The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, April 21, 1909, Page 33, Image 33

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April 21, 1909. THE old age s..e was strikingly handsome. Mrs. i^ewis was a woman of fine sense and splen.. a judgment. A gentleman who knew her well, said of her, "had she been a man she would have been President of the United States." Thus expressing his high opinion of her wisdom and good, practical judgment. She was a woman of marked characteristics, well minded, gifted, and cultivated. Her home was a most delightful one in which it was indeed a privilege iu be a guest. Ihe writer, who was her pastor for five years, shall ever recall as among the most delightful experiences of his life t??e happy hours spent at her fireside. Hers was a well ordered heme, and though she was a strict disciplinarian. she was a most wise and devoted mother, and those wno knew her children can see in them all the likeness of their noble mother, "and her children rise up and call her b'essed." Early in life she united witn the Presbyterian church, and was a most faitiiful and consistent Christian through ail the years of her long and useful life. To the writer her most prominent characteristic was her love for her church, its history, its traditions, its ministers. She was an ardent believer in the doc trines of her church, and loved it devotedly, hut she was all -this without a trace of bigotry. She was gifted with a keen sense of justice. Her affections did not blind her to the faults of those who were dearest to her, nor did ner prejudice blind her to the good in others. It was impossible to know her well and get a true insight into her character, and not honor, love and admire her. With her the promise "At evening time it shall be light" was fulfilled, for in her last illness, which was brief, she did not seem to suffer any pain. She was surrounded by her children who ministered incsi lovingly ana lenueny iu uer ocij wish. She was joyous and happy as she approached the Celestial City. "And her end was peace." "At Pv-ening time there shell be light, For God hatn spoken?it must ne; Fear, doubt and all grief take their ilight; His glory now is risen on me. Mine eyes shall his salvation see; Tis evening time, and there is light." "W. C. F." The milk of human kindness never did run smooth.?The Lark. Angelic anthems are audible only to *-ai? auenuve io eariu s uuues.?oclected. Men would talk less of the hindrance of the body If the body were regarded more as an instrument for the doing of God s will.?I. O. R. There are bodily conditions that produce lcwness of spirit. When thoy strike you, be patient; when they strike your friends, be generous. I If the water be too pure, fish can not * live in it; if people be too exacting, fellow beings can not stand beside them.? Japanese proverb. .. .... PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU The sooner you begin come and place it In you will have ready cast i HRfl geney. Just lay aside r from time to time and it B XX^I The I'lanters National 1 r?.. .? . , e ..... V.II....I II trruuin or mi,? 1 **j Write us at once al>d MAIL?a safe ami sure I PLANTERS* NAT1 Capital S300.003 .tpwup w v n?-?? ? Silliman Coll* CLINTON, An endowed school (or (Iris, nnder Presbyter Handsome, roomy buildings, beautiful, well-sfa necessary equipment. Scientific and Classical Music, Art, Expression, Physical Culture. Boa students for (146.00. Next session begins Septc For catalogues and Information, address th ToCAUFO from Ne One Way Colonis March I to April SOUTHER THROUGH OIL BURNING LOCOMOTIVES PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPER Rate Per Berth In Tourist Sleeper, Aak Your Agent for Inform, D. ASBURY, Dlv. Pass. Agt., Lake Charles. rTH. 33 ILANTERS NATJSBANK W SAVINGS DEPARTMENT' RICH/V\OND,VA?" | ivlng Today to lay aside a portion of your Ina good strong batik, the sooner t always at hand In ease of etneri portion of your money regularly will accumulate rapidly, tank has the largest Surplus and ink south of Washington, D. C. tut our method of BANKING BY way to obtain wealth. [ONAL BANK. Richmond. Va. Surplus and Profits, SI.1&0.000 r\/v<r*4*/\ T 4-i i c^iaic iiisuiuic LOUISIANA Ian control. Healthful location In the hill country, aded grounds. Electric lights. Steam Heat. All courses leading to degrees. Special advantages la trd and tuition for entire session given twenty-Are >tnber 18, 1908. le President. H. H. BROWN LBS, Clinton, Louisiana. RNIA/30.50 I in m v/ficaiu its Tickets on Sale I 30, 1909, inclusive VIA . N PACIFIC TRAIN DAILY CHAIR CARS AND COACHES [3 LIBERAL STOPOVERS , New Orleans to San Francisco, $5.75 ation and Literature, or Write J. H. R. PARSONS, Gen. Pass. AgL, New Orleans.