The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, March 31, 1909, Page 28, Image 28

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3# Tl jELL-0 FOR DESSERT Can be Prepared Instantly. Simply add ^3?^ and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Chocolate, Cherry, ?"FH'?v?:u ii > Pure Food Commissioners. 10c. per package At all grocers. Recipe Book Free, on request The Genesee Pure Food Co.. Le Roy, N. Y. Rufus J. Paddock ATTO R N EY-AT-LA W. 204 Camp 8treet. Room 405. Special Attention to Collections. P. O. Box 731. New Orleans, La. ntfereace: Presbyterian ot the Sonth. C D P C TMihamliomelOOOfiWRino iv Ci ?f our buuiplca. u>d - . r ~~?. ?,qrc uoitn to mill ? ailnu. iiUwiirlllUlMUBmmm^iirt^ GRAND GOODS SPEC.TY CO. Hoosic Falls, N. Y. Every Church Should Use Individtie.! Communion Cups. Our "Self-Collectiiig"Trav is the best, ai.d saves one-fourth cost of other systems. Will jfeyygtlait send outfit lor freetrial to any MtklsnjMV church before purchasing. K. AAA , 1 u,wv vumvucD unc Thomas Communion Service Co. Box 1*0 Llot, Ohio the: best ss wf use of the individual connuN/dn service has m. cheaseo the attendance at the lopo 5 supper in thousands ii i *"ii , of churches. it will oo so fob [ twstfwhcit-i roup chupch seho fobillusi wyj jlh.ilg' thatco afflct list INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO. I ? I Addreu Dept. I 37 S. Pry or St., AtUata, Ca. I l""""" SS. COMMENTARY ft" " ?'< ** I FOR 1909. SELF-PRONOUNCING Edition K 1 on Lessons unci Text fot the whole ? uSSr a year, with right-to-the-polnt practical J umaiuir | HELPS and Spiritual Explanations. S amaii in size out Large in suggestion and Fact. Dally Bible Readings for 1909.also Topics of Christian Endeavor Society. Pledge, etc. Red Cloth 25c. Morocco 85c, j KSKH Interleaved for Notes 50c. postpaid. 122AA Stamps Taken. Agents Wanted. Address SB^GEO. W NOBLE, Lakeside Bldg.Chicago CHURCH WINDOWS Send for Illustrated Catalogue Jacoby Art Glass Co.,st- MoDept. 4S. Ohio and St Vincent I'M. BELLS. Steel A'loy Church and School Bells, yysend for Oataloffue The C.8. RKI.L CO., HII labor?, o IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' " " Temperance THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC. By Governor Hanly, of Indiana. Personally. I have seen so much of the evils of the traffic in the last four years, so much of its economic was/e. so much of its physical ruin, so much of its mental blight, so much of its tears and heartache, that I have come to regard the business as one that must be held and controlled by strong and effective laws. I bear 110 malice toward those engaged in the business, but I hate the traffic. I hate its every phase. 1 hate it for its intolerance, l.hate it for its arrogance. I hate it for its-hypocrisy. 1 hate it for its cant and craft and false pretenses. I hate it for its commercialism. I hate it for its greed and avarice. I hate it for its sordid love of gain at any price. I hate it for its domination in politics. I hate it for its corrupting influence in civic affairs. I hate it for its incessant effort to bauch the suffrage of the country; for the cowards it makes of public men. I hate it for its utter disregard of law. I hate it for its ruthless trampling of the solemn compacts of state constitutions. I hate it for the load it straps to labor's back; for the palsied hands it gives to toil; for its wounds to genius; for the tragedies of its might-have-beens. I hate it for the human wrecks it has caused. I hate it for the almshouses it peoples; for the prisons it fills; for th& insanity it begets; for its countless graves in potter's fields. I hate it fo: the mental ruin it imposes upon its victims; for its spiritual blight; for its moral degradation. I hate it for the crimes it has committed. I hate it for the homes it has destroyed. I hate it for the hearts it has broken. I hate it for the malice it has planted In the hearts of men; for its poison, for its bitterness. I hate it for the grief it causes womanhood?the scalding tears, the hopes do it-rrt-u, me strangled aspirations, us burden of want and care. I hale it for its heartless cruelty to the aged, the infirm and the helpless; for the shadow it throws upon the lives of children; for its monstrous injustice to blameless little ones. I hate it as virtue hates vice, as truth hate3 error, as righteousness hates sin, as justice hates wrong, as liberty hates tyranny, as freedom hates oppression. CHAMBERLAIN ON LIQUOR TRAFFIC. "No statistics are needed to shov our people that temperance reform lies at the bottom of political, social and moral progress of England. Drink is the curso of the country; it ruins the fortunes, it I injures the health, it destroys the lives ' of one out of every twenty of our population. If I could destroy tomorrow the cteslro for strong drink in the people of England, what changes should we s'ee! We should see our taxes reduced by millions sterling; we should see our jails and work-houses empty; we should se*:> more lives saved in twelve months than aie consumed in a centOry of bitter and savage war." TH. March 31, 1909. h wnetner it De a Burn, Bruise or Scald? DR. TICHENOR'S ANTISEPTIC affords instant relief. Its cooling effect prevents congestion and*the antiseptic qualities prevent swelling, blistering and superation afterwards. "It draws the fetter"?you cannot afford to be without it at home. All druggists 25 ar d 50 cts. A. B. Griswold & Co., Ltd Jewelers and Silversmiths Our stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Diamoads and Precious Stones, Watchee, Novelties In Gold and Silver, la the largest and handsomest we have ever shown. Everything New, Fresh, Attractive. Write for our Book of Suggestions. A. B. GRISWOLD & CO., Ltd. Established 1817. 723 Canal 8treet, NEW ORLEANS. F. Johnson 6 Son Company LIMITED. UNDERTAKERS AND FURNISHERS OF FINE FUNERAL FURNITURE. 800 Mag&sine Street, corner Julia, or 4 Washington and Prytanla Streets Both 'Phones 897. NEW ORLEANS. LA. I C. J. Macmurdo, Jr. E. R. Gregory. MacmurdoO Gregory GENERAL IN8URANCE. OMm No. 914 HennerT Building. P? Uaio A At t M ?-? - ? ^ naiu 1HX. now urie&DS, LA. Fir#, Life, Accident, Liability, Boiler, Plate Alaee, Indemnity, Burslary, Tornado. NEW ORLEAN8. LA.