The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 05, 1909, Page 28, Image 28

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28 THE ] JELL-O ^ is made in seven Ok choice flavors and can be prepared for the table in a Jr*[ r ^ hundred different ways, so a new dessert can l>e J<f?iT v\S&fz? served everv da v. fA Jell-O dessert can l>e prepared in a minute, at a cost of only 10 Grocers sell it. Illustrated Recipe Book, free. The Genesee Pare Food Co., Le Roy, N.Y. Rufus J. Paddock ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Ct4 Camp Street. Room 406. Special Attention to Collectioaa. P. O. Bex 711. New Orleans, La Menaee: Preahyterlaa oI the South i rrTTTTTirrTrrr: i HU! tUK IHt WtST! 28 Days of Travel and Sight Seeing through the Great West and over the Rocky Mts. LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, SALT LAKE CITY, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Six Days in the famous Yellow Stone Park. Numerous side trips. Especially designed for women and school girls. Party chaperoned by President of Mississippi Synodical College and his wife. Prom $50 to $100 saved on the trip. For circular containing rates and full description address, REV. T. W. RAYMOND, Holly Springs, Miss. CHURCH WINDOWS Send for Illustrated Catalogue Jacoby Art Glass Co.,st- Uuls- MoDept. 41. Mlo and St Vlacent 4?et XT 17 VJtW. jjy. l^gUUll Practical Painter and Daecrator. 1281 Constance St. New Orleans. Phone Uptown 2396-L. Contractors' and Dealers' Exchange, Telephone Main 327. Estimates Cheerfully Qiven. BELLS. 8t?el A'lnj Church ?od School Bell*. tVSend for OMilMur Thr C. 8. RELL ( ()., llllUboro.o PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH Y Story Corner The rector of a church in Aberdeenshire was greatly pleased by the knowledge of his Catechism displayed by a bright urchin. After a series of questions about religious knowledge, all of which were answered satisfactorily, the clergyman next asked, "And now, my little friend, have you ever read the Thirtynine Articles?" "No, sir," rejoined Ihe youngster, anxious to display his knowlOflfTP* I'vp von/I 1 Ho ' Pnrt f * *? In the course of a lesson on the subject of domestic economy and hygiene, recently, at an Oldham technical school, a mistress got a singularly smart and apt answer from a girl. Speaking of milk and its importance as a food "the lady asked. "What is the best place wherein to keep the milk perfectly nice and fresh during, say, a hot summer day?" And one girl?evidently thinking it was ar. easy one?promptly answered, "Please, teacher, in the cow." A Welsh curate having preached sev; eral sermons which were considered superior to his own powers of composition, was asked by a friend how he managed. He replied: "Do you see, I have got a volume of sermons by one Tillotson, ana a very gooa oook 11 is; so l translate one of the sermons Into Welsh, and then back again into English, after which the devil himself would not know it again." A gentleman was walking along the side of the canal one evening, enjoying the balmy air and a smoke. Presently he saw a little fellow intent on fishing, going up to him, the gentleman asked Mn kindly t?:nes: "My little man, how manv fish have you caught?" "Well, sir," he said, looking, up brightly, "when I've ketched anorher, 1 shall have one." PlophJor Rifilmn r*f Vicmoa woo cs\i% of a tallow-chandler. A proud and highborn prelate once endeavored to mortify him by hinting in an insulting manner at. his humble origin. To which Flechier replied: "My lord, I am the son of a chandler, lis true; and, if your lordship had. been the same, you would have remained a tallow-chandler all the day3 of your life." The class was given "Oliver Cromwell* as the subject for a short essay, and one of the efforts contained the following sentence: "Oliver Cromwell had an iron will, an unsightly wart, and a large red nose; but underneath were deep religious feelings." Some gentlemen who had just returned from a trip through the West came to J /vnll /yn T I n/tnlr. j \v aaiuiigtun iiuu wcui iu can un uiuuuiu. During their visit one of the men spoko of a hody of water in Nebraska, which bore an Indian name. "I cannot recall its name now," he said, in a vexed tone, "but it signified 'weeping water.' " President Lincoln instantly responded, "As . 'laughing water,' according to Longfellow, is 'Minnehaha,' this evidently should be 'Minneboohoo.'"?New Orleans Picayune. May 5, 1909. Mr When things * around the home need oiling? use Household Lubricnnt. You'll be sure then of perfect lubrication. It's nu oil that's compounded especially to meet all requirements found in the average household. Never rancid. Never rusts, corrodes or gums. For typewriter, fj sewing; machine, bicycle, revolver, II gun, grindstone, i11 - - ?. mu.ivw, 1,1 carpel sweeper, r I clock,hinge,tools, til baby carriage,etc. Everything * oz. That Jlww and Needs 8 oz. Every Church Should Use Individual Communion Cups. Our' 'Se'f-Collect Ids'' Tr?? is 'lltfAYfHli' lh*- beat, at.d saves one-fourth cost of otlier avstems. WilJ BSiH^SlBL sen.l outfit for freet. ial to any cliurcli before purclia-inp. 5,000 churches use Thomas Communion Service Co. ^. Box 100 Lima. Ui i.< A. b. Griswold 6 Co., Ltd Jewelers aid Silversmiths Our stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Diamonds and Precious Stones, Watches. Novelties In Gold and Silver, Is the largest and handsomest we have ever shown. Everything New, Fresh, Attractive. Write for our Book of Suggestions. A. B. GRISWOLD S. CO., Ltd. Established 1117. 723 Canal Street, NEW ORLEANS. F. Johnson 6 Son Company LIMITED. UNDERTAKERS AND FURNISHERS OF FINE FUNERAL FURNITURE 300 Magacine Street, corner Julia, art Washington and Prytanla Streets. Both 'Phoaea 697. NEW ORLEANS, LA. 0. J. Macmurdo, Jr. E. R. Gregory. Macmurdo & Gregory GENERAL IN8URANCE. Office Ne. 914 Hennen Building. Pbooe Mala 4411. New Orleana, La. Plre, Life. Accident, Liability, Boiler, Plate Olasa, Indemnity, Burglary, Tornado. NEW ORLEANS, LA.