The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 05, 1909, Page 31, Image 31

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May 5, 1909. TP The Anti-Trust Law Valid in Arkansas: Deciding the case of the Hammond Packing Company, of Chicago, vs. the State of Arkansas, favorably to the State, the Supreme Court of the United States ha3 upheld the constitutionality of the anti-trust law of Arkansas. The company was fined $10,000 in the Arkansas State courts for failing to observe I the law. For the Best in Groceries and Table Delicacies Consult 14 i ivi inai 111 kjcuuiiui 6#4-6-fi E. Broad St., - Richmond, Va. SOUTHERN SUPPLY CO., Timbervllle, Miss. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY OFFERS, be.-ide the regular College Courses, Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering, Architecture. Mus'c, Painting, Law, Medicine Sociology and Pedagogy. SUMMER SCHOOL July 6--August 17 College eutrance conditions may be removed and college cTedit given to those doing satisfactory work. The instructors are University professors. Ample facilities for library and laboratory work. The location is cool, healthful and easy of access. Living inexpensive. Tuition, $15 for single course; $25 for two or more courses. Bend for circulars. a ncj KLUiai ttAit, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. I Don't break yonr Back #1 In sweeping uq the dust. This dunt pan has .1 Ion? handle and its edges fit the floor OTFVjl tightly. No danger of spilling contents l>e- 1 cause it tilts hack auton.atn ally when rais- l[A [Jlj I e<i Will outlast 10 ordinary dust pans. ffj \ Sent postpaid on receipt of tt 8c. stamps. / I r FREE?A useful article will he given free / I A II to any housewife for 5 minutes of her but. / ji j\ J, Jy Address for particulars. A U J fli\ IMPERIAL SUPPLY CO., Lock Box, 45, WEST MIDDLESEX, PA. i Buy Your Fun There are many reasons wnj largest In the South. We buy In lower freight rates, and the goo When you come to our store yo from. You can get just what yc Therefore, when you visit F headquarters. We will be glad write for prices. Sydnor & Hi "Furniture for the Home Beautiful' YOU C AN AFF( OF THE GOSPEL," Round or Shape Notes, songs. Sample copy 5 cants. E. A. K. HA< Bank of Branches 303 E. Broad St., [E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOIT I National ===A Poeu" La m I matic \U^U*. ?i. For Country and &8aBp Suburban Homes Qives all the advantages of a city water works, and furnishes Are protection, which reduces Insurance rates. Systems furnished for use with hydraulic rams from spring or branch, or any kind of power pump from well. Capacity 140 gallons up. Send sketch of your building similar to illustration, giving depth of well or fall to spring or branch, and we will estimate as to cost. HERE IS OUR GUARANTEE: You purchase a National tWater Supply System, install it according to directions furnished by us, operate it for one year, and if at the end of that time you are notsatisfied In every particular. you can return the system to us. and we will pay the freight charges, and refund to you in cash every dollar you have paid us. am*. ? Write now while you think of it. The cost is small compared to the comfort it will give you. Address carefully as follows to insure prompt attention: GRAHAM DAVIDSON A. CO., mcnmond, va. | aiture -From Us / you should. Our stock is the carload lots and get lower prices, ds reach us in perfect condition, u have big assortments to select >u want. lichmond, make our store your to see you. If you cannot come. mdley, Inc., 4 709-11-13 E. Broad, Richmond,Va. \Y) ?\ a new Song Book in your Church lt\ I I or Sunday School, and one for everv person: "FAMILIAR SONGS I for$3 for 100. Words and music 83 very best -Ktl 1, 109 North Wayne Street, Fort Wayne, Ind. ' ' Richmond 15th and Main Sts., 25th and Broad Sts., L CH. * 3. DR. HILL S 1200 Bible Questions IN CONSECUTIVE ORDER. New and practical plan for studying the Bible. Suitable for old and young. A class should be formed in every church. Very thing for ladies' and young people's societies. The writer has tested the pamphlet for some time and has been so well pleased with it that he is led to volunteer these word3 of appreciation, in the hope that other church organizations may adopt it and find it of value in their work. Its value may be chiefly summed up in three words: definiteness, suggestivenes3 and comprehensiveness (embracing the whole Bible). There are many helpful text-books that lead one to study about the Bible; this one, however, requires one to study the Bible itself.?A Pastor, in Christian Observer. Last October we began the study ot our Bibles with the help of the 1,200 Bible questions. It has added greatly to the interest and attendance of our weekly meetings (Ladies' Aid) and has been a help and delight to many of our members. We have interested the societies of the other denominations in our town in the study and once in a while, at an appointed time, we have a union meeting and "stand an examination" on what ws have passed over, conducted by one of our pastors or any appointed leader.? Mrs. O. L. Halley, Comanche, Texas. They have been a great help and comfort to me.?Miss Annie L. Crawford, Walter's Park, Pa. The valuable little book has made the study of the Bible a never-ending delight.?Mrs. L. H. Bowles, Troy, Ala. Since my earliest youth I have been trained in the Scriptures, but these questions have called my attention to many things I have overlooked in my dally reading.?Mrs. E. D. I^atta, Charlotte, North Carolina. I am using them with success in my C. E. Society.?Rev. Geo. N. Greer, Santa Ana. Calif. I find these very helpful in my Bible class.?Rev. Jas. R. Burchfleld, Hill City, Tennessee. Answers printed in separate pamphlet, to use when doubt arises as to proper answer to a question. A copy of the Question Book may be had for 10 cents?three or more copies 8 1-3 cents each. Copies of the Answers sold at same prices. Orders for either filled prompt1 y Address IRVING GILMER, Liberty, Mo. CENTRAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION, Paris, Ky., Miss Kate Edgar, Proprietor and Manager. Prompt and reliable information given presidents of colleges an4 superintendents of schools of teachers suitable for their vacancies. Send for circulars. gtn and flain Streets .Your Account Solicited 3 per cent Interest allowed in Savings Department. ouisiana St., and Williamsburg Ave.