The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, April 14, 1909, Page 34, Image 34

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34. THE WANTS Readers of The Presbyterian of the South may use these columns for publishing their wants or wares. The charge will be 2 cents for each word, cash to accompany orders. WANTED: Position as teacher of Elocution and English. Full graduate with best of references and one and a half year's experience. Address "M". care Presbyterian of the South. Position for next year by a Presbyterian young lady of several years' experience; specialties, Latin, History, English. Address, Teacher, care this office. CENTRAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION, Paris, Ky., Miss Kate Edgar, Proprietor and Manager. Prompt and reliable information given presidents of colleges and superintendents of schools of teachers suitable for their vacancies. Send for circulars. For the Beet in Groceries and Table Delicacies Censult Hermann Schmidt S04-6-8 E. Broad SL, - Richmond, Vs. Don't break your Back # In sweeping up the dust. This dunt nan has a long handle and its edges fit the floor Jnfyf? 1 tightlv. No danger of spilling contents be- j cause It tills lack automatically when rais- M jrjr.1 ed. Will outlast to ordinary dust pans. (V ? WfT Sentnostpaid on receipt of 88c. stamps. / I Jr IB" FREE?A useful article will tie given (fee / I /I 1A to anv housewife for 5 minutes of her time. / Ml] Vrll Address fur particulars. A /wXJJUl SOUTHERN SUPPLY CO., Timberville, Miss. free to Housekeepers a J. We have just discovered a preparation - lMi that removes Ink andKust bU-itis from dff^ doihirp.fine llittnard??Mnn V IKffifc-lk table cloths, napkins andhindkerchlcls, fine laces and lace curtains?easily, quickly and injures the fabric In noway. J W> This wonderful preparation nc.e* tS AHs. and is sent postpaid on ro? I n;s??? cr'~t of fSa ('tamps or ?!'?e*| g), av Illustrated Catalogue of y? Household Necessities. HOUSEHOLD SPEC. CO., Bex 161, New Cumberland, W. Va. Rose Ccmb Rhode Island Reds EXCLUSIVELY. Eggs for Hatching from prize winning tock. MISS LpUISE V. SPENCER, Blackctone, Va. Member R. I. R. Club. i; R. L. Christian &- Co. \: 808 E. Main 8treet, J > || RICHMOND, VIRGINIA.;; II FAHCY GROCERIES jj | [ Agents for I HUYLER'S CANDIES | VI WWWW%%WWMM*WWWMWW? ' y PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH. Senior Hall ( Main Buildi Texas Presbyterian, C THE GREAT PRESBYTERIAN SCH< 8plendld buildings, elegantly furnished, heated bj obviating all danger of fire. The beautiful acetylene tennis, outdoor games. No serious Illness la the hist College and Seminary, leading to degrees. Special < Organ, Guitar, Expression. All branches of Art, Ar with sky-light. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD, CHICAl of Interpretation Classes. One hundred and thlrty-sl: SEPTEMBER 24th, IMS. For Catalogue Illustrated by photographs, write Moil mi* -? rr, The Nowlan High-Class Diamonds and other Precious and Wedding Rings, Silver Novelties, and Cas> Latest Patterns. Fine Imported and America] ettes. Goods sent on approval upon satisfacter 921 East Main Street. Stop Smoking! Stop ( You ought and can quit by using ROS: twenty years. Price, $1.00 per box. ROSE DRUG CO Electric Lioht You simply press the button and pay only New Orleans Railway A Light Co. Wn T. Hardle. Pres. Arthur A. Castanedo, VI WILLIAMS-RICHA Importers and Jc Dry Goods, Notions and Mi 209-211-213 and 2iS Magazine, 512 C< New York Office, 5 Leonard SL P. O. Di THE BEST Angell's Cough and Wh Contains No Opium < For Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Ceug FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. fire INSURE U ABILITY Phono II STEAM BOILER QOOCHAUX A M ACCIDENT 626-630 COMMOI * Liverpool and Lor Insurance C Agoncloo Throughout tho WeHd, April 14, 1909. ng Dickson Hall College For Girls )OL OP THE SOUTHWEST. r steam from outside metal furnace room, gas light. Large gymnasium, basket-ball, >ry of the school. Twb courses of study, lepartments: Piano, Voice Culture, Violin, tlstic Needle-work, China Klin, Art Rooms SO, Visiting Director of Music and Teacher [ music pupils last year. COLLEGE OPENS REV. HENRY C. EVANS, A.M., D.D., PresCompany Stones. New designs in Engagement es of Silver for Bridal Presents of the i Watches. Opera Glasses and LorgnY city reference. RICHMOND, VA. j hewing Tobaccol R TOP A PPA PTTDU* A- m? ? . w vsvtavuj. vsu uiarMi lur Birmingham, Ala. and Power for what you use. Expert advice free. 317 Baronne Street. NEW ORLEAN8, LA. Ice-Pres. M. M. Hardie, Sec'y ft Treas. R.DSON CO., Ltd. >bbers of sn's Furnishing Goods >mmon and 515 Gravier 8t?. awer 581. NEW ORLEAN8, LA. MADE ooping Cough Syrup ?r Morphine. ihe, Colde and Threat Trouble. PRICE 26 AND 60 CENTS. S.NCE PLATE QLA88 IOTON, Ltd. SURETY BONDS N STREET BURGLARY ** * idon and Globe ompany