The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, April 21, 1909, Page 22, Image 22

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22 . THE Church News (Continued from Page 19.) account of evangelistic work among the Jewish people in this country. On Sunday night, he gave an illustrated lecture in the Second Church. ?First Church.?The year just closed has been one of the best in the history of his church, of which Rev. F. T. McFaden, D. D., is (lie j?astor. Sixt>>twc members have been added to the church, the largest number in any one year for sixteen years.. A total of $18,420 was raised for all purposes, an increase of over one thousand dollars over last year, and the largest amount ever raised under ordinary circumstances. Eight thousand, four hundred and fifty-eight dollars were contributed to the benevolent causes of the church, the largest amouuto being $1,568 to foreign missions, $2.0S6 to home missions, $1,406 to Assembly's Home and School, and $2,855 to causes included under education. ?Dr. Wilbur F. Crafts, of Washington, superintendent of the International' Heform Bureau, spoke for the Central Young Men's Christian Association Sun aay aueruuuii. nis mruic nao ht World-Wide War on the Four Big Evils," or "Dying Nations." The meet, ing was held in the Seventh Street Diciples church, just opposite the new Young Men's Christian Association building. Dr. Crafts has just returned from a fourteen months' lecture tour of four continents. Overbrook, Richmond.?At a congregational meeting last Sunday it was decided to call a minister for the three summer months and after that time to secure a permanent pastor. The church has been supplied acceptably and usefully for ihe year or more past by Rev. R. C. White, of the present senior clas3 of Union Seminary. ..Bristol: Rev J. A. McClure, of Henderson, N. C., occupied the pulpit of the Central Church, Sunday April 11. The former pastor. Rev. W. H. Squires, has resigned to accept a call of a church in Norfolk. His removal leaves this church without a pastor. Newport News: On Monday morning, April 12, the door bell at the manse rang and before Rev. E. T. Wellford could answer, the messenger had gone, but a beautiful flower was left. This was only a beginning. All through the day gifts of lovely flowers and good things to eat were bestowed upon them and cards of congratulations and messages of love. It was a complete surprise iu pusiur uuu wue uuu uuw 11 came to be known as tlieir wedding anniversary is still a mystery to them. Crew: Rev. George Telford is being assisted in a meeting by Rev. C. S. Lingarafelter, of Norfolk. The congregations are lafge and deep interest is being manifested. A meeting is held each afternoon for prayer and personal work. The beloved pastor is much encouraged In his work. Franklin: Rev. Henry Miller closed a twelve days' meeting in this church on April 4. There were thirteen accessions to the church and nine children baptized. The meeting is due largely to a daily prayer meeting started by five women, to which others came until there PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT were about thirty in attendance. This is a promising field, but vacant. Bethesda Church, Lexington Prebytery: The Improvements on this church are progressing and when completed it will be one of the most attractive church buildings in the Valley. Lynchburg, Orphans' Home: Upon the retirement of the Rev. J. C. Painter as acting superintendent of the Orphans' Home of the Synod of Virginia, the executive committee of that institution unanimously adopted the following resolution: "Rev. J. C. Painter having for the good of this cause served as assistant superintendent of this institu tion for the period of six months, and then having, at the earnest solicitation of this committee, continued as acting superintendent, filling the place made vacant by the enforced absence of the Rev. Mr. Hobson, and filling a gap which would have caused a serious inconvenience, not to say'injury, to the institution, and the time having arrived when his work as pastor demands his attention, and he having tendered his resignation, on motion be it Resolved: That we desire to record our appreciation of the services rendered by Mr. Painter in behalf of this institution, and that we wish him God speed in all his work." Mercy Seat.?The Rev. J. C. Leps, of News Ferry, the pastor who took charge of Mercy Seat, Oak Level and Meadville churches after Rev. T. S. Wilson removed to Atlanta, says he is greatly pii'itsea wiui nis new norae, ana nnas iu? people to be kind, hospitable and wholesouled. Roanoke Presbytery.?The Woman's Missionary Union of Roanoke Presbytery will meet in the Village church, Charlotte C. H., Va., April 27, 1909. M. N. Smith, Sec. Lynchburg.?Rev. Dr. Robert H. Fleming, evangelist of the Montgomery Presbytery, has been elected superintendent of the Presb3'terian Orphanage. He will begin his work May 1. Rev. J. C. Painter returns to his charge in Albemarle county. The Berryville Church has extended a call to Rev. Flournoy Shepperson, of Magnolia, Ark., to succeed Rev. D. H. Scanlon, now of Montreat, N. C. Rev. Mr. Shepperson assisted Rev. Mr. Scanlon in his work in Clarke county about a year ago. Floyd Street Church, Lynchburg.?At a recent congregational meeting of the Floyd Street church, Mr. Alexander W. Mosby was elected a ruling elder, and the following were elected deacons: Thos. L. Wyatt, Lemuel D. Hillsman. John U. Hamlet, Wilcox Brlghtwell and Hilary S. Callaliam. WEST VIRGINIA. Falling Spring: Rev. W. McC. Miller who was recently called from the pastorate of the Rlchwood, Ky., church, to this church, has declined on account of the strong objection of his church to releasing mm. ine failing spring congregation will contest the objection before Presbytery, which meets in Paris, Ky., April 7. Rev. J. Stanly Thomas, of Garyvllle. La., has declined the call of the Amarillo church, Texas. Prof. James Orr, of Scotland, will deliver the baccalaureate' sermon of the Theological Seminary of Kentucky. H. April 21, igog. THE PRESBYTERY OF ROANOKE. The Presbytery met in the Weal church, near Chatham, on April 6, 8 p. m. The opening; sermon was preached by Rev. J. H. Moore, the retiring Moderator, from Matt. 27:22. Present eleven ministers and sixteen ruling elders. Rev. C. C. Anderson was elected moderator, and ruling elders T. A. Watkins and W. L. Ray temporary clerks. Ministers Received: In some respects the meeting was one of more than ordinary interest. We have had the pleasure of adding three names to our roll of ministers, viz: Rev. J. M. W. Elder, from the Presbytery of East Alabama, Rev. J. C. Leps, from the Presbytery of Winchester and Rev. D. M. Armentrout from the Presbytery of Greenbrier. Calls from the churches of Old and New Concord were placed in the hands of -Mr. Elder, and order taken for his installation. Mr. Leps takes charge of .the churches of Mercy Seat, Oak Level and Meadville, a field served for many years by Rev. T. S. Wilson, D. D., who resigned about a year ago Calls for the pastoral services of Rev. B. F. Bedinger from the churches of Roanoke, Rough Creek and Cub Creek were presented to the Presbytery. Mr. Bedinger, being willing to accept these calls offered his resignation of the pastoral charge of Ebenezer and Lunenburg C. H. churches, and these churches were cited to appear at an adjourned meeting at Keysville, April 27, and show cause, if any, why the resignation should not be accepted. A Call for the pastoral services of Rev. M. Raine from the Shelton Me moriai cnurcn was presented, placed in his hands and accepted. Order was taken for Mr. Raine's installation. ' Mr. Akers, a candidate for the ministry in the senior class of U. T. Seminary was after a satisfactory examination licensed as a probationer for the gospel ministry. Home Missions: Whilst no marked progress was reported in the home mission work of the Presbytery much of it is regarded as in a promising condition. The Presbytery is maintaining its onward movement in the cause of foreign missions. The contributions for the fiscal year were $4,174, a gain of more . than 1.000 over last year. Overtures: A tentative move was made looking to overturing the Assembly in the matter of the "rotary eldership." The Question Bont liftnin v." 4V.? A ? -, ... .... .. 1. UJ IUC ABSBIU" bly to the Presbyteries as to whether any change is desired in the wording of Confession of Faith Chap, 10, Sec. 3, was answered in the negative." Calvin Celebration: A committee consisting of Rev. Mr. Moore, Rev. Mr. Bedinger and elder L C. Asher was appointed to prepare a program for the suitable celebration of the quadricentennial of John Calvin to be held in connection with the fall meeting. Resolution: By resolution the Presbytery heartily commended "The Presbyterian of the South'* to our churches, and suggested the desirability of placing ii in every ramuy. * Presbytery met in a "section comparatively new to Presbyterial proceedings, and was closed with a vote of thanks to Mr. Ponton and the good people for their great kindness in providing for the very prompt and comfortable entertainment of the body. Hugh Henry, 8. C.