The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, April 14, 1909, Page 33, Image 33

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April 14, 1909. THE Educational OUR CANDIDATES. It seems opportune to call attention to the fact that of the total lt)6 candidates for the ministry who are attending college, 133. or 67 per cent, are in three colleges most closely connected with the Southern Presbyterian Church. According to recent statistics. Davidson has 62, Southwestern 40 (not including those in theological classes), and Austin 31 candidates enrolled this session. Of the remaining 63 Hampden Sidney has the largest number, 11; Alabama College for .Men, 8; Arkansas College, 6; Presby icrriuu v^unege 01 ooimi v.aruuna, u; | Washington and Lee, 6; Westminster, 3; and Central University, 3, the remainder being widely scattered. Estimating tuition, for which no charge is made, at $50, the mere financial value of the service rendered this year to the Church by Davidson, Southwestern, and Austin in educating candidates for the ministry, amounts to $6,650, which is six per cent on $110,000. The actual cost, however, of the education given, is far in excess of the fees ordinarily charged, perhaps four or five times as great. Here is surely strong reason why the Southern Presbyterian Church should see to it that her colleges have adequate endowment. William Dinwidtiie. Clarkesville, Tennessee. A W A KIN I IN G TO COLLEGES. Bishop Warren Candler utters no uncertain sound on the subject of the vearing of the General Education Board's relatipn to the colleges and universities of th? country, especially - the institutions of the South. He says: "It was not strange that many applications for aid came very quickly to the board from all sorts of schools. There was nothing on the surface to provoke distrust or to suggest ulterior purposes. It may not be doubted that there ore some members of the board itself who do net yet perceive what some others in the corporation really intend, and even those members of the board who are most resolute and definite in ..he purpose to capture and control the colleges ??i mi.* country (touniiess persuade tnemsolves that their purpose is entirely wise, pure, and patriotic. "But it is not safe for the educational institutions of the country to he under the virtual dominion of fifteen men, however pure they may imagine their intentions to be. It is such a concentration of power in the matter of highest interest of the nation as iio fifteen men, however wise and virtuous, can be trusted to exercise without abusing it to the furtheiance of their own views and interests. "If a college seeks and obtains these gratuities, with Rockefeller strings to them, it must consent to be guided by the rein with which these fifteen men will urive it. "For one. I venture to express the wish that the fewest humbef of our Southern ' colleges will ever be captured and con trolled by this 'General Board of Education.' " I - PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH \ ^ For >11 the tile and Aecidentt w Bj J" I to the Hunter or Fieherman?in % ' Silliman Collej CLINTON, L An endowed school for girls, nnder Presbyterian < Handsome, roomy buildings, beautiful, well-shade necessary equipment. Scientific and Clasalcal cou Music, Art, Expression, Physical Culture. Board i students for $146.00. Next session begins Qeptemtx For catalogues and Information, address the P I T^rm i v vnui vr from New One Way Colonists March I to April 3C SOUTHERN THROUGH TRJ OIL BURNING LOCOMOTIVES 1 PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS Rate Per Berth in Tourist Sleeper, N< Ask Your Agent for Informatioi D. ASBURY, Dlv. Pass. Agt., J. Lake Charles. A ? * ^ 4 r * ' 33 Bf~ hich come H Insect iternalljr (or bare \F?GUARDw?~!m 9K1 ?-?a? "||" - * - pare institute -OUISIANA control. Healthful location In the hill country, d grounds. Hlectrlc lights. Steam Heat, ah rses leading to degrees. Special advantages la and tuition for entire session given twenty-flv# sr 16, 1968. resident. H. H. BROWNLBB, Clinton, Louisiana. , irnJio? I Orleans ; Tickets on Sale I, 1909, inclusive f PACIFIC MN DAILY CHAIR CARS AND COACHE8 LIBERAL STOPOVERS iw Orleans to San Francisco, $5.75 11 and Literature, or Write H. R. PARSONS, Gen. Pass. AgL, New Orleans.