The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 12, 1909, Page 27, Image 27

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May 12, igog. TH] Presbytery of Pee Dee T. E. Simpson, Society Hill. J. AV. Joh Alt., D. M. Fulton, LmrliiiKtou. Alt., J. 1 Presbytery of South Caro \V. IT. Frnipp. Amir I'snti J I<? ll?i? F. \V. Gregg, Abbeville. J. I?. Suit Alt., David Lander, Lasley. Alt., J. Alt., T. D. Cartledge, Due Alt., W. West. SYNOD OF TENNESSE Presbytery of Columbia P. L. Bruce, Spring Hill. S. 11. A lit; Alt., P. D. Daniel, Lyunville. Alt., It. Presbytery of Holston F. L. Leeper, Jefferson City. J. It. Hot Alt., C. C. Carson, Bristol. Alt.. 1). Presbytery of KnoxvilU J. I?. Baehtnun, Sweetwater. II. A. Cha Alt., T. M. Lowry, Kuoxvllle. Alt., A. Presbytery of Memphii J. H. Lumpkin, Memphis. J. B. Gra Alt., W. R. Potter, Covtuptou. Alt., J. Presbytery of Nashville D. McQueen, Shelbyville. D. C. Goi G. H. Cornelson, Jr., Nashville. C. C. Gill Alt., G. O. Baclitnan, Nashville. Alt., W. Alt., S. II. Chester, Nashville. Alt., J. Presbytery of Western Dis It. L. Bonn, Trenton. II. H. l.e Alt., H. li. Zernow, Humboldt. E. E. C SYNOD OF TEXAS. Presbytery of Brazos. It. M. Hull, Ualveston. J. C. Amu Alt., Win. S. Jacobs, Houston. Alt.. A. I Presbytery of Brown woe Jesse W. Slier, D.D., Son Angclo. D. C. Clar Alt., F. A. Barnes, Sherwood. Alt., S. Presbytery of Central Te> S. A. King. Austin. A. N. Sml Edward Bailey, Mnysfleld. T. W. Or Alt., E. E. Bigger, Mexta. Alt., It. Alt., C. T. Caldwell, Waco. Alt., J. Presbytery of Dallas. h. b. Kicves, McKlnnoj. J. A. Cra' J. L. Bell. Dallas. R. S. Ros Alt., W. F. Galbraltb, Dallas. J. \V. A Alt., E. M. Munroe, Milfurd. J. L. Tt Presbytery of Texas?Mex R. D. Campbell, Laredo. E. Sam-be: Alt., \V. S. Seott, San Autoulo. \V. C. ( Presbytery of Eastern Te <?. S. Uobinson, Palestine. J. U. Long Alt., E. T. Drake, Orange. Alt., Ale Presbytery of El Paso. H. M. Smith, Abilene.. J. W. Shlv Alt., B. C. Bell, Clseo. Alt., W. A famous English gardener once heard a nobleman snv inmnlnininorlir no.. not have a rose garden, though i often have tried, because the soil around my castle is too poor for roses." "That is no reason at all," replied the gardener. "You must go to work and make it better. Any ground can be made fit for roses if pains are taken to prepare it. The poorest soil can be made rich." It was a wlsf? savlncr t.nd l? lo _ ^ ...0. muu it 10 vi no I Get Rid of Si fH Impure or effete matters accumul cause in the spring such disfiguring ai and other eruptions, also weakness, lo IThe best medicine to' take is He cleanses the blood, and effects pernui tional activity to the stomach, liver, 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla effects its wc contains sarsaparilla, but because it ( of more than 20 different ingredients richcil hv iViio -?1 '? ? ~J .u.a (^vLuiiai cuiliuiliuuon. edies that successful physicians presc ments. There is no real substitute fc buy any preparation said to be "just ferior, costs less to make, and yields \ Begin taking Hood's Sarsaparilla the chocolated tablets'known as Sarsat { y V.. E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU Pi nson, Marlon. W. F. Price, Files. It. Townsend, Blenheim. Alt., W. H. McCull ilina. pre, [h^LlSfrtv7' M- 7!- Do?Ke?. Aiirttlr P.* Strlbllii'g, Richland. w n C Fost^^ P. Anderson, West-^ E. I n, Petersburg. , ? _ , 11. Jiujes, Lewlsburg. T W Hoope^ Jr^C Pre W- ? C. C. Hersmnn, Rlcbtn O. Coll. F. W. Osborn, Old CI >. J. H. Ilenderlite, I mb 8. K. Winn, Appo.n ft ??.t_- F r. none. r , J. W. Holt, Alderson, j. M. Sloan, Alderson eey Brighton. E. Daniel, Lewlabi P. Matthews, Oakland. w. W. Bain, Gr'enbo 1. I don. Franklin. j. K. Hlnter, Winflel >ert, Nashville. H. Venable, Nashville. Alt., E. Thompson, S. Gooeh, Smyrna. ;trict. f tv, Itipley. G. L. Brown, Penn 1 Chester, Brownsville. A. M. Fraser, S?aunt< Alt., W. S. Trimble, Alt., J. A. Trostie, ler, Hempstead. . p. P. Flournoy, Betli ). Hensley, Hempstead. Alt., J. S. Webster, ] It. Wataoii^Coleraan. Jnmea D- 1>nxtollj vJ*ca8? Alt., Thomas Mowlir tta, Georgetown. . ft" "'gory, Austin. *' ?. Irwin, Radford L. Bewley, McGregor. A,t ? Arthur Rowhotl W. Butler, Clifton. Ko svford, Crandnll. , ... x e, Gainesville. ah p n ii , i sr .iexunder, Sherman. ' " HeuderlfT lompson, Dallas. ican. I x. San Antonio. AV*; P<?n&n. 'humberlnln, Laredo. Alt., C. W. Maxwell, xas. Prei Husk W. W. Moore. Rlchnn x. Bone, Benuiuoiit. McAllister, H< Pi C. D. Gllkoson, Mooref c, Coahoma. ' W. W. Edge, Davis, 8. Rower, Knox City. in other places than rose gardens. Some young people say, "I can't be cheerful," or, "I can't be sweet-tempered," or, "I can't be forgiving," as if they were not responsible for the growths in their soul-garden because the soil is poor. But "any ground can be made fit for roses," ana any heart can be made fit for the loveliest blossoms of character, if we try, with God's help, to prepare it for their growth.?Young People. pring Humors lated in the blood during the winter id painful troubles as boils, pimples* ss of appetite, that tired feeling. ,/wl'c. it- '' ww o umoapaiiuuj which tuurougniy inent cures by giving healthy fuuciidneys, bowels and skin, inderful cures, not simply because it :ombines the utmost remedial values a?L il- -A 11 * , cacu greuuy sirengineneu ana enThese ingredients are the very reuiribe for the same diseases and ail>r Hood's Sarsaparilla. If urged to as good," you may be sure it is inIhe dealer a larger profit, today, in the usual liquid form or in abs. 100 Doses One Dollar. HHHNHHMMBHMHK9S fTH. 27 resbytery of Fort Worth. J. E. Morrison, Graham, lough, Alt., M. E. Glliuore, N. Ft. Ellasville. Worth, sbytery of Western Texas. >. H. C. Kyle. C. II. Heard. tmu-ncflllo lit I \%T W7*., 4. City. Alt.,' J. H. Uallman. SYNOD OF VIRGINIA. Presbytery of Abingdon, resbytery of Chesapeake. Iria. W. E. Miller, Herndon. ulpepper. Alt., Rufus Clark, isbytery of East Hanover, lond. J. S. Munee. burch. Owsley Saunders, f rtcksburg. Alt., D. D. Talley. attox. W. B. Smith, resbytery of Greenbrier. w. vi. F. D. Wheelwright. , W. Vn. U. F. Dunlap. irg. W. Va. Alt., E. L. Bell, ick, W. Va. Alt., K. E. J. Campbell. Presbytery of Kanawha, d, W. V. K. U. Huhbaril, Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, Alt., C. C. Brown, Frazier W. Va. Bottom, W. Va. 'resbytery of Lexington. Laird. D. B. MeClnng, Brownsburg. >u. Paul Penlek, Lexington. Monterey. Alt., J. W. Miller. Raphlne. Lexington. Alt., It. D. Flrebaugh, Rockbridge Baths. 'resbytery of Maryland. iesda. J. M. Boteler. Baltimore. Hancock. Alt., Joe Reading, Rockvllle. esbytery of Montgomery. - - r-iuer it. unison, it. t. U.f hburg, Va. Peaksville, Va. ?y Alt., Elder E. Edmunds, leastle, \a. BluetlelUf W. Va. ^ " Elder E. B. Hawkins, WUV .. Clifton Forge, Va. auoke, \a. Alt., Elder W. M. .\it=Nutt, _ , It. F. L)., Glasgow, Va. Presbytery of Norfolk. G. B. Crow, Norfolk, e, Newport Alt., E. J. Patton, Newport News. News Presbytery of Roanoke. 80r,?pot- B- F* Hunt. Pamplln City. S. Boston. Alt.. J. K Hnnnnh sbytery of West Hanover. >nd. W. K. McCoy. Gum Springs. )t Springs. Alt., L. J. Coffinan, Ivy. esbytery of Winchester. d. W. Va. W. T. Williams, Woodstock, Va. W. Va. Alt., D. P. Van Meter, Old Fields, W. V* Via Bristol ?AND THE? Norfolk & Western RaIIiarmv nuiinaj The 8h*rt Lin* Between NEW ORLEAN8, BIRMINGHAM, MEMPHIS, CHATTANOOGA, KNOXVILLE ?ANI>? WASHINGTON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. Solid Train 8ervice Dining Car. AO information cheerfully furnished. WARREN L. ROHR, Western Passenger Agent, Chattanooga, Tann. W. B. BEVILL, General Paaaenger Agent, Roanoke; Va. Geo. E. Egdorf Praetlcal Painter and Deoorater. mi Coutuot 8L New Oritm Phone Uptown 1SI6-L. Contractor*' and Dealer*' Exchange, Telephone Main 117. Estimate* Cheerfully Qiven.