The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, April 07, 1909, Page 28, Image 28

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*8 Th A Jell-0 Dessert t JELL-0 MARSHMALLOW. Dissolve one package Lemon Jkll-O in one pint boiling water. Just as it begins to stiffen, drop two dozen white marshmallows into the Jele-O. Pour in a mould and when firm decorate with marshmallows and serve with whipped cream. Jell-O is made in seven delightful flavors. Each costs 10 cents and makes dessert for six persons. All grocers sell it. illustrated Recipe Book. free. The Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y. Rufus J. Paddock ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, MH Camp 8treet. Roam 4#6. i pecl&l Attention to Collections. P. O. Box 731. New Orleans, La. Aaterence: Presbyterian of the South. c K3 C B? Tht?han4sorac1M0!Thot Sine Vx EL Ei V Sbooluteij Irw to i.; L> / Rl f sOBM?Vy*y^\/o? 45 t?U fw ore y V X jn)i% of our Samples, and jSjVBv'^r^ K'TC ?* * ,c" boar* tr*t?"cgTrTt'c-f,' r Tu^ prattles. and Is ?oro deatB to jmiU (Haudiui, Address wtth4gor.iits, mays W Mwocjford^y GRAND GOODS SPEC.TY CO. Hoosic Falls, N. Y. HELPS FOR STUDY AND WORK. . * * Compiled by REV. HAROLD F. SAYLES. "BOO BIBLE STUDIES." short outlines. "600 SCRIPTURE ANECDOTES," short and sharp. Either of the above in Llinp Cloth, 25c each. "TRUTH FOR SOWER AND SEEKER." for |H>rsonnl work, 128 pages, 73 subjects alphabetically arranged, three styles of binding: Manila, 15c, Cloth, 25c, Leather, 35c, postpaid. Vest Pocket size. Sent on approval; may return If not satisfactory. EVANGELICAL PUB. CO.. Lakeside Bldg., Chicago _ . GET ONE Jfi & of our patented bush /in ."rb T/xr*,, pullers to do your illgrubbing. One man f with this machine ktf can do the work of BpT A & men. The greatest W ^ X> 'C_N\ labor aavepof the age GREAT >C.".?O0LFACO1_ LM ?\ I ADOD X>A| wnoieeen ?n?i?nr?r? 0 LABOR F?- SAVER W Vathiiigtoi, I.C. BBZSft BOOK OF PRAYERS r^iYrnJ' Complete Manual of several hundred 1 .L.Liai terge^ pointed, appropriate Prayers for rvS!!?At use ,n Church, Prayer Meetings. Young lnr?!ums| People's Society, Sunday Schools, Mis* >aSSSSn< slonary, Grace and Sentence Prayers. Sgraft' Question of How and What to Pray In dUQasttK Public fully covered by model, snzWUAMl Restive and devont Prayers. Vest Pkt. IFEKiMt size. 128 pages, Cloth 2oc, Morocco 3.?r, fcjPajc postpaid; stamps Pi ken; Aets Wnnted, > GEO. W. NOBLE, Lakeside Bldg, Chicago CHURCH WINDOWS Send for Illustrated Catalogue Jacoby Art Glass Co., st-Loui>- MoDept. 4L Ohio and SL Vincent Aves. BELLS. Steol Alloy Church and School Bella. np-Sond for UUalocua. The C. 8. BELL CO., HlUaber* , o I r v IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU Temperance A FEDERAL JUDGE'S OPINION. Hon. E. D. Saunders, who until recently graced the Federal bench, utters this testimony concerning the "Business Men's League'' in New Orleans and its effort to restore horse racing and to resist prohibition: "I notice among the gentlemen whose names are published as members of thi3 league, a number of bankers, merchants and business men. Every one of these f men know that if he had an employe in a position of trust, and if he found that that employe spent his spare time in attending the race tracks, and in betting through the books, French pools, auction pools, or other devices for the encouragement, promoting, aiding and as sisting of gambling on the race tracks, he would immediately dismiss that employe. He would not inquire of him whether he was successful, or whether he lost money. It would be enough that he knew that the employe was gombling on horse races. That alone would insure his instant dismissal. There is not one of these gentlemen who has a son fifteen to twenty years old, who would not be I distressed to learn that that son was attending the race track and participating in the operation of devices for encouraging, promoting, aiding and assisting gambling on horse races. There is not a father among them who would not earnestly and imploringly urge his son to Keep away rrom the races, and yet these same men are willing to spend their time, and money, and energy in establishing among us those very schemes and devices for the encouragement, promotion, aiding and assisting of gambling from any connection with which they would so eagerly screen their own children. "If this is business?if this is the business which the Business Men's League of New Orleans recommends to us?then I would say. rather let New Orleans uer ish than flourish by such business." MR. DOOLEY AND TEMPERANCE. Mr. Dooley, the well-known writer, whose words on a great variety of subjects have attracted wide attention for many years, said recently, in regard to what temperance people have already done, that they have made whisky "wrong to drink and hard to get." This is the gist of it. Moral instruction has emphasized the wrong of it, and legislation in many forms has made the purchase of it difficult in many States and counties and towns. It is hardly to be expected that temperance will be a perfect success, so long as honesty and truthfulness and purity and decency are failures in the lives and homes of so many people. However, progress is being made in all these lines, and for the time being we are glad if we are making I whisky and other poisonous drinks "wrong to drink and hard to get."? Herald and Presbyter. Keep the eye of faith fixed on the Immense power and Infinite wisdom of God, with whom northing Is either impossible or difficult.?Lawrence Scupoll. TH. ' April 7, 1909. on , ml I It's not always . g ' temper? I 1 That causes a horse to balk. It may be a Sore 7 Shoulder, a Bruise or a r Strain?maybe Colic or Bots. Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic cures all of these trniihlet I AT ALL DRUGGISTS L U 23 and 30 Cents Also in quait bottles. WW ' ? & A. B. Grisweld 6 Co., Ltd Jewelers and Silversmiths Our stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Diamonds and Precious Steaes, Watckes, Novelties la Gold aad Silver, is tke larg est am4 handsomest we have ever shown. Everything New, Fresh, Attractive. Write for our Book of Suggestions. A. B. GRISWOLD A CO., Ltd. Established 1117. 723 Canal Street, NEW ORLEANS. F. Johnson G Son Company LIMITED. UNDERTAKERS AND FURNISHERS OF FINE FUNERAL FURNITURE. 100 Mlimll* (>nrnftr lull* ord Washington and Prytania Street*. Both 'Phones 497. NEW ORLEAN8, LA. O. J. Macmurdo, Jr. E. R. Gregory. Macmurdo & Gregory GENERAL INSURANCE. Office Ne. ?14 Hennen Building. A Phone Main 4411. New Orleans, La. Fire, Life, Accident, Liability, Boiler, Plato GUajm, Iadamalty, Barslary, Tarnado. NEW ORLEANS, LA.