The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, April 21, 1909, Page 27, Image 27

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April 2:, 1909. THE io a change of the Confessiorf, chapter lit. sect'.on 3. Millersburg was selected as the next place of meeting, and Tuesday before the full moon in September, 7: 30 "p- m. the time. H. M. Scudder, S. C. AUGUSTA PRESBYTERY. The Presbytery of Augusta met at. Sparta, April 7, and was opened with a sermon by the moderator. Rev. .lames L. Martin, D. D. Text: Rom. 9: 19. Present: Thirteen ministers and' eleven elders. Rev. G. M. Howerton was elected moderator, and Elder 'J. Hart Sibley, of Union Point, temporary clerk. A splendid spirit was manifest at every session, the preaching of Rev. John F. Malheson and Rev. E. G. Smith was helpful and inspiring; the fellowship of the brethren was sweet, and it was declared to be one of the best meetings ever held. Calvin Celebration: An especially noteworthy feature was the Calvin eel? br.ition on Friday. At the eleven o'clock hour strong and stirring addresses wore made by Rev. Messrs. J. S. Montgomery and D. \V. Brannen. The former spoke on "The Life and Times of Calvin," and tlie latter on "Calvinism and Its Scope." "Thrilling" is the word which describes the. effect of these addresses. At the evening service Dr. Plunket spoke, with his usual grace and charm, on "The Fruits of Calvinism in Morals, Education, Missions anl Liberty," producing a profound a ad abiding impression. These addresses were all so exceptional that they were ordered published In pamphlet form for distribution throughout the Presbytery. Reports: All the reports were encouraging; there were no despairing minors in the narratives and the statistics showed an increase in gilts to nearly all of the Assembly's causes. Rev. J. D. Fleming has been engaged as the Presbytery's evangelist, and is at work in the unoccupied territory. .Much enthusiasm was manifested over the evangelistic work, which is to bo pushed more aggressively than heretofr,r? Presbyterian Hospital: After hearing Rt v. S. R. Preston, superintendent of 'ho Atlanta Hospital, and ,Mr. J. R. liaclnnan, secretary of the committee on reorganization, Presbytery endorsed tho plans of reorganization, nnd accepted tho invitation to join in the management and control of the hospital. Commissioners to the Assembly: Principals, Rev. D. N. Yarbro and Elder W. It. Eoswell; alternates, ltev. James !- Martin, D. D., and Eider H. K. White. Overture: Action at the fall meeting touching the Assembly's overture on the proposed change in the Confession of Faith, Chapter 10, Section 3, was reconsidered, and Presbytery voted "No" to that, ovet ture. Sabbath C ;i.. o-is-s ... _?u ?> 7 ncnyian; ll was ordered that typewritten copies of tin report of the com nil f tee cn the Sabbath mid family religion ho sent to all our pastors at once, to bo read from tho'.r pulpits. Overture: The following overture to the General Assembly was adopted: "Whereas, our sister churches through ? PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT out the country are zealous and successful in prosecuting evangelistic work, and, whereas, the need for this vital work is urgent in our own church. Therefore, the Presbytery of Augusta respectfully overtures the General Assembly in session at Savannah, to definitely press and emphasize evangelistic work throughout thn h.vmwio -? -1 L ? ??..v uvuuuo ul uur cuurcn, along the lines initiated at its last meeting." The Woman's Presbyterial Union made a splendid report, showing a membership of over 500, with gifts to missions amounting to $1,947, and $260 for the support of our -evangelist. Permanent Committees on narrative and evangelism were appointed. The former is composed of Rev. Messrs. J. F. Matheson and G. M. Howetton, and the latter of Rev. Messrs. G. E. Guille, R. E. Telford and Elder W. M. Rowland. Monticello was chosen as the n' next meeting. Rev. Mr. Britt is a perfect host, and the kindness and hospitality of the good people of Sparta filled every hour with enjoyment. Geo. E. Guille, S. C. PINE BLUFF PRESBYTERY. The Presbytery of Pino Bluff met at Warren, Arl:., Thursday, April 1, 1900, at 7:20 p. m., and was opened with a sermon by Hev. F. It. Graves, the last moderator. Present, twelve ministers and nine ruling eh\ers. Officers.?Moderator, Ke\. I. P. Osborne: temporary clerk, Re\. C. W. Johnson. Received.?Rev. B. E. Wallace, from Seaalia Presbytery, U. S. A. Dissolved.? Pastoral relations between Rev. I. P. Osborne and the Alt- 7.lnn church. Rev. J. T. Caughlev and the Dermott church. Dismissed.?Rev. LeRoy Tnompsoi' to Tulsa Presbytery, it. s. a., and Rev. j. T. Caughley, to the Presbytery of Brazos. Change in Confession.?Presbytery, by a vote of fourteen to six, expressed its AGNES SCOTT CC DECATUR (near THE COLLEGE offers advantages i THE AGNES SCOTT ACADEMY, offers a four years' course leading to F YOU CAN AFFO OF THE GOSPEL," Rounil or Shape Xotos, f song's. Sample copy 5 cents. E. A. K. HACi Hampden-Sic 134th Session Begins Address for Catalogue or other Informr REV. HENRY TUCKER GRAHAM JAMES H. AIT HEATING, GAS AND E Box 2 Contractors' & Dealers' Tel. Main 3880. * f ' H. 27 desire for a change in the Confession of Faith, Chap. 10., Sec. 3. Overture.?Asking the Assembl> to petition the Northern Assembly to join III a request to the American and British Bible Societies, to take such steps as may be necessary to prepare and publish a revised edition of the Holy Scriptures, which shall retain the best and most generally received renderings of the King James, and the American Standard Revised versions, so that we ma> Pave a version which will be universally accepted as the standard, by all the orthodox churches of Christendom. Commissioners.?Principals, Rev. I. P. Osborne. Cai thage, and Mr. T. E. Ham mock, Monticello; alternates, Rev. A. J. Cheatham, Fordyce, and Mr. J. G. Pat tillo, Fordyce. Training School.?This school, located at Warren, under the care of Presbytery, received due attention, and all were highly gratified with the progress the school is making, ooth as regards attendance and material equipment. Presbytery accepted an invitation to a literary and musical entertainment, given by the school on Friday night, which was greatly enjoyed. Home and Foreign Missions were prominently before Presoytery, and much uiitiroi, nua iiiuiiu^sieu 111 I UU?e CUUSSS. Rev. B. E. Wallace, recently elected evangelist, was present, and it was decided to enter upon an aggressive campaign for the summer. Presbytery was delightfully entertained by the good people of Warren. Next Meeting.? Marvell, Friday, October 15, 7:30 p. m. Charles H. Maury, S. C. IT WILL HELP YOU to win "DRY" votes and promote CIVIC RIGHTEOUS iNtss. "Our Distinguished Fellow-Citizen,'' by Hon. Carlton McCarthy, exMayor City of Richmond, Va. A valuable book of about 200 pages. A "live wire" from start to finish. 60c postpaid. Not over 10c in stamps accepted on each bcok. Money Order or Draft preferred. Special rates on large orders. Potomac Publishing Co., Falls Church, Va. ALLEGE for Women Atlanta), GEORGIA. equal to best colleges for men. under separate faculty and government, resliman class. For catalogue, address F. H. GAINES, President. Y~\ a ncv- Song Book ill vor,r Church |l^ I 1 or Sunday School, and ono for every person; "FAMILIAL SONGS nr S3 for 100. Words 1 mil S3 very best CETT, 109 North Wnyne Street, l ort Wayne, Ind. Iraey College September 15, 1909. itlon, i, r-resiaem, nampoen-Sidney, Va. mi PLUMBING, SEWERAGE 1VX!^PI9 draining unit h LECTRIC FIXTURE*. Exchange, New Orlears, La. 515 Carondelet St., near Poydraa.