The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 05, 1909, Image 35

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Bohne's Book Store BOHNE & WILT, Praps. Booksellers & Stationers 1328 DRYADE8 8T., Near Thalia. Nsw Orleans, La. Baae Ball Goods. Fishing Tackle, and Periodicals and Religious Articles. New and Second-hand School Books bought, sold and exchanged. I The Safest G Quickest Way TO Transfer Money IS BY Long Distance Telephone For Rates Apply to Local Manager. Cumberland Telephone 6 Telegraph Company (Incorporated) NEW ORLEAN8. LA. '? If you want to secure a $60 Life Scholarship, by copying a chapter in the Bible, ?nu 10 MAKKIS BUSINKSS UNIVBR8ITY, Jackaon, Miss. Commonwealth Bank 12 North Ninth Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CAPITAL - $200,040.0* 14 Per Cent ON SAVINGS. ROYALINE OIL for Aching Feet. ROYALINE OIL After Shaving. ROYALINE OIL for Sore Throat. ROYALINE OIL, no Grease, no Stain. ROYALINE OIL, the best Antiseptic. 10c, 25c, 50c. Druggists. For COUGHS and COLDS- - CROUP and all PAINS It Acts Instantaneously DIE!-BAL 25c A JAR nr.f.,?r. _25c a JAR ... ?u. unuvivllJIJ UK DT MAIL L. B. DIEZ, New Orleans, La. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE I OF MEDICINE,nv?RG%wf' I MEDICINE ? DENTlSTRY-PHARMACY I TUAKT MeCUim. M.D., ^reg Hxt ? g Flrtt-oloju la Standard and Faetlltlea. I IadlTldaal laitnctliin. Serenty Teachefn. Nantxr of Rtodenta Limited ta Fifty In ntb Claw. Thrca fri, cataloguer?Specify Department. Solari's Fine Imoorted OUR GOOD8 ARE Corner Royal and Customhouse Sts.?Phorn Corner St. Complete Catalogue Issued. : ^SsesP Hap The GRUNEV Doe: Sweet Mellow Tone?4 A Ten Year Guarantee $350.00 gets one. Tern $50 less if paid all cash. \\ j L. GRUNEWAL mcw n 1 ! Incorpora FIRE RIV SUN INSUF OF NEW < Okas. Jaarlai William P. Mama, Saeratary. W. Btlmi, PraMnt. J. A. Stlnra, Vic? Salmen Brick 6 Lumber Co., Ltd. New Orleans OMce?71S Common 1 Yellow Pine and Cypress Lumber, Press? William Frantz JEWELERS am Sterllns Silver and Solid Geld Geede Mall Inquiries and orders promptly attended REPAIR DEPARTMENTS. 142 CARONRE W. H. BTRNBS, Praa. JOHN T. OIBB Capital .... Aaaata ... HIBERNIA IN! No. 300 Camp Street LOMBB PAIS . . ItflHfiaikAi 4. and Domestic Groceries ALWAYS FRE8H. 9 714. Charlaa and Louisiana Ares.?Phone 871. NEW ORLEAN8, LA. ke Your ie a >py One /ald piano s It Pedals?Improved action, with Each Piano. as: $18 down and $6 monthly. J rite for particulars. .D COMPANY -EANt. LA. ? p .ted 1868 ER MARINE LANCE CO. ORLEANS fradiMt ftrpu a. Lm. ThHWdtMi -Praatdant. J. Salmon, Soc'y and Traaa. SAW and PLANING MILLS, BRICK WORKS and MAIN OmCE: SLIDELL, LA. Btreat, St. Charlae Hotal Building, d and Ordinary Brick. Phona Main S1L ft g\ Branch Stara: i /* 1014 8. Rampart St W lllla ?Oppaaita? vvt Union Btatlan. d OPTICIANS. Appointed Railroad Watch Inapaetaro. I to. SPECIAL ATTENTION CALLED TO [LET 8T? NEW ORLEAN8, LA. ON8, Vic*-Pre?. P. E. BURKB, 8*c*y. $200,009.90 . $442,441.54 5URANCE CO. New Orleans, La. i PROMPTLY.