The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, March 31, 1909, Page 33, Image 33

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March 31, 1909. T] Story Corner The principal owners in a new Nevada mining-camp were an Irishman and a Jew, and, as a compliment to these leading citizens, the camp left to thein the bestowal of a suitable name upon the new community. The Irishman stood out for a name that should suggest his native isle, while the Jew was just as insistent for a name suggestive of the chosen people. The rest of the camp finally insisted that there should be a compromise. So the new camp was called "Tipperusalem."?Lippincott's Magazine. Captain Foretopp tells a story of a noted divine who was on his steamer when a great gale overtook them. "It looks pretty bad," said the bishop to Che captain. "Couldn't be much worse, bishop," replied Foretopp. Half an hour later the steamer was leaking like an old door. "Looks worse, I think, captain," said the bishop. "We must trust in Providence now, bishop," answered Foretopp. "Oh, I hope it has not come to that," gasped the bishop. On her w?v home from morning service. says a writer in the New York Press, Mrs. Scott complained to the friend, who had Joined her, of the exceeding dulness of the sermon. "Yes, mamma, but it was verv chean\" little .Tnhnnv lma. tened to say. "You only paid a dime fc?' It.'' "Walter." said a traveler in a railroad restaurant, "did you say 1 had twenty minutes to wait, or that it was twenty minutes to eight?" "Nayther. Oi said ye had twinty minutes to ate, an' thot's a1', ye did have. Yer train's just gone."?Everybody's Magazine One day a raid was reported, in which the Confederates had 'captured a flumbar of mules and a major general. "How unfortunate," said Lincoln. "Those mules cost $200 apiece." The Lancet says that golf is a dangerous game for persons having nervous depression, or inclined to be irritable. This must be sound medical judgment. We know a minister who sought recuperation through this game, and took hi3 little five-year-old daughter one day to caddy for him. On her return she said to her mother confidentially: "I don't think it's good for papa to play golf. I'm' sure I heard him say 'devil' three times.'* A remarkable case of healing by a gort of Emmanuel movement was cited the other dqy by a Boston physician. iic- nam mm. ui. neir wnicneii gave one of the current volumes on psychotherapy to a young lady afflicted with hysteria, told her to study it and learn to cure herself. About two weeks later he received a note front her saying: "That book Is a prize. The other day '1 had an attack of the old sort?laughing and crying together?and the trouble was brought to an end in two minutes, simply by the use of the book. Mamma spanked me with it." 1 HE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTI Silliman Colleg CLINTON, L< Ad endowed school for (Iris, under Presbyterian co Handsome, roomy buildings, beautiful, well-shaded necessary equipment. Scientific and Classical'coura Music, Art, Expression, Physical Culture. Board an students for $146.SO. Next session begins September Por catalogues and Information, address the Prt $196.00 Mill FREE The original saw mill giving two motions from one < engine guaranteed to cut 8000 ft. board lumber In ten hoi proportion. Friction si t works and rcceder. Triplex st Steel spreader wheel, screw saw guide. J. A. Hodges. Oaky, On., is now using first DeLoach 1 ago) and says still doing good work. Send for catalog of the celebrated De Loach line of 8a Mills, Planers, Water Wheels, Corn Mills, Engines. Boll Agents wanted In every county. Dttowli Mill Mfg. Co., EXCURSION FARES TO BIRMI Vli CENTRAL OF GEORGIA R, Account National Dental Assoclatioi tickets will be on sale March 27, 28, 29, am niingham before 1 p. m., March 30, 1909. . niingham returning up to and including, 4, 1909. For further information in regard to service, etc., apply to nearest ticket ag< BOT/ BLOOD BAL PURIFIES AND STRENi B. B. B. kills all poison in the blood, making it healthy. cr B. B. B. stops the itching of eczema, cures pimples. " ^ 13. B. B. heals old sores, ulcers, scrofula. B. B. B. cures rheumatism with bone of pains. pi B. B. B. is the greatest, most perfect Tested and tried for over 27 years. Has cases of Blood and Skin Diseases after C failed. B. B. B. not only heals and cures Postules, Eczema, Boils, but B. B. B. rebuil blood pure and rich. B. B. B. nourishes the nerves, relievei B. B. B. makes the flesh healthy, wi with the ruddy hue of pure, rich blood. Druggists, $1 per Large Bottle, with BOTANIC BLOOD BALM (B. B. B.) is Botanic ingredients. 8AMPLE SENT FREE by writing to When writing for sample give name of j medical advice given in sealed envelope. A * 33 ;iate Institute 3UISIANA introl. Healthful location In the hill country, grounds. Electric lights. Steam Heat. AH m leading to degrees. Special advantages ta id tuition for entire session given tvency-flvs 18. UN. aidant. H. H. BROWNLEE, Clinton, Louisiana. can ofTer an Improve- 4 OACM SAW MILL. j ~7 \ llac, Four horse-power fj in*, and lurp r sixes In If eel does, diamond track. ^^B ever-made OS years ,w Mills, Edirers. ahtnplo ers and Gasoline Eglnes. Box 777, Brldu*#ort. Ala. v NGHAM, ALA., AND RETURN AILWAY COMPANY. a, March 30-April 2, 1909. Excursion i for trains scheduled to arrive BirTickets will be good to leave 3lrbut not later than, midnight of April i total fares, schedules, sleeping car jnt. LNir 11^1 M (B. B. B.) GTHENS THE BLOOD B. B. B. heals all burning, scaly, ustod and pimply skin. B. B. B. cures every form of blood imor and eating sores. B. B. B. does away with every form skin eruptions by sending a flood of . ire, rich blood to the skin surface. Blood Remedy ever compounded, cured thousands of old, stubborn loctors and every known remedy all Ulcers, Pimples, Sores, Swellings, ds the whole body by making the s prostration and aids digestion, th clear eyes and clean, pure skin, complete directions. pleasant to take; composed of pure BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. four trouble, if you know, and special