The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, April 14, 1909, Page 31, Image 31

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April 14, 1909. THE Books and Periodicals The Mission Girl of the Golden Age, by Odessa Strickland Payne and Lamar Strickland Payne; Interstate Printing Company, Atlanta, Ga., 1909. This book is the story of a conquest, the conquest of a life over disgrace and misfortune, and the using of that life for the welfare of others. In this way the heroine finds happiness and joy, after she had given up all hope of both. The scene is laid in both the east and the west, depicting both the life of the extremely wealthy and the life of the poor and suffering. There is a areat deal of stirring action, and some very surprising incidents. The pranks of the cyclone, and the sting of the intoxicating cup are strongly in evidence, and their character is presented with vividness. The tone of the book is uplifting. Order it from the "Golden Age Publishing Company." The Union Seminary Magazine, February-March, 1909. The "Two-Wine Theory" is ably, and we think conclusively, discussed by Dr. P. D. Stephenson. He defends the position of our church on this vexed question, and the article should be read throughout our church. which is some times troubled by the advocates of the use of a so-called unfermented wine in the communion; advocated principally without our church, unlearned in the Scriptures and of excessive zeal. Dr. W. L. Lingle writes ou "The Model Preacher." "The disapappointment of Paul," as to his preaching Christ "in Rome" also, is by Dr. P. P. Flournoy. Dr. C. R. Vaughan adds largely to the value of this number, by* his extended and scholarly study of the "Millennium and the Second Advent." These fine papers are from the vigorous pens of our own ministers, an illustration of their learning ability and soundness in the faith. They serve to prove the ereat value of the magazine. Bi-monthly, $1 a year; 25 cents a copy. Hymns of Worship and Service: The Century Co., New York, 1908. There are two editions of this very excellent work, one a chapel edition, and the other for general use. The chapel edition includes many of the best standard hymns, Interspersed with the best of the gospel songs. It is intended for prayer services, ypung people's meetings and chapel services in educational institutions. The larger book has a large and varied assortment of the most beautiful of both our old and new hymns, and is intended for general use, meetings all the needs of the modern church life, not just one aspect of it. The grounds of selection ?cre a carerui examination of the actual usage of the churches. The tunes have also been most carefully selected, the tune chosen for each hymn being the one most generally used in that connection. Bank of Branch**: 308 E. Broad 81* I - . . *1' PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU! ** 7 ?"< *; *. r*' * .' ? % ~r *"?T (,olgjedad||k BE,GlfiI222 I am going to give away at least onehundred-thousand pairs of the Dr. Haux famous "Perfect Vision-' Spectacles to genuine, bona-fide spectacle-wearers, in the next few weeks?on one easy, simple condition. I want you to thoroughly try them on your own eves, no matter how weak they may be, read the finest print in your bible with them on, thread the smallest eyed needle you can get hold of and put them to any test you like in your own home as long as you please. Then after you have become absolutely and positively convinced that they are really and truly the softest, clearest and best-fitting glasses you have ever had on your eyes and it they honestly make you see ]ust as well as you ctnuiu in your younger aaya you can keep them forever without a cent of pay and JP8T DO ME _A GOOD TURN by showing them around to your neighbors and friends and speak a good word for them everywhere, at every opportunity. Won't you help me introduce the wonderful Dr. Haux "Perfect Vision" 8pectacles in your locality on this easy, simple condition? It you are a genuine, bona-fide spectaclewearer (no children need apply) ana want to do me this favor, write me at once ai)d Just say: "Dear Doctor:?Mail me your Perfect Home Eye Tester, absolutely free of charge, also full particulars of your handsome 10-karat K0U??*U> Spectacle Offer," and address me personally and I will give your letter my own personal attention. Address:?Dr. Haux, (Personal), Haux Building, St. Louis, Mo. NOTK:?The above Is the largest Mail Order 8:>cc mcie nousc in me worm and Is perfectly reliable. Three Good Song Books For Sunday Schools, Revivals, Etc. PERFECT PRAISE, GOLDEN SONGS OF GLORY, SILVER TRUMPET. Each of these books contains 144 pages, and is in round and shaped notes. The words are spiritual; the music is sweet and flowing. Prices: Boards, 30c a copy, $3.00 a dozen; Muslin, 25c a copy, $2.75 a dozen, postpaid. Send 25c for sample copy. Address the Author and Publisher. JAMES *D. VAUGHAN, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. This ad may not appear again. SHOPPING BY AN EXPERT BUYER. Goods of every description, Personal and household. Trousseaus a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Guide for ladles visiting the city and accommodations secured. Highest references. MISS VIRGINIA JONES, Purchasing Agent, 103 West 81st Street, New York City. IT WILL HELP YOU to win "DRY" votes and promote CIVIC RIGHTEOUSNESS. "Our Distinguished Fellow-Citizen," by Hon. Carlton McCarthy, exMayor City of Richmond, Va. A valuable book of about 200 pages. A "live wire" ^ Cft- a f -J ii viii oiai i iu iiiiian. uut posipaia. moi over 10c in stamps accepted on each book. Money Order or Draft preferred. 8peciai rates on large orders. Potomac Publishing Co., Falls Church, Va. Richmond 1Mb and Main 8ta^ 2Mb and Brand Sta* I " " ,* . 1 . k ) ' * * 4 'H. 31 National ''A PDeD" lis H TO * matic I I 11=37?\ Water PfijT V Snpply fFor Country and Suburban Homes Gives all the advantages of a city water works, arid furnishes fire' protection, which reduces insurance rates. Systems furnished for use with hydraulic rams from spring or branch, or any kind of power pump from well. Capacity 140 gallons up. Send sketch of y^ur building similar to illustration, giving depth of well or fall to spring or branch, and we will estimate as to cost. HERE IS OUR GUARANTEE: You purchase a National Water Supp'y System, insta'l it according to directions furnished by us. operate it for ore year, and if at the end of that time you are not satisfied In every particular, you can return the system to ua, and we will pay the freight char res, and refund to you in cash every dollar you have paid us. Writd now while you think of it. The cost is small compared to the comfort it will give you. Address carefully as follows to Insure prompt attention: GRAHAM DAVIDSON & CO., 627-631 E. Main St., Richmond, Va. Bonds, and Fine BanlsInvestments. tng Connections, n J as ?? ? itaymona m. nudson attormcy-at-law Norfolk, Va. Practices in Supreme Court of the United States. And all Federal and State Courts and Departments. | 1,000 to 1,500 Shin* ^ij.reri.ourwitn V|BSr DeLOACH JACK SHINGLE MILL. 'Will cut shingles from elthersquaroor round blocks. The carriage Is mounted on 4-lnch rollers. Two changes of speed,?by pressing foot lever carriage goes forward; relieve the pressure, carriage returns with double speed of forward motion. The machine can easily be converted Into a llrst class bolter; will carry a 156-Inch saw. Write for a catalogue of the celebrated 1 DeLoach line ol Saw Mills, Gang Kdgers, Trimmers, Shingle Mills, lath Mills, Planers, Corn Mi ls, Water Wheels, Enrlnes, Boilers, and Gasoline Engines. Agen'.s wanted In every county. DcLoach Mill Manufacturing Co. Pox 777. BRIDGEPORT. ala. pth and Tlain Streets Your Account Soliolted 3 per cent Intoroot allowed In Itvliifi Deportment. Letilalana St and Wlltlamafcurg Avt