The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, March 24, 1909, Page 29, Image 31

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March 24, 1909. T Mail or Bring Us Your Savings AND GET 3 1-2 Per Cent Per Annum On deposits from $1.00 up Whitney-Central Trust & Savings Bank 621 GRAVIER STREET. I NEW ORLEANS, LA. Geo. E. Egdorf Practical Painter and Decorator. 2231 Constance St. New Orleans Phone Uptown 2396-L. Contractors' and Dealers' Exchange, Telephone Main 327. Estimates Cheerfully Given. W. T. Hardie Wm. F. Hardle Robt. T. Hardie Ebem Hardle Wm. T. Hardie & Co. COTTON FACTO.RS AND COMMISSION MPBruiWT# 983 Qrayier Street, cor. Dryadss, NEW ORLEANS, LA. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY 311 N. 25th 8treet, Richmond. PHONE <92. Work Guaranteed to t * %at'*4aetory. TRY U*l RICHMOND, VA. IOOLbs.SUOARXE:rS2.98 For $2 08 we will ship you 100 lb., be*! m tern granulated sugar with tha below named goods. We are making this special offer to get our high grado groceries introduced In as inauy homos as possible in the next 30 days. Send no money if yon wish us to we will ship the entire lot of goods to your city with the privilege of seeing everything before paying your freight agent $14 98 and if not found in every way as represented they can be returned to us and we will pay all charges. Freight paid?Our SO day free trial after. If the full amount of cash is sent with the order we will pay freight charges to any City Fast of the Rocky Mountains, also give you the following 80 days free trial offer, take the goods home use them and if you findauyof them that are not entirely satisfactory at the end of 30 days return them to us and we will gladly refund you your money. Order Teday. Merchants Onr Friee Friee 100 lbs. Suear l>e?t granulated ? SfilO 42 M 3 " Soda A A H Brand or our own 30 .10 3 " Corn Starch B*v t Quality 30 ^10 1 " Pepper Pure Ground In Tin Can 40 .23 1 " Cinnamon " " " " AO .39 10 Coffee Pure Java A Mocha Roasted 4.00 2.80 3 " Tea Choice Gun Powder or Japan.... 2.40 150 2 " Tea Breakfast or Oolong. 1.60* 1.00 6 " Baking Powder Prieoe or our own 2.50 1.75 4 Ox. Extract P.ire Vanilla 60 .35 4 Ox. " ** Lemon 50 .30 15 Bart Castile ? Tar Soap Grand P. or our own-. 1.60 .98 80 Bar* Laundry Soap Old Country or our own 1.50 .98 3 1 be Finest Shreded Cocoanut 1.20 .63 2" Chocolate Bakera or our own *..... 1.U0 .70 6" Rolled Oate Quaker 25 .10 6 Pack ayes Yeast Foam .. .25 .10 Free Grocery Met II erekeeta Price,$25 ro $14.98 Cletkleg. Dry Ccede, Paiaft Oer Price 14 98 A Millinery, Etc., Catalogue*. Year Heviafe .$10.03 Deering Mercantile Co.v 4-eo Wekaak Ave. Chicago, III. Dept. 424. ? HE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU meet his taste for. Sunday school and prayer meeting. Mr. E. O. Excell, the gospel singer and composer, has assisted in the perfecting of this collection of gospel songs, using some of his own uplifting hymns, among them being the celebrated Glory Song. We are much pleased with the book. It is good. The price is low. In manila cover it is $1.80 per dozen; in cloth, $2.50 per dozen. It is for sale by the American Baptist Publication Society, No. 37 S. Pryor St., Atlanta. Songs Worth While: D. C. John. D. D., editor, author and editor of the Guiding omr, i iie uorona, The Evangel, etc., published by John & Edwards, Omaha, Neb. Designed especially for Sunday schools, Young People's societies, etc. One copy by mail, 35c; 12 copies, not prepaid, $3.60. Alexander's Gospel Songs: Compiled by Charles M. Alexander and used with so much success in the Chapman-Alexander meetings. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York, publishers. Some Reminiscences of Persons and Incidents of the Civil War: By Major J*. W. Ratchford, assistant adjutant general in the Confederate army. Price, 25c; printed and for sale by Whittet and Shepperson, Richmond, Va. mu ? ? * ? i uestj neminiscences are both Interesting and instructive, and much effort ought to be made to keep alive and perpetuate the memory of these heroic events. "Day Unto Day." By George Mathewson, D. D., 18 mo. 5 cents. Feming H. Revell Company, New York. This is a group of devotional readings. It consists of choice texts for each day of the year and a prayer suggested by and appropriate to the text. It will be found valuable or a help to a devotional meditation and a guide to our petitions. "The Sailors' Magazine and Seamen's Friend" for the year ending December 1908, is the eightieth volume of that interesting monthly. It comes to us finely bound. In leather back and corners, and makes a neat addtion to the libary. Th'e Cornell University Register of 1908-09, just issued, gives the total number of students as 5,000, or 3,888 not counting the summer matriculates. The Increase in the Academic Department for the year is 253, or 446 for the last two years. The students come from all the states, and 153 are from foreign countries. China having 32, Japan 10, and India 6. The faculty numbers 566 members. The charge for tuition is $100 in the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Law, $125 in the College of Architecture, $150 in the College of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and in the College of Medicine. Only graduates of an approved college or scientific school can enter the Medical ahAAl tr 1 * DV.UUU1. . r i caumeu ana sopnomores aro required to consult a member of the faculty in making out their courses of study, and Juniors must choose one of twelve groups of studies. The university library contains 353,000 volumes and 53.000 pamphlets. Christianity is a life supernaturally bestowed, supernaturally sustained, supeernaturaily consummated. ' ' 4 4 TH. 29 University Virginia Summtr School For High School Teachers, Principals. Coll ore Teachers, aud thoseprepariar (or Entrance Requirements. Larr* (acuity. Credits riven. Mountain climate. Session June Hth?July 8ist. Write (or announcement to Director Summer School. C. A. ALDERMAN. President. University. Virrfnia. FREE To Teachers and School Committeemem: Our thirty-two pace educational pocket calendar and memorandum motebook. Send postal card request, stating location of school. SOUTHERN EDUCATIONAL BUREAU, Raleigh, North Carolina. DEWBERRY SCHOOL AGENCY. This Agency was established im ltM and for many years has ssstsB teachers and schools in all parts ef the South and Southwest. Schools dantnng teachers, or teachers desiring positions should address R. A. Clayton, Manager, Birmingham, Ala. Statesville Female Colleae _ m ~ Able faculty; thorough course*; large attendance; modern equipment; a delightful Home School. Board and tuition and all Fees for the nine months, $152.00. Send for catalogue. REV. J. A. SCOTT, D.D., Statesvllle, N. C. HOME JNSTITUTE 1440 TO 1446 CAMP STRBBT. NEW 0RLEAN8, LA. YOUNG LADIE8' DAY AND BOARDINQ SCHOOL. Twenty-sixth term. Latest Methods la all departments. Term commences OCTOBER 1, 1908. Complete coarse. Kperlenced teachers. Special Classes la Normal and Business Courses, for setalogue, address MISS S. B. WRIGHT, Principal. The Uw School EES NASHVILLE, TENN. Three years' course leading to the degree ot LL.B. ? For catalogue or special Information, address ALLEN O. HALL, LL.D., Chairman of the Faculty. I AM NOW PHEPARED TO DO YOUH SEASON'S SHOPPING. Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNS, or WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get my sample! and estimates before yon decide with whom you will place your order. With my knowledge of eorrect styles, combined wim uuie ana gooa judgment, and tie personal Interest I take In every order, I am sure I can please you. I guarantee perfect fit and satisfaction. MRS. CHARLE8 ELLISON, Leuisvllle. Ky.