The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 05, 1909, Page 29, Image 29

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May 5, 1909. THI niicu icast expected." A bottle of W Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic kept near at hand is your best safeguard?the cheapest "Accident Insurance" in the world! It affords immediate and permanent relief from Cuts, I . cruises, Burnsor Sprains. >Q| Keep a bottle in the^fufl Mail or Bring Us Your Savings AND GLT ? 3 1-2 Per Cent Per Annum On deposits from $1.00 up Whitney-Central Trust i & Savings Bank r 621 GRAVIER STREET, / NEW ORLEANS, LA. I Bonds and Fine BankInvestments. ine Conneetlnna Raymond M. Hudson. ATTORNCT-AT-LAW Norfolk, Va. Practices In Supreme Court of the United States. And all Federal and State Courts and Departments. A little girl said to her nurse one moruing, "Do you shut your eyes and talk before you eat? My grandpa does, and my father does, if he is not too much in a hurry." 2 PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU! PRESBYTERY OF DALLAS. Presbytery met in the Oak Cliff church, Dallas, April 14, and was opened with a sermon by Rev. E. S. Lowrance. Present: Twenty-seven ministers and twenty-two elders. Dr. Thornton \* haling, moderator, and Rev. G. C. Moore. Rev. S. L. Rieves, Rev. E. S. Lowianco and Rev. L. Gill, clerks. Received: Rev. G. 8. Hall, tiom tb> Presbytery of Krownwood. and arrangements were made for his installation at Childress; Rev. T. E. Wharton, D. D.. from the Presbytery of Columbia, also his two sons, who are candidates for .he -iiuuisiry, were transierrea to mo care or this Presbytery. Arrangements wero made for the installation of Dr. Wharton as pastor of the First Church of Sherman. Dismissed: Rev. T. 13. Southall, to the Presbytery of Paimyra, and Rev. R. C. McRoy, to the Presbytery of Cherokee. Overture: Presbytery voted, by a vote of two to one, in favor of a change in the Confession of Faith in the "Elect Infant Clause." The Presbytery in voting aye to the question of the Assembly, "Shall any chance be made in the Confession of Faith, Chapter 10, section *'&T' desires to be clearly understood as meaning that it desires no change which will at all modify the confessional doctrine of unconditional and particular election. John Calvin Celebration: Three able flHflihicrno ti'isra -.iiorln 00 viu, the Man and His Times," by Dr. T. S. Clyce; "Calvin, His Influence on Civil and Religious Liberty," by Hon. | Lewis Dabney, and the "Five Points ot Calvinism," by Dr. Thornton Whaling. Corresponding Member: Dr. J. D. Mclean, president of our Orphans' Home, was inviter to sit as a corresponding member, and addressed the Presbytery in the interest of the home. An Overture was adopted asking Synod to divide the Presbytery, making a new Presbytery of the Panhandle country. Rev. J. N. Ivy resigned as superintendent of home missions, and accepted a call to the Amarillo church, and arrangements were made for his installation Missions: A popular meeting was held In the interests of home missions, when several interesting addresses were delivered. and an offering was taken amounting to $42.55. Rev. W. C. Huchanan, missionary from Japan, gave us an interesting address on foreign missions. Commissioners: Rev. S. L. Rieves, of McKinney, Rev. J. L. Bell, D. D.. of Dallas. Elders J. A. Crawford, of Crandall, and R. S. Rose, of Gainesville, principals; Rev. W. P. Galbraith, of Dallas, Rev. E. M.- Munroe, of Milford, Elder3 J. W. Alexander, of Sherman, and J. L. Thompson, of Dallas, alternates. Presbytery now consists of thirty-four ministers and seventy churches and has under its care two licentiates and eighteen candidates for the ministery. Next Meeting: Amarillo. An adjourned meeting will be held at Bowie, April 27. E. M. Munroe, S. C. I Rv examining the tongue rf a patient, physicians find out the diseases of the body, and philosophers the diseases of ' the mind.--Justin. d :h. 29 University Virginia Sunnur School For High fchool Teachers. Principals. College Te >> hera, and those preparing for Entrance Requirements Large facn.ty. Crcdita giten. Mountain clintate. Session June 18th?Juiy Slat. Write for sniioupcement to Director Summer School. C. A. ALDERMAN. President. University, Virginia. FREE To Teachers and School Committeemen: Our thirty-two page educational pocket calendar and memorandum notebook. Send postal card request, stating location of school. SOUTHERN EDUCATIONAL BUREAU, Raleigh, North Carolina. DEWBERRY SCHOOL AGENCY. Th<s Agency was established in 1891 and for many years has sera# teacners and schools in all parts of the South and Southwest. Schools desiring teachers, or teachers desiring positions should address R. A. Clayton, Manager. Birmingham, Ala. S'afesville Female College Able faculty; thorough courses; largs attendance; modern equipment; & delightful Home School. Board and tuition and all Fesa for the tine moD'hs, $152.00. Send for catalogue. \ REV. J. A. SCOTT, D.D., ) Statesville, N. C. HOME INSTITUTE 1440 TO 1446 CAMP STRH.Ji. NEW ORLEANS, LA. YOUNG LADIE8' DAY AND BOARDIN4 SCHOOL. Twenty-sixth term. Latest methods hs all departments. Term commences OC TOBER 1, 1908. Complete ccurse. *perlenced teachers. Special Classes la Normal and Business Courses. For catalogue, address MISS S. B. WRIGHT, PrlnoipaL The Law School ".PJ?!K, NASHVILLE, TEr*N. Three years' course leading to the degree ot LL.B. For catalogue or special informatioa, address ALLEN Q. HALL, LL.D., Chairman of the Faculty. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUR SEASON'S 8HOPPINQ. Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNS, or WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get sty samples and estimates before you decide vMb whom you will place your order. Witt mv WnnvUftnf l>nrM/.t atwlAn ?/>?.? I with taste and good Judgment, and th* personal interest 1 take in every order, I am sure I can please you. 1 guarantee oerfert (it and satisfaction. MPg. CHARLES ELLISON, Louisville. Ky.