The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, April 21, 1909, Page 26, Image 26

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26 " " , TI J Presbyteries ( WASHBURN PRESBYTERY. The Presbytery of Washburn met at Prairie Grove, March 31, 1909. Present four ministers and five ruling elders. Rev. R. B. Willis, D. D., pastor-elect of the Fayettevillc Church, presented a letter of dismission from Arkansas Presbytery, and after the usual examination was received and enrolled as a member of this Presbytery. Commissionets to the Assembly: Principals, Rev. J. E. Wylie, Springdale, Ruling Elder Dr. E. G. McCormiek, Prairie Grove; alternates. Rev. W. H. Morrow. Springdale; Ruling Elder Wm. Irving, Morrillton. Overture: In response to the question of the General Assembly, "Shall any change be made in the Confession of Faith, Chapter 10, Section ii?" the following answer was given, "Yes. but in so answering the Presbytery of Washburn does not desire to be understood as favoring any change in the teaching or even in the phraseology of the Confession on this point, but we do eainest ly desire that some explanatory statement be placed in the Confession, in which the interpretation of the Presbyterian Church as given by the Assembly of 1902 may be easily accessible to all who examine the Confession of Faith." Installation Service: The fourth Sabbath of April was appointed as the time for the installation of Dr. Willis as pastor of the Fayetteville church. Rev. M. McN McKay, Rev. S. W. Davies and Ruling Elder Dr. E. G. McCormick were appointed as a committee. Home Missions: The committee reports the plan adop'ell by the Presbytery at the beginning of the year successfully carried out. Although, owing to the number of vacant churches, we have had to supply, it has been necessary for our evau,i?-iist to devote his entire time to sustentation work. The home mission* committee was directed to arrange for a series of evangelistic services at points selected by the evangelists. It was further decided to hold two conferences during the year, one at Fort Smith and one at Fayetteville, in order to arouse our churches and ministers to their evangelislic opportunities and responsibilities. Laymen's Missionary Movement: It response to a communication from Mr. Rowland, of the Assembly's committee. Prof. Edgar F. Shannon, of the Fayetteville church, was appointed as the presbyterial chairman of the movement in this Presbytery. He was requested to take the general oversight and direction of the work of introducing it into the churches under our care. The sessions of our churches were directed to takeup the matter at as early a date as possible, and consider the question of appointing a local chairman and a missionary committee, if it be found practicable, in each church. The Bible Society: The attention of the churches was called to the fact that most of them had failed to take up collections for this cause during the past year, and delinquent churches were di IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOI rortcd to take up collections for this purpose as soon as possible and forward the amounts to the society's agency at Dallas, Texas. Next Meeting: Charleston, Ark., Wednesday, September 22, 1909, 7:30 p. m. S. W. Davies, S. C. THE PRESBYTERY OF CHEROKEE. The Presbytery of Cherokee met at Menlo. Tuesday evening April 6, and was nnPlirH u*il ll n cnrinnn K*' n rr Sims at the request cf the last moderator present. Present, twelve ministers and twenty ruling elders. Organization.?Rtv. E. D. Patton was elected moderator and Rev. J. H Clarke, temporary clerk. Received.?Rev. J. T. Wade was received from the Athens Presbytery, and becomes the home missionary pastor of the Dalton church, laboring in lite Chickamauga group. Rev. J. C. Hardin was received from the Presbytery of Durant and order taken for his installation as pastor of the Summerville, Bethel and Milner Memorial churches. .Ordination.?Licentiate L. W. Mathews was examined, and ordained, and order taken for his installation as pastor of the South Broad and Lindale churches. Commissioners to the Assemoly.? Principals, Rev. P. K. Sims and Ruling Elder W. F. Law, alternates, Rev. E. D. Patton and Ruling Elder W. Q. McArver. Popular Meetings and conferences were held in the iniertst of all the causes of 1. ' * iu?- cuuicu, ana in'.1 various committees reported a gratifying advance over the previous year. This Presbytery has a large home mission territory, but the committee reported all fields supplied, save one, and a balance in the treasury. Aside from continuing the valuable services of Rev. Jonas Barclay as evangelist, Presbytery made the following appointments for meetings to be held by pastors during the summer: Rev. J. H. Patton. at Bethel; Rev. G. G. Syduor, Blue Spring; Rev. F. K. Sims, Tunnel Hill; Rev. W. W. Powell, Roekinart; Rev. E. D. Patton. Powder Spring; Rov. J. H. Clarke, Spring Place; Rev. J. C. Hardin, Walnut Grove; Rev. W. A. Cleveland, Cohutta; Rev. B. F. Guillc, Milner Memorial. Presbytery devoted an evening session to a conference on evangelism and the The Great Sp In thousands of homes, for mere t has been taken, as a Spring Medicine, Peculiar to Itself in is an blood purifiers, appetizers and tonics, ? ! 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Rhodes, moderator. uvcriure. ine ionowing overture to the General Assembly was adopted: "Ebenezer Presbytery respectfully overtures your venerable body to adopt such means as in your wisdom you may deem proper to put our home mission work on the same platform side by side, with foreign missions, thus enlisting the prayers, efforts and gifts of the Laymen's Movement in furthering the great cause of missions, both uOme and foreign." Reports: The various agencies of church work received the earnest attention of rresbytery, and reports from churches, in many particulars, exhibited healthful progress. Young people's and women's societies reports were specially gratifying. The twenty women societies in our bounds, composed of 520 members, show contributions of $1,662, given In great part to home and foreign missions. Rev. S. D. Boggs, who for so many years has proved a laborious and faithful chairman of our Home Miss'ion Committ ton/ioKO/l * : ?1 11? * * ? , ivuucicu 1119 icsigiiauua mill ae might devote himself wholly (o Synod s evangelistic work. Rev. R. S. Sanders, of the Miiiersburg church, was chosen to succeed h.'m. The Quadri-centennial was observed as follows: "The Man, John Calvin, and His Times," Rev. W. J. Garrison, of Catlettsburg; "The Influence of Calvin on the Mcdern Wcrld," Rev. J. C. Cowan, of Augusta; "The Type of Doctrine Expounded and Defended by Calvin," Rev. H. M. Scudder, of Carlisle. Home and Foreign Missions and Sabhath srhnr.t an<l ? Y-- ??<u vuuuatiuii ciiuncu the earnest attention of Presbytery, and the churches were urged to greater thoughtfulness and liberality touching these impcrtant causes. Presbytery answered "Yes" in response ring Medicine ban thirty years, Hood's Sarsaparilla by every member of the family, id what it does, it combines the best and effects complete cures of ieases, pimples, eruptions, eczema, ;y complaints, loss of appetite, that aditions of the system: nderful cures, not simply because it combines the utmost remedial values ;, each greatly strengthened and enThese ingredients are the very rem ribe for the same diseases and ailjr Hood's Sarsaparilla. If urged to as good," you may be sure it is inthe dealer a larger profit, today, in the usual liquid form or in tabs. 100 Doses One Dollar.