The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 05, 1909, Page 33, Image 33

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May 5, 1909. TH1 spread on the minutes of session, read by the pastor at the Sabbath morning service, a copy sent the family of the deceased and another copy furnished the Presbyterian of the South, with request for publication. A. R. Ellersor, Clerk, D. R. Walthall, Moderator. REV. LUTHER V. COBB. Rev. Luther V. Cobb, pastor of the Overland Park group of churches in St. Louis county, Missouri, died at St. Mary'3 Hospital, St. Louis, Sunday, April 18. He had been suffering with severe attacks occasionally for two years, and more frequently and severely for the last two months. He had been in the hospital for a week, when an operation was found io oe necessary on rnuay, oui it provea? insufficient to save his life. He never rallied, and died on Sunuay morning. Our church ioses in him one of it*) strong young men, who promised many years of usefulness to Tier service. Strong and apparently healthy till within the last few weeks, his death is a great shock to his friends, who can hardly yet realize that he is gone. He was a man whom it was easy to love. He was cheerful, of an agreeable disposition, of a simple, clear faith, and of unfailing perseverance. He endurfd his trials of the last few months with cheerful patience, and In his work, which was hard but promising. he was just beginning to gather his reward, when ho was called to a higher reward, for he was a good man, full of faith. L. ST. LOUIS PRESBYTERY. Presbytery met at St. Charles, Mo., April 20. The meeting was preceded by a very interesting evangelistic conference, beginning at 10 a. m., in which nearly all the members of the Presbytery took part. The Presbytery was opened in the evening by the retiring moderator, Rev. C. T. Squires, with a sermon on Bvaugelism. Officers: Rev. J. E. Flow, of St. Charle3, moderator. Rev. C. H. Talbot, of Festus, Tennessee, clerk. Received: Rev. C. E. Paxson, from Ft. wortn Presbytery, and Rev. J. R. C. Brown, from LaF&yette Presbytery. Installation: A committee, consisting of Rev. Dr. T. C. Barret, Rev. J. E. Flow and Rev. C. T. Squires, with Elder S. L. Penn, was appointed to install Rev. J. R. C. Brown as pastor of the Troy church. Calvin Celebration: Three addresses were delivered. Rev. S. M. Watson spoke on "Calvin as a Pastor and Private CitiIzen." Rev. J. Dayton Mauze on "Calvin. the Reformer." and Rev T. C. Barret on "Calvin, the Statesman." Elect Infant Clause: The Presbytery expressed a preference for an explanatory foot note, or, if that were denied, asked for a change of phraseology. An Overture was sent to the Assembly, HHKiug ior some system of equalizing the expenses of commissioner? to the Assembly. Commissioners: Principals, Rev. R. S. Brank, of Drank Memorial church, and Elder T. S. MePheeters, of Grand Avenue; alternates. Rev. C. H. Talbot, of Festus, and Elder W. R. Young, of Troy. Next Meeting, Festus. Mo. Walter M. Langtry, 8. C. i mm 2 PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTE The soouer you begin to lr IU?1 come and place It in a gc you will have ready cash nlw gency. Just lay aside n poi (1 BF" from time to time and It wll O^H The Planters Natlonnl Bnnk Profits of any National Bnnk s Write us nt once about ( B|^H MAIL?a safe and sure wnj Capital >390.000 Silliman Colleg CLINTON, L< in endowed school for flrln, nnder Presbyterian co Handsome, roomy buildings, beautiful, well-shaded necessary equipment. Scientific and Classical coure< Music, Art, Expression, Physical Culture. Board an students for $146.00. Next session begins September I For catalogues and Information, address the Pre I ToCALIFOR from New ( Ann Ufa it pal vug nay vviuuims March I to April 30, VI/ SOUTHERN , THROUGH TRAI OIL BURNING LOCOMOTIVES PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS Rate Per Berth In Tourist Sleeper, Ne\ Ask Your Agent for Information D. ASBURY, Div. Pass. Agt., J. \ Lake Charles. LANT1RS ^s^Ln^^\rtment v ing Today ly aside n portion of your in>od strong bank, the sooner rays at hand in rase of emorrtlon of your money regularly 1 accumulate rapidly, has the largest Surplus and Until of Washington, D. C. >ur method of BANKING BY r to obtain wealth. kL SANK. Richmond. Va. Surplus and Profit!, SI,110,000 mmmammmmammmam?Jsh iate Institute "ITTIftlATMA ntrol. Healthful location la the hill counts*, grounds. Electric lights. 8team Heat. All m leading to degrees. Special advantages la d tultlea for entire seaeton given twenty-Ire 1?. 1908. Ident. H. H. BROWNLB8, Cllatoa, Louisiana. MA,*30." Orleans Tickets on Sale 1909, inclusive Darin/ r nunt IN DAILY CHAIR CARS AND COACHE8 LIBERAL STOPOVERS w Orleans to San Francisco, $5.75 and Literature, or Write L R. PARSON8, Gen. Pass. AgL, New Orleans.