The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, March 24, 1909, Page 18, Image 20

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18 TH The Presbyterian of the South Thornton S. Wilson, Managing Editor. Editors?Thos. E. Converse, James P. Smith, E. B. McCluer, George Summey. Published weekly by The Presbyterian -Go. Incorporated in Georgia. For terms of Subscription etc., see page 2. Remittances should be made by money ?rder or by draft on some of the large cities. Make all remittances to "The Presbyterian Company," 104 Edgewood Ave, Atlanta, Ga. When local check is sent, add 10 cents tor collection. AddresB tne Richmond, Va., office: Central Presbyterian, Box 850. Address the New Orleans, La., office: Southwestern Presbyterian, Box 731. Entered as second class matter January 6, 1900, at the Post Office at Atlanta, Georgia, under act of March 3, 1S79. Church News MARCH COLLECTIONS. Tbe month of March is set apart in the General Assembly's schedule for collections for Publication and Sunday School Missions. Remit to R. E. Maglll. Treasurer, Richmond, Va. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES. The Forty-ninth General Assembly of tno fresnytenan unurch m tne Unlieu States will meet in the First Presbyterian church in Savannah, Ga., May 20, at 11 a. m., and will he opened with a sermon by Rev. W. W. Moore, D. D., Moderator of the last General Assembly. The undersigned will be in the lecture room of the church, May 19, at 8 p. m.; also May 20, at 9 a. m., for the purpose of enrolling commissioners. Stated Clerks of Presbyteries will please forward to the Slated Clerk at Clarksville, Tenn., their Statistical, Sunday school, Societies, Systematic Rrneflcence, Narrative reports, and response to the Assembly's overtures, together with all overtures and other papers for the Assembly, if they can do so, on or before May 13; otherwise forward to him at Savannah. The statistical tables should be mailed to the Stated Clerk as Roon as prepared, and by all means in advance of the meeting of the Assembly. Please notify the chairman of the local Committee of Arrangements, of the names and addresses of your commissioners and alternates as soon as appointed. Clerks of Synods will please forward overtures and report time and place of their next meeting. Thos. H. Law, Permanent Clerk. W. A. Alexander, Stated Clerk. Presbyterlal treasurers will please send to me the assessments of their Presbyteries for the contingent fund of the General Assembly for 1909. The amount Is one and one-half cents per communicant member in each Presby [E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' tery, as shown by the published rolls ot 1908. See Minutes of 1908, p. 212. The Assembly having requested a special contribution from the Presbyteries for expenses of the Calvin Quadricentcnnial celebration, equal to one cent per member, treasurers should send same to me, and for such contributions a separate receipt will be given. W. A. Alexander, Treasurer. Clarksville, Tenn. CHINA. A letter from Miss Annie R. V. Wll son, Hangchow, China, February 13, brings pleasant tidings from our mission circle there, just the* anticipating much pleasure in the visit of our Nashville editor, Mr. Williams. Of the Presbyterian of the South, Miss Wilson writes: "I realize that the three papers combining into one, will have a larger field and greater opportunities for usefulness, and I pray for a rich blessing to rest upon it. I shall regard it as an old friend, who has changed her name, but is the same friend as of yore, and its weekly visits will continue to be cordially welcomed by me." KOREA. Last fall some Northern Presbyterian missionaries to Korea, while on furlough in thi3 country, undertook with the approval of their Board to secure twenty men and twenty single women for Ko reu ana me runas necessary to send them out. About half the missionaries have been secured. The campaign still goes on and the full number will doubtless be found. The funds have been secured to send out the entire number. One man offers to send out twelve men If suitable men can be secured. This is the day of opportunity in Korea. ARKANSAS. Charleston: A lot has been secured upon which a church will be erected soon. This congregation has been wor shipping in a building in which several other congregations had an interest and this has proven unsatisfactory. Brinkley: In the terrible tornado which destroyed this town two weeks ago, the Presbyterian Church was wrecked. This building was erected by a small but faithful congregation a few years ago. With the loss of practically every business house and nearly all the residences, the town is sorely stricken. FLORIDA. Mayo: Rev. J. S. Sibley, of Pensacola, spent a week preaching for the new church at this place. The meetings were most highly appreciated, well attended and proved not only interesting but profitable to all. Nine new members were added to the church as the visible and immediate result of the services. Perry: Rev. J. S. Sibley, Chairman of the Presbyterian Committee of Home Missions of the Presbytery of Florida* visited this church recently and the members enjoyed the privilege of meeting him and hearing one of his able sermons at an evening service. The church is ready to take a nfew start after the depression of the tiiftes of the panic, and there ig undoubtedly a bright future be rH. March 24, igog. fore it. It is but a question of time when this town will be one of the leading railroad points in this part of Florida. Jacksonville: Rev. J. Walton Graybill, who has been supplying this church for the 'past three months, returned to his church in Louisville, Ky., on March li. The church was greatly blessed, nearly sixty members being received in the last ten months. After enjoying an address by Gov. Glenn, on Home Missions, this church gave $1,500 towards this great cause. The ladies' Missionary Band have already given $50 to a mission Church building. A new church at Springfield will soon be organized with nearly one hundred members. GEORGIA. Athehs Presbytery: Those who desire lo attend the approaching meeting of Presbytery who go by way of the Southern railroad, will be met at Center; those going over the Gainesville Midland, at Clarksborf), and those going over the Seaboard, Athens at the City Hall, 5 p. m. J. H. McPhail, Acting Sec. Atlanta, Wallace Church: A protracted service is being held at the Wallace Church by Rev. F. D. Hunt, the presbyterial evangelist. Mr. Hunt preached for this church last Sunday morning, and preaches also every evening from March 21 to April 4. Professor R. C. Davis will conduct the music. Special features of the service series was a children's service Sunday, March 21, at 3:30 p. m. Rev. John D. Keith is the pastor. Atlanta: At the North Avenue Church, last Sunday night, there was a lecture by Rev. Faddoul Moghabghab, a native Syrian. His father wan onnvort. cd by the reading of parts of a Bible picked up on the battlefield. Many of its pages had been used for gun-waddiug, but much remained and was blessed of God to his conversion. The lecture of Mr. Moghabghab was of peculiar interest and of great usefulness to the Christian and the gospel worker. He described the shepherd life of Palestine and showed how it lights up and explains many a passage of the Bible. In his early life he was a shepherd, and he speaks of that which he knows and he speaks effectively. Next. Sunday night he will lecture at Decatur, Ga. ?Westminster Church: Six more accessions to the church Sunday morning and a large congregation present. At the evening service. Rev. Lynn Walker occupied the pulpit. An encouraging feature of the Sunday school work is the increasing attendance and interest shown in the Baraca Class. ?West End: On Sunday morning, Rev. Faddoul Moghabghab, a native Syrian, spoke in this church on the twenty-third Psalm. On Sunday a meeting, conducted by Rev. A. A. Little, began, to continue throueh thn woot a """"" Class has been recently organized and much Interest Is being taken In this movement of young men. Four additions have been added recently to this church. Rock Spring: This church recently granted their pastor, Rev. E. D. Brownlee, a leave of absence to visit the Foreign Mission stations of the church In Mexico. He has just returned with an enthusiastic account of the work there. During