The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, April 07, 1909, Page 29, Image 29

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April 7, 1909. Tl Don't Wear \ Tpik? ' m mm. mu After Thirty Years Experience I Have Made A New Discovery For Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture. Costs You Nothing To Try It. If you have tried most everything else, come to me. Where others fail i* where I have my greatest success. Send at'ached coupon to-day and I will send you free my book on Rupture and its cure, showing my new discovery and giving you pi ices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It is instant relief when all others fail. Remember 1 use no salves, no harness. no lies. 1 send on trial to prove v hat I say is true. You are the judgo and once having seen my book and read it you will beasenthusiaslic as my hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below :.nd mail today. It's wel or not. FREE INFORMATION COUPON C. E. Brooks, 9989 Brooks Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mail in plain wrapper full information of your new discovery for the cure of rupture. Name Address City State?.: Mail or Bring Us Your Savings AND GET ?. 3 1-2 Per Cent Per Annum On deposits from $1.00 up Whitney-Central Trust & Savings Bank 621 GRAVIER STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Geo. E.Egdorf Practical Painter and Decorator. S2S1 Constance St. New Orleans. Phone Uptown 2396-L. Contractors' and Dealers' Exchange, Telephone Main 327. Estimates Cheerfully Qiven. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY 311 N. 25th 8tmet, Richmond. PHONE 92. Work Guaranteed to t ta*'??ictory. TRY U?? RICHMOND, VA. iE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' Household A DAINTY GIFT. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Oftentimes, one allows her thought to dwell upon a dear friend at a distance, who perhaps, is in need of a loving thought and it broadens out into a desire to send this friend a little token of remembrance. We need not wait until Christmas to send gifts of love, for almost every one is rich at that season, but the little manifestations of thoughts ill Deiween seasons, wnen inings are uun, are those that carry with them the most joy. A dainty, inexpensive gift for this .' friend and one which would appeal to every woman as well as being useful to her handkerchief box, is a "violet sachet." If one is familiar with the brush, this can be made at home within i a half hour. Select a small white envelope, paint in one corner, a spray of violets and write plainly or print in violet ink, making the capital letter of each word, of gilt,?these words: "I looked for something sweet to send you and the violets asked if they would do." Fill this little envelope with violet sachet and tie around it a lighter shade of violet ribbon, making a graceful bow. HOW TO KEEP ONE'S BUREAU DRAWER TIDY. Nearly every woman, without exception, loves to have her handkerchiefs, collars, ties, et cetera, and even her shirtwaists, fragrant with some delicate sachet. An easy way in which one can have her wish, is to take two pieces of cardboard, having each one, half * the '"n crl h nf t Vm (lrnuroi. for U'hioVl it is made and the width of same and cover them with sheet cotton scented with one's favorite sachet. Make a second covering of pretty silk or muslin. Sew on silk elastic to form loops, of the same color as the material with which the cardboard is covered, to hold such small articles as mentioned above. A rolled cardboard, also covered, is excellent for holding veils and a cardboard circle will keep one's" stiff linen collars in good condition. A girl can not possibly keep her bureau drawer untidy, if she will accept these suggestions. ? rnc i i t ouvtn run ?in unSIGHTLY TRUNK. If one has an ill used, unsightly old trunk which one has to keep in her bed room, this same unornamental article can be converted into an attractive, pleasing looking piece of furniture. First take the measurements of your trunk and make a cover to fit It out of some pretty flowered material, an old flowered dress may serve the purpose. Then, make a couple of sofa pillows and cover these with material which will blend color with the trunk covering. Do you not agree with me thai your trunk will be a more welcome room-mate after It Is dressed up like a lady, than when it looked woe begone and poverty stricken and gave the same atmosphere to your room? * 4 ra. 29 University Virginia Summer Sch. ol ^For High School Teachers, Principfcla. Teachers. and those preparing for Entrant* menta. Large faculty. Credits given. Mo climate. Session JuDe 18tli?July 81at. /"yjr announcement to Dirtctor Summer School, u E. A. ALDERMAN. President, Univenity, Virginia. FREE To Teachers and School Committeemen: Our thirty-two page educational pocket calendar and memorandum notebook. Send postal card request, stating location of school. SOUTHERN EDUCATIONAL BUREAU. Raleigh, North Carolina. ' DEWBERRY SCHOOL AGENCY. This Agency was established tn 1893 and for many years haa aei red teachers and schools in all Darta of the South and Southwest. Schools desiring teachers, or teachers desiring positions should address R. A. Clayton, Manager, Birmingham, Ala. Stafesville Female College Able faculty; thorough courses; large attendance; modern equipment; a delightful Home School. Board and tuition and all Fees fer the nine months, 5152.00. Send for catalogue. REV. J. A. SCQTT, D.D., Statesville, N. C. HOME INSTITUTE 1440 TO 144 CAMP STRBBT, NEW ORLEANS, LA. YOUNG LADIES' DAY AND BOARDING ar.Hftni Twenty-sixth term. Latest methods la all departments. Term commences OCTOBER 1, 1908. Complete coarse. Experienced teachers. Special Classes tm Normal and Business Courses. For catalogue, address MISS S. B. WRIGHT, Principal. The Law School NASHVILLE, TENN. Three years' course leading to the da gree of LL.B. ' For catalogue or SDecial information. id dress ALLEN O. HALL, LLD., Chairman of the Faculty. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUR SEASON'S SHOPPING. Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNS, er WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get my plea and estimatea before yon decide with whom you will place your order. With my knowledge of eorrect styles, combined with taste and good Judgment, and the personal Interest I take In every order, I am sure I can please you. I guarantee perfect fit and satisfaction. MRS. CHARLE8 ELLISON, Louisville. Ky.