The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 05, 1909, Page 27, Image 27

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May 5, 1909. THI were enrolled as Central and Long Street churches. Overture: Presbytery answered "Yes"' to the overture inquiring whether a change was desired in Confession of Faith, Chapter 10, section 3. The Home Mission Committee was authorized to raise a fund to build a manse at Charleston. Presbytery approved the plan for work adopted by tlie Synod's evangelistic committee. Commissioners: Rev. Newton Smith, r?f r"nllofrr> Hill sinrl Dr. W. H. Whitaker. of Grenada, principals; Rev. C. Z. Berryhill, of Holly Springs, and Mr. D. W. Chapman, of Bong Creek church, alternates. Next Meeting, Water Valley, in October. # W. D. Hedleston, S. C. WESTERN TEXAS PRESBYTERY. Presbytery convened in Sabinal, Texas, Wednesday, April 14, 1909, at 8 o'clock, and was called to order by the retiring Moderator, Ruling Elder James Duryeo Stevenson. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. J. Leighkm Green, of Cuero. Present twenty-six ministers and seventeen ruling elders. Rev. jonn Black Hudson, Moderator and Rev. J. Leighton Green and Ruling Elder T. J. Kenedy, of Cuero, temporary clerks. Forward Movement: .Mr. F. A. Brown on behalf of the .Executive Committee presented the forward movement. His address was received with appreciation and Presbytery resolved to push this work. Daniel Baker College: Rev. W. A. GilIon. of Coleman, presented the critical needs of Daniel Baker College and Presbytery expressed its great Interest in the work and commended the matter to the churches. Calvin Celebration: Presbytery heard tnree addresses as a part of the commemoration of the quadricentennial of the birth of John Calvin. Rev. H. W. Hoon on '"Calvin's Contribution to Educational Progress." Rev. Brooks I. Dickey on " The Relation of Calvin and Calvinism to Missions." Rev. R. E. Vinson, D. D., on "Calvin, the Man and His Times." Received: Rev. J. A. Black from the Presbytery of Brownwood and Rev. T. A. Hardin from the Presbytery of Columbia, and licensed after a full and highly satisfactory examination. Mr. R. A. McCardy, the son of Dr. A. H. P. McCurdy, of Rrownwood. Rev. I. S. Davenport appeared as a Commissioner from the Presbytery of San Antonio, U. S. A., bearing the fraternal salutations of that body, Presbytery expressed its appreciation of this message. Calls: The church of Goliad presented a call for the pastoral services of Rev. R. E. Porterfield, which he accepted and the following commission was appointed to install him: Rev. Brooks I. Dickey to preside, preach and propound the constitutional questions, Rev. J. B. Hudson to deliver the charge to the pastor and Mr. C. F. Carsner to deliver the charge to the the congregation. Home Missions: The evangelist reported the organization of six churches during the year, with one other received from the Presbytery of San Antonio, U. S. A., and re-organized. Plans were made I ? PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' for yet larger work for the ensuing year. Dr. Doggett was re-elected evangelist and Rev. J. Leigliton Green, of Cuero, was added to the committee of Hime Missions, of which Rev. Ilrooks I. Dickey was made chairman. Dr. J. D. McLean addressed the Presbytery on the Home and School for Orphans and Presbytery renewed its assurances of confidence in that institution. The Church of Uvalde presented a call for the pastoral services of Rev. T. A. Hardin and a commission was appointed to install him on May 11, as follows: Rev. Ilrooks I. Dickev to nreacli. nreslde and propound the Constitutional questions, Rev. J. A. Black to deliver the charge to the pastor and Hon. James Duryee Stevenson to deliver the charge to the congregation. Overture: Presbytery voted "Yea" on the proposed change in the Book of Church Order and "Nay" 011 the suggestion of a change in the Confession of Faith. Rev. Brooks I. Dickey was re-elected stated clerk for the ensuing three years and was also made Presbyterial treasurer. Resolutions were adopted expressing the grateful appreciation of the Presbytery to Mr. W. A. Ramsey for his efficient and careful work as Presbyterial Treasurer for the last three years. Commissioners: Principals. Rev. M. W. Doggett, D. D., and Rev. G. W. Plack, Ruling Elders H. C. Kyle and C. H. Heard. Alternates, Rev. VV. C. C. Foster, and Rev. J. S. Shaw. Ruling Elders J. W. Ernest and J. H. Gallman. A Resolution providing for an ad interim committee to report on the wisdom of a division of the Presbytery was adopted. The Church of Refugio presented a call for the pastoral services of Rev. T. O. Perrin, which was accepted and the matter of arranging for his installation was docketed for the first cailed meeting that shall be held. Rev. W. C. Blair: The attention of Presbytery was called to the fact that the last resting place of one of the pioneers of Presbyterianism in this Presbytery is unmarked and neglected and a committtee consisting of Messrs. E. B. Barden and R. F. Clement were appointed to take steps to erect a suitable monument and the matter was commended to the attention of our churches. Presbytery Adjourned to meet at Goliad, Texas, October 13, 1909. Brooks I. Dickey, S. C. ALBEMARLE PRESBYTERY. Presbytery met in its fortieth staled session at Enfield. N. C., April 20, 1909. The opening sermon was preached by the retiring moderator. Rev. H. B. Searight. Present: Eleven ministers and seven elders. Officers: Rev. W. McG. White, D. D., was elected moderator; Rev. Geo. B. Thompson and Elder Otto Daniel, temporary clerks. Received: Rev. G. W. Belk was received from the Presbytery of Mecklenburg. and clothed with evangelistic powers. Reports: Sessional reports carefully considered by the respective committees and reported to Presbytery, show a gratifying condition in almost every department of our church work. 4 . ~ J. rH. 27 Popular Addresses in the interest of home missions were delivered by Rev. J. N. H. Sunimerell, D. D., Rev. Q. \V. Relk and Synodical Superintendent M. McG. Shields. The Barium Springs Orphanage and Davidson College were ably represented by Rev. Jno. Wakefield and Rev. T. W. Lingle. Presbytery Heard an interesting and scnoiariy paper on "ine cuie ana wora of John Calvin," by Rev. H. B. Senright. The sermon on Family Religion was preached by Rev. J. N. II. Summered, D. D. Mai. 4: C. The Call from the Nutbush church for the pastoral services of Rev. Carr Moore was found in order and steps were taken lor his installation, Rev. J. A. McClure to preside, preach and propound the constitutional questions, Rev. G. B. Thompson to charge the pastor, and Elder Samuel Watkins to charge the people. Time to be determined later. Commissioners: Principals, Rev. Jno. S. Wood, of Enfield, N. C., and Elder Thos. A. Henry, of Newbern, N. C.; alternates, Rev. H. B. Searight, of Washincrtnn V P Rider C_ A. Eewis. of Henderson, N. C. Overture: Presbytery answered "Yes" to the Assembly's overture regarding Confession of Faith, Chapter 10, secAUNTIES They Belong to the Whole Neighborhood. That dear old neighbor we knew as "Aunty" and who lived down the street was no relation, of course, except that her tender old heart atade her "Aunty" to all the young people. And how she did love the young mothers! One who remembers her says: "We could always depend on 'Aunty' for good sound adviCfc. She was partieu lflrly well informed on food and what to use for certain troubles. "After having taught in the public sohools for years my health became bad and I suffered frequently from indigestion. After my marriage I had indigestion so badly it became chronic. "Owing to niy condition my little baby did not get proper nourishment and was a very delicate child. I had about decided to put her on artificial food altogether when the advice of dear old 'Aunty' put baby and I on the right road. "She insisted upon my trying GrapeNuts food, declaring that it would "help me and give baby more nourishment, so to please her 1 did, trying it for breakfast. The result was so marked and so quick that I ate it for luncheon too and I must say the change has been won derful. I have good health now and baby Is a strong active child. "My mother says that Grape-Xuts helps her more and keeps her more cheerful and happy than anything else she has ever done. Truly pure, scientific food has great power." "There's a. Reason " Read "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest, tion 3. Next Meeting: The Nulbush church was selected. J. S. McClure, S. C.