The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, April 21, 1909, Page 29, Image 29

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April 21, igog. TH ll^UNDER^fl W "AvStrain ? H The muscles always be- H , H come sore and stiff. De- H lightful and lasting relief is immediately had by H applying I Dr. Tichenor's I Antiseptic I Its healing effect is I truly wonderful. You I can t well be without it. I Take a bottle home today. I . All drn&i3*5 25 and 50 cts. Mail or Bring Us Your Savings A %1W> ? ANU UJ61 = 3 1-2 Per Cent Per Annum On deposits from $1.00 up Whitney-Central Trust & Savings Bank 621 GRAVIER STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. r ion Drop us a card and we will put you on to something with which you can turn your neighbor green with envy by catching dead loads of them in streams where he has become disgusted trying to catch them the old fashioned way. It's something new and cheap. It catches at all seasons?something no other tackle will do. It will tickle you to see it catch house and musk rats. Illustrated catalogue of prices and testimonials for the asking. We are sole manufacturers of the celebrated Double Muzzle Wire Fish Baskets. Our rale covers over 20 states. We par the freight on one d <zen or more nets. EUREKA FISH NET CO.. Sr.n;& ? E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOT. Books and Periodicals Life of John Calvin, Theologian, Preacher, Educator, Statesman. Presented to the Reformed Churches holding the Presbvlerial System, on the '[bur hundredth Anniversary of the Reformer's Birth, by Rev. Philip Vollmer, Ph. D., L. D., professor in the Central Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church, Dayton, Ohio, with contributions from Rev. J. O. Good, D. D., and Rev. W. H. Roberts, D. D. LL. D. 278 pp., Illustrated. 75 cents. DOstDaid- Prcaiivtorio,, of Publication. Richmond, Va. This is a timely contribution to the Calvin literature, which is in much demand throughout the Reformed Churches, during this year of the celebration of the four hundredth anniversary of the Reformer's birth. The scholarly author has been for many years an earnest student of the life, character and career of John Calvin, growing In the conviction that he was "the Instrument raised up by God to save and preserve to the world the precious fruit of the Protestant Reforma i.un. n iien ue nugiu nave given io the press a much larger and fuller book as the result of his extensive research and study, he has preferred to present to the church and the world this small and popular book, for a much wider reading and n much greater usefulness. For its popular uses we do not see wherein it could be improved. Definite, and we believe accurate, in its detail of biography, it is comprehensive and complete. It is concise and yet clear in style, and interesting from beginning to end. Sixteen short chapters and devoted to the life-story from birth to death, after which are chapters on the personal character of Calvin and tributes to his memory. lie then makes definite and lively discussions of Caivin as a theologian, preacher and pastor, educator, statesman, promoter of church union, Calvinism and civil liberty, morality, modern thought, Calvin's influence on Great Britain and Holland, on Switzerland and Germany; a chapter by Dr. J. O. Good, and on America, by Dr. W. H. Roberts. We most heartily commend this admirable book to our ministers and laymen. It should be read just now by a gTeat company of the people of the Reformed and Presbyterian Churches, and will do a vast good in removing misconception and false sentiments, and making * intelligent Protestant Christiana thankful to God for the blessings whlcil have so largely come to them by the faith and service of the great Reformer of Geneva. Dr. Philip Sc'naff says. "He improves upon acquaintance." Wo sincerely believe with Principal Cunningham, the successor of Dr. Chalmers, that, "Calvin is the man who, next to St. Paul, has done most good to mankind." The publication of Dr. Vollmer's book, by the publishing houses of the German Reformed Church, the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A., and the Presbyterian Church, U. S., is an example of the wise, safe and profitable co-operation of the Reformed Churches of America., without the intervention of any Federation whatever. Meditate on your mercies and you minimize .your miseries. * < JTH. 29 University Virginia Summer School For High Fchool Teachers, Principals, College Teachers, aud those preparing (or Entrance Requirements. Large (acuity. Credits given. Mountain climate. Session June 18th?July 81st. Write for announcement to Director Summer School. E. A. ALDERMAN. President. University, Virginia. FREE To Teachers and School Committeemen: Our thirty-two page educational pocket calendar and memorandum notebook. Send postal card request, stating location of school. SOUTHERN EDUCATIONAL BUREAU, Raleigh, North Carolina. DEWBERRY SCHOOL AGENCY. Tb<s Agency was established m IBM and for many years has sei iM teachers and schools in all parta of the 1 South and Southwest. Schools deotnng teachers, or teachers desiring positions should address R. A. Clayton, Manager. Birmingham, Ala. S*atesville Female College Able faculty; thorough courses; large attendance; modern equipment; a delightful Home School. Board and tuition and all Feaa for the nine months, $152.00. Send for catalogue. REV. J. A. 8COTT, D.D., Stateaville, N. C. HOME INSTITUTE 1440 TO 1448 CAMP 8TRBBT, NEW ORLEANS, LA. YOUNG LADIES' DAY AND BOARD! ND SCHOOL. Twenty-sixth term. Latest methods tm all departments. Term commences OG TOBER 1, 1908. Complete coarse. Bxperlenced teachers. Special dasses la Normal and Business Courses. For cats logue, address MISS 8. B. WRIGHT, Principal. Tbe Law School NASHVILLE, TENN. Three years' course leading to the degree of LL.B. For catalogue or special Information, iddress ALLEN G. HALL, LLiD., Chairman of the Faculty. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUR 8EA80N'8 8HOPPING. Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNB, or WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get my samples and estimates before yon decide vM whom you will place your order. With my knowledge of eorrect styles, nmablesl with taste and good judgment, and the personal interest I take in every order, I am sure I can nl*u? tnn T naramtM perfect fit and satisfaction. MRS. CHARLES ELLISON, Louisville. Ky.