, with his wife and daughter, will sail on the Qceanlc on March 31 and tour France, Italy and Germany in an automobile. He will return to the United States about the middle of June and eventually resume business. The Fleet's Maneuvers: The Maine, Admiral Arnold's flagship, and the battleships Mississippi,-New Hampshire and North Carolina passed out of the Vir ginia Capes last week for Guantanamo Bay, where spring maneuvers wHl be held. They will be joined there soon by the Montana, now at the Norfolk navy yard3, and the Idaho, now at Philadelphia. Two hundred men of the North Carolina crew, who overstayed their shore leave, were left here. The World's Records in tunnel driving were established and one of the greatest engineering feats of the century was successfully completed when drlllmen in Idaho and Montana, working in the Chicago, Milwaukee and Puget Sound Railway Company's bore in the Bitter Root mountains, at Taft, Mont., shook hands at the end of a crowbar. The tunnel, 8,751 feet in length, 24 feet 3 inches In height and 18 feet 6 inches across the floor, lacked only 1-300 6f an inch of being in true alienment. while in level the two crews of 175 men each, differed about 1-100 of a foot when the wall of rock between the two states was pierced. The best record was made In January, 1909, when 756 feet was driven, the figures for November, 1908, being 731 feet 5 inches. > 11 ') Bank of Branches: 303 E. Broad 8t. t IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOI Gran j^pp|f thegra: i National J RICHMOIS (Formerly The Sta CAPITAL, $500,000. DIREC J. L. Antrim, John S. El James D. Crump, Jos. M. Fc A. R. Ellerson, Horace S. OFF JOHN S. ELLETT, President. JUL1EN H. HILL, I INTEREST ALLOW El We invite you to do business with 1 he JNowla High-Class Diamonds and other Pre< and Wedding Rings, Silver Novelties, anc Latest Patterns. Fine Imported and Ami ettes. Goods sent on approval upon satisl 921 East Main Street. PASTORS,TRY IT!| The "Rook Missionary" plan (or reaching the I people In your own community In their home#. It awakens the Indifferent and careless, arouses the nominal Christian and teaches the otherwise nnresch able. Someone In your confiscation mar do the work on H a eelf-eupportinc haaia. Plan fully prartlrahle as demon-H , trmted by experience. Poll particulere from The Bible llniUtnt* Oolportag* Au'i, 180 Lililli An.,Ohlct(0. I Building Materials Hardware Sash, Doors, Blindfc Roofing Edison Portland Cement BALDWIN & BROWN (Incorporated.) 1 1557 E. Main Street RICHMOND, . VIRGINIA Richmond , 15th and Ma In Sts., 25th and Broad 8ta. V?:; JTH. 31 t Furniture i BEAUTIFUL AND ARTISTIC 'MAS GIFTS?NOTHING MORE TABLE?PRICES TO SUIT PURSE. Nf FURNITURE COMPANY -31 Camp St., New Orleans, La. State Bank id, virginia. te Bank of Virginia.) surplus, $300,000. ;tors lett, Wm. M. Hill, turquerean, Edward C. Mayo, Hawes, Granville G. Valentine. icers WM. M. HILL, Cashier, assistant Cashier. 0 on savings deposits. llfl ! i in Company slous Stones. New designs in Engagement I Cases of Silver for Bridal Presents of the srican Watches. Opera Glasses and Lorgntactory city reference. RICHMOND, VA. I I CirTc IT ppo This bean 11 fill W %?iris Free. Goid watch , with standard movements together with Watch Pin given away absolutely Free for a few hours of your time. Send us 45c for a wimple of our latest Household Noveftv tn rase orders with Send us in the ordei s you take and the Watch and Wa are yours. Address, HOUSEHOLD SPEC. CO., Chanoa, HI. PIANOS BE8T IN QUALITY LOWEST IN PRICE LEE FERGUSSON PIANO CO. 119 E. Broad St. 2nd and Broad Sts. > For the Best in Groceries and Table Delicacies Consult T T P 1 - I nermann acnmiat I 504-6-8 E. Broad St., Richmond, Va. f ' gth and Tlain Streets Your Account dolioited 3 per cent Interest allowed In Savings Department. , Louisiana 8t and Williamsburg Ave*