The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, March 24, 1909, Page 23, Image 25

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March 24, 1909. T cause of Christ remember that every consecrated young man sent into the great harvest fields may reach hundreds. yes thousands, of hungering, perishing souls; and as God has prospered you and led you to love his cause send contributions to Dr. T. R. Sampson, or Dr. R. E. Vinson, Austin, Texas. A. W. Wilson. VIRGINIA. Salem: Rev. H. C. V. Campbell, who has been pastor of the Presbyterian kuuitu ui odicui suite is?!!, resigned Sunday morning, March 14. Ho stated that it was upon advice of his physician, and that he would fill the pulpit once each week until the meeting of the Presbytery, on May 3, when he would leave for Berkeley Springs to reside until his health was restored. New Concord Church: One of the* elders of this church writes us that, they hope to have Rev. J. M. W. Elder with them by the spring meeting of Presbytery. This supplies a vacancy of long standing in this large and important field. Woman's Missionary Union: The annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Union of East Hanover Presbytery, will be held in the Grace Street church, Richmond, Va., April 6-7. The women of the city are cordially invited to attend the meetings at 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. The evening meetings at 8 p. m. will be adJ ?l ? J 1 * - meoaeu uy guuu speakers, ana a general invitation is extended to these services. Elizabeth Call, Sec. Richmond: ^The visit of Dr. Howard Agnew Johnston to Union Theological Seminary has given our people the opportunity to share in the profit and pleasure of a series of lectures of high order. In addition to the lectures in the afternoons in the seminary chapel, Dr. Johnston delivered at nfght, five lectures in the First church, to assemblies that grew steadily to the end. He also preached in the First church, Sabbath, March 14, and spoke in the afternoon at tKa V If n 4 J ~ J - -x ? .. . c x. iu. v^. iiuu uuc.iessea me students at Richmond College and Westminster School for Girls. On Sunday, March 21, the annual mass meeting of the Huguenot Evangelical Society was held in the Second Church when Rev. Wallace T. Palmer, D. D., of Lynchburg, addressed the meeting. ?First Church: On Sunday morning, March 14, a memorial tablet to Mr. Robert Whittet was unveiled. Mr. Whlttet was elected to the eldership in this church in 1S75, and served in this capacity actively until his death a few months ago. He was for many years the superintendent of the Sunday School, and it is fitting that his noble life and work should be commemorated by thl3 tablet erected in the sacred place which he loved. ?Third Church: On Sunday, March 14, the congregation of this church decided to contribute three hundred dollars a VO O n n JJLl 1 * X ? X*. * - ^ ~~ . vol auuiuuiiai 10 me pastor, Kfiv. K. HJ. Eggleston, for his comfort and encouragement in the work he is doing as a contingent fund to be used at his discretion. This resulted from a resolution adopted by the session, concurred in by the deacons and placed before the con HE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOI gregation, after the morning service. Would it not be a wonderful help to the work of Christ if other churches should follow this example? There were fiftytwo present at the gathering of the Brotherhood's Bible class on Sunday. This class, which numbers about fiftyfive, is the largest Brotherhood class of the Presbyterian churches in the city. ?An Impressive and largely attended communion service was held in the Church of the Cnvpnnnt SnnHav \lari>h 14. This is the first communion to be celebrated in our church with the individual service. The session has carefully and prayerfully investigated the use of these services, and in adopting it for use in our church, they feel that they have taken a step which will heartily commend itself to the congregation. The service is not adopted because it will expedite the serving of the communion, or to in any way make an impression that will detract from its solemnity and sacredness. The plan commends Itself to the session as being neat, convenient and easily handled, and in addition there are strong medical reasons for its use. In a letter to the pas uu, uuc ui uui uicuiucis, L?r. n. o. macLean, says: "I have long felt that the change would be a wise one for many ieasons, and, from my standpoint, particularly upon hygienic and sanitary grounds. It is not necessary to parlf' cularlze upon these latter, as they win readily occur to you or any otner person giving the matter a moment's thought. I congratulate you and the session on the change." Norfolk: Visiting ministers announced to preach in the Norfolk churches, Sunday, March 14, were President H. Tucker Graham, of Hampden-Sidney College, at the Park Place church; Dr. Theron H. Rice, of Union Theological Seminary, at the Ghent church, and Rev. M. B. Porter, of the Virginia Bible Society, at the Park Avenue church. Norfolk Presbytery, Accomack: Rev. O. W. Carmichael, of Georgia, attending a post-graduate course at Princeton, preached at Makemie Sunday, March 14, Clark chapel 3:30 p. m. and Onancock S p. m.; the first services at these churches in several months. They having been without a pastor since the resignation of Rev. P. B. Henderlite in February of last year. Mr. Carmichael preached three fine, logical sermons to the delight and edification of each congregation, which apparently rejoiced at the pleasure afforded them of hearing the Gospel again declared in their own homes. A unanimous call has been extended to Mr. Carmichael to become the pastor and take charge of this field at the close of the session at Princeton in May. Here is a field in which a young, energetic man may gather much fruit for his Master's kingdom, a very intelligent community, a desirable place to live, with congregations always yielding their pastors cordial and hearty support and zealous of their obligations from a substantial standpoint. R. Newport News: A series of historical sermons have been preached by the pastor Rev. E. T. Wellford, on Sunday evenings of the passing winter. "The Footprints of God upon the Highways of the JTH. 23 Nations.'' In March he has spoken of the Church History of Scotland and Ireland, and completed the whole series by discourses on England and America. There have been large and appreciative congregations. The Westminster Bible class, Mr. Wrn. J. Hughes, teacher, will have a social hour for men on Thursday evening, March 25, in the lecture room, looking to a federation of all the men's Bible classes in the city. Mr. Wellford, Mr. D. W. H. Crane and Judge Barhain will lead the discussions. Roanoke Presbytery: The Moderator has issued a call for a special meeting to be held in Danville, Va., First Presbyterian church, March 26, at 12 m., to hear and act upon a request of Rev. V. R. Gaston for the dissolution of the pastorafl relation with Chatham church, and his dismission to Presbytery of Norfolk. Representatives attending the stated meeting on April 6 will be met at Chatham, Va. Rev. A. J. Porter wants a full attendance. WEST VIRGINIA.. Beckley: The Presbyterians" in this community have never been strong in numbers, and not until the past two or three years have they been able to have a regular minister, and now the minister gives but half of his time to the Beckley church. We have been without a building and have been accepting the hospitality of the Baptist and Methodist churches, using their buildings for our services wnen xney were not occupying them. About a year ago we began working for a building, and since that timo all have thrown energy into the work. Now we have a nice red pressed brick building completed, and the pews and other church furniture promised to us by April 12. And as soon thereafter as possible we hope to dedicate the church. Without a building we have been growing some, and now that we are to have our own building we are expecting to come right to the front. W. S. Patterson, Pastor. PEP SO NAI Q Rev. W. P. Chedester, changes his address from Brevard, N. C. to Franklin, N. C. Rev. W. A. Cleveland, of Cartersville, Ga., has been invited to preach at Steele Creek Church, N. C. Rev H. R. Borthwick, of Pineville, N. C., has been called to Waxhaw, N. C. Rev. G. A. Blackburn, of Columbia, S. C., has been spending some time in Florida recuperating. Rev. Chas. M. Richards, D. D., of Davidson, N. C., will preach the baccalaureate sermon of the Statesville Female College, May 16 Rev. C. R. Nisbe*, of Nashville, Tenn., has been on a visit among his former peoplq of the Westminster church in Atlanta. He has had a warm welcome. Rev. R. G- N PUiCArviA A# ? ui ?iunict:auuivr Tenn.. has -been called to the Tatnall Square Church In Macon, Oa. We understand that he accepts the call. Rev. D. H. Scanlon, Ph. D.f of Montreat, N. C., will preach the baccalaureate sermon of the State College at Shepardstown, W. Va., on June 13.