The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, March 10, 1909, Page 34, Image 34

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34 THI BE==a BOOK OF PRAYERS 1 5wvtRS ' Manual or several hundred i ... i te rse, pointed, appropriate Prayers for "SS" > use In Church, Prayer Meetings, Young qcc^kws People's Society, Sunday Schools, Missloncry, Grace and Sentence Prayers. mSMgk Question of How and What to Pray In ' Public fully covphm! by iiio<Ip1 sne>fcafe?lJ/ gfRtlve and devout Prayors. Vest I'kt. B'ze. 128 panes. Cloth 2.?c, Morocco ?5o. postpaid: stamps taken; Ants Wanted. - ?uii !> nuDLu, uaKBsiac tuug, Chicago Bohne's Book Store BOHNE & WILT, Props. Booksellers & Stationers 1328 DRYADES ST., Naar Thalia. New Orleans, La. Base Ball Goods, Fishing Tackle, and Periodicals and Religious Articles. New and Second-hand School Books bought, sold and exchanged. y n y ( > m*. ThtthaS'laemelOOOniafRino rC C. t V?' ! ; obaulutei/ Ire* to a.,/ to/ R'FLE2 f *8 cents for o: e jiof our Samples, and u ***** J?* Tarfft practice, and la aero doatn to small gBMaailiw. AJUrtM wiUl 49 tcim, ttAUfl Vi awacj cwxu^, FRED RUNGER CO., Boadway, Paducah, Ky. Via Bristol j ?AND THE? Norfolk 6 Western Railway The Short Line Between NEW ORLEANS, BIRMINGHAM, MEMPHIS, CHATTANOOGA, KNOXVILLE Ai>LF WASHINGTON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. Solid Train Service Dining Car. All information cheerfully furnished. WARREN L. ROHR, Western Passenger Agent, Chattanooga, Tenn. W. B. BEVILL, General Passenger Agent, Roanoke, Va. SHOPPING BY AN EXPERT BUYER. Goods of every description. Personal and household. Trousseaux and furnishing hquse8 a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders for Holiday goods promptly filled. Highest References. MISS VIRGINIA JONES. Purchasing Agent. 203 West 81st Street, New York City. *%*W%WWWWWVWWWWW%W*VWV?i IK. L. Christian Cr Co. i: 808 E. Main 8treet, i; RICHMOND, . ViRQSNlA. 1* FANCY GROCERIES jj Agents for ! > HUYLER'S CANDIES || C PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTI ' ' A .-J.'.fcjJiTJjJLiKjilLi, k? Senior Hall Main Bui Texas Presbyterian, THE GREAT PRESBYTERIAN SC Splendid buildings, elegantly furnished, heated obylating all danger of Are. The beantiful acetyle tennis, outdoor games. No serious Illness In the h College and Seminary, leading to degrees. Specie Organ, Guitar, Expression. All branches of Art, with sky-light. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD, CHI( of Interpretation Classes. One hundred and thirty SEPTEMBER 24th, IMC. For Catalogue Illustrated by photographs, wrll '.dent, MUford, Texas. BETHANY HOM1 1643 N. Claiborne Aven New Oi Has large, airy rooms. Operating room and instruments. Under Presbyterian man influences. Offering every convenience and . Phone Hemlock 421. Stop Smoking! Stop Tou ought and can quit by using R( twenty years. Price, $1.00 per box. rosf nRiin ( Electric Light You simply press the button and pay oh] New Orleans Railway & Light Co. Wm. T. Hardie, Pres. Arthur A. Castanedo, WILLIAMS-RICH/ Importers and Dry Goods, Notions and P 209-211-213 and 215 Magazine, 512 New York Office, 5 Leonard St. P. O. the: be:s' Angell's Cough and W uonxaina no upiur Por Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Cc FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS F.RE INSUR LIABILITY Phone 8TEAM BOILER GODCHAUXA ACCIDENT 626-630 COMN % I. March 10, 1909. .' . > '< H ' .. , A*V ' **"* . "t VajH lding Dickson Hali College For Girls HOOL OF THE SOUTHWEST, by steam from outside metal furnace room, oe gas light. Large gymnasium, basket-ball, Istory of the school. Two courses of study, I departments: Piano, Voice Culture, Violin, Artistic. Needle-work, China Kiln, Art Rooms ?AGO, Visiting Director of Music and Teacher -six music pupils last year. COLLEGE OPENS te REV. HENRY C. EVANS, A.M., D.D., PreaE SANITARIUM, us, Cor. Allen Street, 'leans, furnished with all the modern appliances lageraent and surrounded with religious excellent nursing, for terms apply to FERDINiNn KOPI I F Q C hewing Tobacco! )SE TOBACCO CURE. On market for 0., Birmingham, Ala. and F?ower ly for what you use. Expert advice free. 317 Baronne Street. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Vice-Pres. M. M. Hardie, Sec'y & Treaa. ^.RDSON CO., Ltd. Jobbers of 1en*s Furnishing Goods Common and 515 Gravier 8ts. Drawer 581. NEW ORLEANS, LA. r MADE hooping Cough Syrup n or Morphine. >ughs, Colds and Throat Trouble. I. PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS. A \r r* . rs ^ u, , 1665 PLATE GLA33 MIOTON, Ltd. . SURETY BONDS ION STREET BURGLARY