The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, March 10, 1909, Page 32, Image 32

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32 TI CURES Dysentery, CHOLERA INFANTUM, and all AFFECTIONS j)f the BOWELS. j Oxford, La., July 7,188s. i Gentlemen :?'.Ve have used your Brodie's Cordial in our family foi wme time past, and are | perfectly ; atisfied with it* effects. Would not willingly do without it. Respectfully, J. E. Robinson, j 8OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE, SOo. and SI OO. Prepared by I. L..LYONS & COt ??W OrlMlt I* E. A. CATLIN Real Estate in all its branches. LOANS A 8PECIALTY. Your Patronage is Solloited. 6 N. Eleventh St. Richmond, Va. Charles K. Bryant ARCHITECT, Rooms 6-7-8-9 and 10. ThlrH 1014 East Main 8treet, RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. H. C. Cheatwood. D. P. Edwards. Chefetwood 6 Edwards, Lumber Dealer i, 3ASH, BUNDS, DOORS. LATHS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, HARDWARE AND INTERIOR TRIM. 1211 EA8T BROAD 8TREET. Phone 1963 RICHMOND, VA. Henry N. Gastrock 3120-3122 Magazine St. NEW ORLEAN8, LA. RELIABLE 8HOE8 FOR THE FAMILY. Agent, M. A. Packard A Co.'a $SJM AND $4.00 SHOES FOR MEN. Pkoae Up-town 2200 W. CHURCH WINDOWS Send for Illattrated CaUldeue J&coby Art Glass Co., " mo. Dpt. ?. ?U ?i>d St Vtac?at Ato. r -IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' Books and Periodicals AN UNLOOKED FOR DEFENSE OF THE TRUTH. (The following is. a paper read before the Protestant Ministers' Association of New Orleans February 8, 1909 by Rev. J. C. Barr D.D., Pastor of the Lafayette Presbyterian Church, New Orleans, La. Dr. Gonzalez was present at the meeting, and after having been introduced, and having submitted his credentials, addressed the ministers): Permit me in a few words to call your attention to a remarkable book written by a remarkable man. The book ' is entitled, "Roman Catholicism Capitulat ing Before Protestantism". The author, though using the nom de plume G. V. Fradryssa. is as his credentials clearly indicate Dr. Juan Oorts y Gonzalez, a Franciscan monk of Spain. He is one of Rome's profound scholars, an ecclesiastical lawyer of high standing, and a doctor of theology. He has a dlspcnsaj tion from Pope Pious X releasing him j from his order, that he may give himI self freely to the pursuit of learning, and from the same source, writtten permia i sion 10 read all books?among these the Bible. Dr. Gonzalez has made good use of this gracious privilege as is fully indicated in his book. Professing himself to be a Christian Modernist he begins his work by graphically depicting the prevailing counter religious tendencies in Europe and in the United States. Then he plunges into a learned and yet succinct and clear discussion of the origin and marks of the true Church, and a frank and faithful exposure of Roman Catholicism's outrages on the truth, devoting much of his time to demolishing completely the blasphemous doctrine of Papal infallibility and showing Anally thflt Prr?i ao ion*'"" 41 * * * .^^oiuuuom ia me real nerenuer and propagator of the religion of Jesus Christ. Among the characteristics of the book which delight the Protestant Christian are: (1) The author's absolute loyalty to the Savior. The dedication is?A Vindication of Christ?and it is well chosen. No Convenanter Presbyterian ever defended more jealously his Lord's sole Kingship in the Church. (2) Unfaltering loyalty to the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and the only infallible rule of faith and prafctfce thrills through every page of the work. While different schools among the Protestants may not agree with some of ms conclusions, an will admit that Dr. Gonzalez has never gone beyond the Scriptures for his premises. (3) The wonderful clearness of the book's logic, its philosophic breadth and grasp, the wealth of its scholarship,"and the honesty and terseness of the style, makes one fairly marvel at the rich resources of the mind from which they emanate. That our copy is but a translation seems hard to believe. (4) Again the work is attractive because of the writer's reticence In dealing with the sins of priests and runs. l'H. March 10, igog. Alllbough as prosecutor in his order he has arraigned thousands of wolves in sheep's clothing, and laid bare in many trials monstrous deeds of evil, yet in his book Dr. Gonzalez keeps conscientiously to a high toned and chaste position. Those who delight in lascivious tales will thereby be disappointed, but lovers of purity can but admire his restraint and dignity in handling this difficult and trying phase of his subject. (5) The solemn warning which reechoes through its pages should make the book of peculiar interest to all thoughtful Americans. Is it not an evidence of God's love to us as a nation, that in a time when our politicians, from the President down, have become trucklers to Rome, when our ^iress is muzzled on the subject of priest-craft, when our pulpits are almost universally silent In the presence of Romish superstitition and aggression, when our society is being spoiled by Roman Catholic ideals and the great health of our country is being poured without stint into Roman Catholic coffers, that there should be sent to us such champions of the truth which made our fathers strong and us prosperous, as have recently been raised up amidst the Roman priest-hood itself?such men now as Chiniquy of Canada, O'Connor and v/iv?wiey 01 Ireland, and now Gonzalez of Spain? Is it not wisdom to heed their message, lest we and our people fall into the maelstorm from which they have been delivered? P. S.?The book above referred to is sold for $1.50 per copy and may be had from Rev. P. Ph. Briol, one of our Presby terlan ministers, at 1132 North Dorgenois Street, New Orleans, or from the Southern Publishing Co., Mobile, Ala. nr. we see notice of a work of sermon, "The Cure of Souls," by Dr. W. H. Milton, the well-known Episcopal clergyman of Roanoke, Virginia. It has the cordial endorsement of Bishop Randolph, of Southbend, Virginia. The sermons are on Christ's treatment of the individual; John the Baptist, Nicodemus, The Woman of Samaria, Bartimeus and others. Published by Thos. Whitaker. The editors of "The Princeton Theological Review" are planning a series of articles on Calvin to appear during the nom voor ! ?-?4 /^"1 * ..v.. j v?i. iuc cuiiiicui uaivin scnoiar Professor E. Doumergue, Dean of the Theological Faculty .of Montauban France, and author of an elaborate work on Calvin, contributes an article in the January issue on "Calvin an Epigone of the Middle Ages, or the Initiator of Modern Times." Dr. Herman Bavlnck, Professor of Theology in the Free University of Amsterdam, will contribute an article on "Calvin and Common Grace"; Lie. A. Lang, of Halle, has promised an article on "The Reformation and Natural RifirhtR"r T")r Warflnld will ?ont?l?iiiia ?w,v artloiea on "Calvin's Doctrine of the Knowledge of God," and other articles will be secured during the year. It Is hoped that the series will prove valuahie to all who are Interested In Calvin and the Reformed Theology.?Princeton Seminary Bulletin.