The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 05, 1909, Page 26, Image 26

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26 r ; th Presbyteries GREENBRIER PRESBYTERY. "The Presbytery of Greenbrier met at .'Hinton, W. Va., April 13, at 7:30 p. m., and was opened with the special sermon on "Family Religion," by Rev. M. L. Lacy, D. D., and was called to order and constituted with prayer by the moderator, imaer k. l.. Kramer, ol Konceverte church. Present: seventeen ministers and sixteen elders. Officers: Rev. J. W. Holt, moderator and Rev, J. L. Lineweaver and lSld?r M. N. Humphreys, clerks. Corresponding Member: Rev. Boling Hobson, of Montgomery Presbytery was introduced and invited to sit as corresponding member. He addressed the Presbytery on the work and needs of Synod's Orphanage at Lynchburg, Va. His address was most cordially received by the Presbytery and congregation, after which a collection was taken up for this institution, amounting to $74.30. Received: Rev. A. S. Rachall from Montgomery Presbytery and calls were placed in his hands from Marlinton, Hunters vi lie and Westminster churches. These calls having been accepted, the following order was taken for the installation: Committee. Rev. Messrs. \V. T. Price, J. L. Lineweaver and D. W. Hollingsworth, with Elders M. J. McNeel, L. W. Herold, J. H. Doyle and E. D. King; at Westminster, Saturday, May 29, at Huntersville, May 30, at 11 a. m., and at M&rlinton on the same day at 8 p. m. The Laymen's Movement: Presbytery commended the spirit and purpose of this movement and expressed the hope that all its congregations may be enlisted, united and encouraged to raise our proportion of men and means for the evangelization of the world. Presbytery also commenced Elder Emerson .Tnhnsnn cpIppIoH hv fho mnvomonf ??c chairman within the bounds of this Presbytery, as eminently fitted for the place and encouraged him to take steps to have a Laymen's Missionary Convention in Greenbrier Presbytery. Presbyterial Schools: With reference to its schools, the Lewisburg Female Institute and Greenbrier school for boys, Presbytery , commended most heartily both to the confidence and patronage of all who are seeking educational facilities for sons or daughters. Presbyterial Sermon: Rev. R. B. Hudson was appointed to preach at next ineetine a snecial sermnn r?n "Tha wo. cessity for Moral Support of the Pastor by the Congregation, and Especially by the Officers of the Church." A free conversation on the state of religion within Its bounds was ordered put on the docket for the next meeting. Overtures: Presbytery consented to amendment to Rook of Church Order as to method of voting on "Complaints and Appeals," but answered the question as to change in the Confession of Faith in fbe negative. Calvin Quadricentennial: The following was the program as carried out: "Calvin, The Man and His Times," Rev. Eugene Daniel, D. D.; "Calvin's Oontrlbu y E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU tions to the Reformation, Their Effects upon Civil and Religious Liberty," Rev. M. L. Lacy, D. D.; "Clavtnistic Doctrine of Election," a sermon by Rev. Ben Karrop; "How May the Principles of Calvinism be Rendered More Effective in Our Tunes?" Rev. Eugene Daniel, D. D. Commissioners: Principals, Rev. J. W. Holt, Rev. J. M. Sloan, Elders F." D. Wheelwright and R. F. Dunlap; alternates, Rev. Eugene Daniel, Rev. W. W. Bain, Elders E. L. Bell anil R. E. J. Campbell. Davis-Elkins College: Papers, setting forth a "Plan of Co-operation" to put Davis-Elkins College under the ownership and control of a board of trustees of eighteen members, nine of whom are to be appointed by the Synod of West Virginia, of Presbyterian Church, U. S. A., the other nine to be appointed by the Presbyteries of Lexington, Winchester, Greenbrier and Kanawha; these Presbyteries and the Synod of West Vir ginia, in consideration of receiving the property, promising to use all influence, as far as possible in proper ways, with their churches and people to throw their patronage to said college and also to support the college financially; and giving the action of Lexington, Winchester and Kanawha Presbyteries thereupon, were received by Presbytery and the following action taken: Presbytery expressed its warm and cordial sympathy with all co-operative Christian effort, but declining at present to enter into the plan proposed, appointed a special committee to give the matter full consideration and report to Presbytery at its next regular meeting, after full conference with the authorities of all its existing educational institutions which may ho infhionnoH hv ita notion Presbyterial Home Missions: The re port was presented by the chairman. Rev. Ben Harrop, with an address by the Superintendent of Home Missions, Rev. C. R. Lacy. Every expression in the consideration of this subject indicated the Presbytery's purpose to prosecute more vigorously this important work. Vote cf Thanks: A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the members of Hinton church for the cordial hospitality received by Presbytery. rMexi lyieeting: salem Church, Organ Cave, W. Va? August 24, 8 p. m. Ben Harrop, S. C. Pure Blood la certain if you take Hood's Sars those eruptions, pimples and boils tha sores, salt rheum or eczema; adapts dyspepsia and all stomach troubles; nervous troubles, debility and that ti Mrs. J. F. Gee, 50 Gould street, S experience I have never known Hood mors and as a general blood purifier. Mrs. L. Bickford, Gossville, N. 1 pletely prostrated, run down, from d I have found Hood's Sarsaparilla hel restores good health and strength.-' Hood's St Today. Get it in the usual liquid" fo Sarsatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar. J fTH. May 5, 1909. PRESBYTERY OF FLORIDA. The Presbytery of Florida met with the Menticello church, April 6, 7:30 p. m., and was opened with a sermon by the retiring moderator, Rev. W. H. Ziegler, from John 20: 11-15. Present: Eleven ministers and eight ruling elders. Rev. C. W. Humphreys, D. D., elected moderator, and C. F. Zeek, temporary clerk. Visiting Ministers: Rev. B. H. Dupny, of Lexington Presbytery, and Rev. W. S. Lee, of Dallas Presbytery, were invited to sit as corresponding members. dismissed: Rev. C. J. Morton, to St John's Presbytery. The Apalachicola Church was reported organized and placed upon the Presbytery's roll. Commissioners: Principals, Rev. Clyde Johnson, of Marianna, Elder C. F. Zeek, of Pensacola; alternates, Rev. K. L. McIver, of Florala, Alabama, and Elder C. H. Curry, of Quincy, Florida. Overture: Presbytery answered unanimously in the negative the last Assembly's question as to desire of change in Confession of Faith. Chapter 10, section 3, consent was given to the proposed change in the Book of Church Order, Chapter 10, section 4. The Calvin Celebration, ordered to be held in connection with this meeting, was deferred until the fall meeting. .n iuic ui inuiiKs was adopted by rising. The hospitality and entertainment of the good people of Montlcello were royal. Next Meeting, St. Andrews Bay, Tuesday. October 26. Clyde Johnson, S. C. NORTH MISSISSIPPI PRESBYTERY. 1 he Presbytery of North Mississippi met at Senatobla, April 13. Present: Nine ministers and fourteen elders. Rev. A. L. Rhea was moderator and Rev. Newton Smith, tem porary cierk. Received: Rev. H. R. Overcash, from Ebenezer Presbytery. >Ir. Plumer Smith, of College church, was received as a /' candidate for licensure. Presbyterial Union: The formation of "* a Presbyterial Union of Women's Missionary Societies was authorized. Organization: Rev. R. L. Nicholson, evangelist, reported the organization of two churches in LaFayette county. These I in Spiring .aparilla. This great medicine cures t appear at all seasons; cures scrofula . ] itself equally well to, and also cures, cures rheumatism and catarrh; cures red feeling. itoneham, Mass., says: "In 25 years' } 's Sarsaparilla to fail, for spring huIt gives me pleasure to say this." 1 I., says: "Every spring I was com- a yspepsia and that tired feeling. But fl ps me from the first dose, cnmnlptelv Begin to take , irsaparilla \ rm or in chocolated tablets known as Sold everywhere. ?ir'