The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, April 14, 1909, Page 26, Image 26

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26 , TH Presbyteries ATHENS PRESBYTERY. The Presbytery of Athens met wRh the Mizpah church March 30, at 8 p. m. The opening sermon was preached by the retiring moderator, Rev. J. D. McPhail, from Hab. 3: 2, "O Lord, revive thy work." Next Meeting: The stated time for the spring meeting of Presbytery was fixed as the Tuesday after the second Sabbath in April at 8 p. m. The Home Mission Committee was granted permission to employ Rev. E. M. Craig, of East Alabama Presbytery, as evangelist for this Presbytery: his work to begin about the first of May. Book of Church Order: Presbytery acted favorably upon the proposed change in the Book of Church Order, chapter 13, section 4. The Presbytery's answer to the General Assembly's question, "Shall any change be made in the Confession of Faith, chapter 10, section 3?" In view of the fact that this section does not teach, even by implication, that any infants dying in infancy are lost, on vuc wuuutuy, ji gives ine most Scriptural answer that has ever been given to the question, "How are such infants and other irresponsible persons saved?" it teaches not the damnation, but the salvation of infants dying in infancy; therefore, the Presbytery of Athens answers: Let there be no change made in the Confession of Faith. Systematic Beneficence: The report showed that substantial gains have been made over the previous year, especially as regards home and foreign missions. Calvin Celebration: The centennial 01 John Calvin's birth was celebrated on weanesaay afternoon. Very stimulating and interesting addresses were made. "Calvin, the Man," Rev. L. A. Simpson; "Calvin, the Theologian," Rev. H. F. Hoyt; "Calvin the Educator," Dr. Campbell, of the University of Georgia. Calls: Permission was granted the Clarksville church to prosecute the call for the pastoral services of Rev. K. L. Mclver, before the Phesbytery of Florida. The next session will be held with the Clarkesville church, October 1-2, 1909. J. D. McPhail, Acting S. C. PRESBYTERY OF AUGUSTA. Presbytery met at Sparta. Rev. E. M. Howerton was elected Moderator. The special feature of the meeting was the Calvin celebration. The addresses were as follows: Rev. J. B. Montgomery, Eatonton, "Life and Times of John Calvin;" Rev. D. W. Brannen, Mllledgeville, "Breadth of Calvinism;" Rev. J. T. Plunket, D. D., Augusta, "Influence of Calvinism on Morals, Missions and Liberty, Civil and Religious." Commissioners: Rev. D. N. Yarbro, of Montlcello, and W. B. Boswell, of Penfleld, principals; Dr. J. L. Martin, Waynesboro, and H. K. White, Sparta, alternates. Dr. W. R. Preston and J. R. Bachman presented the cause of the Atlant# hnani. tal, and the Presbytery gave its hearty endorsement and elected members of the board of trustees. Next meeting. Monticelio, In October. y E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU The people of Sparta gave the visitors a carriage drive to the Tenth District Agricultural College Friday afternoon. HOLSTON PRESBYTERY. The Presbytery of Holston met in the Morristown church, March 31. All the ministers were present, except two, and most of the churches were represented. The brethren were delighted to meet in the elegant new church building of the Morristown congregation, which is the best and mcst commodious church in the r-resoyiery. The .introductory sermon was preached by Rev. Frank McCutchan from Rev. 3: 12. Rev. S. R. Crockett, of the New Providence church, was made moderator, and Rev. James B. Converse was made temporary clerk. Mr. John A. Wood, of the Johnson City church, was examined and licensed as a probationer of the Gospel ministry. Weavers.?A church was reported as organized .at Weavers, and was enrolled as Weavers church. Telford.?A committee was appointed to organize a church at Telford, in Washington county. The following is the committee: Rev. J. G. McFerrin, D. D.; Rev. J. Albert Wallace, Rev. J. W. Hethorne, R. B. Devault, Ross Smitn and Dr. Moorelock. Commissioners.?Rev. F. L. Deeper, of Jefferson City, and Mr. J. R. Horgey, of Morristown, principals; C. C. Carson, of Bristol, Tenn., and D. O. Coil, of Jefferson City, alternates. King College.?A special meeting-was held in the interest of King College, and ddresses were made oy R. B. Smith, president of the college, and also by several other speakers. Much interest was manifest at the prospering condition ui me college. The Calvin Celebratk>n.?Addresses were made by Rev. E. C. Bingham, Rev. Geo. O. Bachman, Rev. James B. Converse, and Rev. J. P. Doggett, and Doctors Bingham and Bachman were requested to furnish the religious press with their ad-, dresses for publication. The Presbyterial sermon was preacaed by Dr. Carson on the "Perseverance of the Saints." The Presbytery will hold an adjourned meeting at Jonesboro, April 30, 2 p. m.. The Best Spr It is as easy to prove that Hood's cine as it is to say it. Ailments are blood ailment impoverished, devitalized condition of purifies, enriches and revitalizes the bl It is the most .effective of all blc There is Solid Foundation for this monials of radical and permanent curi years, this record being unparalleled ii Hood's Sa Cures all spring humors, all eruptions appetite, aids the digestion, relieves ths Begin taking Hood's Sarsaparilla form or in chocolated tablets known as 'TH. April 14, 1909. for the purpose of ordaining J. W. Hethorne to the full work of the Gospel ministry. The fall meeting will be held in the Rogersville Female College Wednesday, September 1, at 7:30 p. m., 1909. J. Albert Wallace, S. C. COLUMBIA PRESBYTERY. The spring meeting of Columbia Presbytery was held in the Presbyterian church of Cullcoka, Tenu., 011 March 30 and continuing until April 1. At the opening service the sermon was delivered by the retiring tn ?? * ...vuvmiui, ncv, j. jj. Wallace, from the text, Eph. 3: 10. Rev. F. D. Daniel was elected Moderator, and Mr. R. H. Hayes temporary clerk. Rev. R. L. Fulton, of the "S. W. P. U." made a strong plea for the support of that school by the Presbyterian people. Rev. A. S. Allen, of Nashville, presenteu in a very effective way the cause of the Monroe Harding Orphanage. Mr. W. C. Branham, of Spring Hill, addressed the Presbytery on the Laymen's Missionary Movement, making an earnest plea for a missionary committee in every church. Rev. G. H. Steen was dismissed to the Presbytery of Memphis. Rev. Dr. T. A. Wharton was released from the First churc'.i nf pninmki. ~-j wtuuii/ia, auu Dr. Wharton was dismissed to the Presbytery of Dallas. Presbytery took this action with much regret, and a committee appointed for that purpose brought in suitable resolutions, which were unanimously adopted. Dr. Wharton preached at the evening service on Wednesday, giving some very touching farewell words to his co-presbyters and friends. The communion was celebrated. The overture regarding rotary elderships was rejected. The request of the Assembly with reference to the elect Infant clause was voted on, Presbytery favoring a footnote stating the view that is held by the Church. The overture from the clerk of the Assembly requesting the aid of the Presbyteries in defraying the . ' expenses or speakers at the Calvin celebration, was voted on favorably. The usual reports were received, special Interest being manifested in the report of the Presbyterial pastor and that of the Sunday schoqj committee. P. L. Bruce, S. C. ing Medicine Sarsaparilla is the best spring medis?that is, they arise from an impure the blood; and Hood's Sarsaparilla ood as no other medicine does. >od medicines. claim, in the more than 40,000 testies by this medicine, received in two i medical history. irsaparilla i, clears the complexion, creates an it tired feeling, gives vigor and vim. , today. Get it in the usual liquid i Sarsatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar.