The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 12, 1909, Page 28, Image 28

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** , THE I Books and Periodicals Homiletic Review.?Dr. Samuel MeCoinb. of lloston. in the HomilpUr R?vmo for April, contributes an article on "James Martineau and the Philosophical Defense of Religion." He says that "Martineau has been the greatest preacher to preachers our age has known." that "the pre-eminent service which he rendered his generation was that of showing, in a period of religious doubt, caused mainly by the new scientific ideas of man and nature, that religion had nothing to fear from science, nay, 'had no quairel witn science, but only with philosophic cr pseudo-philosophic glosses on scientific j farts " Or Mr?PnmK -<! ...wwuiu coi uiaica itiitrilll^UU as one of the greatest men of the last century. His greatness "lay more in the moral than in the philosophical realm." Review of Reviews for May contains Naturalizing trhe Ostrich, by Will Robinson. with illustrations; Overcoming CoalMinc Disasters, by Guy Elliott Mitchell, with illustrations; A Nation of Life Savers, by Charles F. Speare; The Emmanuel Movement, by Lyman P. Powell: The Bmuiauuel Work from the Physician's View-Point; Japan's Financial Condition; The Antarctic Continent; The Pan-American Scientific Congress; Another Year of Defeat for the American Saloon. St. Nicholas for May is a fine number. It has a great variety of illustration an? reading matter for children and youffis, and much to interest older people. Of special interest are articles oil "Public Playgrounds" with numerous photographic illustrations and "The Story of uutoh Fainting" with pholographs of well knowa paintings representing the history, architecture, social life and scenery of the Netherlands. The Catalog of Hampden Sidney College for the sessions of 1908-9 is an attractive pamphlet, well arranged, and presents a good outline of what is being accomplished at this historic college, wuicn jusuy ranKs as one of the leading educational institutions of our country. Virginia Military Institute.?In addition to the information usually found in annual catalogs there is a list of the graduates of the institute since its organization in 1&39. Some fine tributes have lately been paid the institute by men who are prominent in military and educational affairs. T he Association Record of the University of Virginia indicates thorough nnran ization and commendable activity in the Y. M. C. A. work of the university. Announcement of the gift of ? 150.000 to Harvard University, for the purpose of endowing a chapel to be known as the Edward Wigglesworth Memorial Chapel, was made at the university office last week. The donors are descendants of three Edward Wigglesworths, who have been prominently connected with Har? vard's history. The conditions of the gift specify that the chapel service* "shall never be denominational, nor limited to the forms or tenets of any single branch of Christianity." * PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTI IUFT i^j i i^ncr using MjUfifr Dr. Tichenoi H> It promptly and effectively r Ar Tired, Aching feet. mm The soothing coolness-felt i application is indeed grateful?it and "feels good on the feet." Use it tonight ? you will bi Ail Dracists 25 and 50 cts. if Soda Crac I Any baker car nary soda cracker duce Uneeda Bisc specially fitted t NAT1C IB1SC COMF All soda crack< there is only or I nig nest in tood \ best in Jreshnes that soda cracke Uneed Ries*ni Wb. T. Hardie, Pres. Arthur A. Caatanedc WILLIAMS-RICH. Importers an wa J- - ury uooas, notions ana 209-211-213 and 215 Magazine, 51 New York Office, 5 Leonard 8L P. O "I* May ia, 1909. No More Hred Feet r's Anticnniir ul) ^ / Iter Logic If t make an ordi ? but to pro- IB uit requires the Sjj akeries of the ^nal 5 I I IT M\ U I I >ANY I ers are food. But jiff ie soda cracker ralue as well as M >o. V/I tUUlSiC, 7MA i 5* >, Vico-Pres. M. M. Hardle, Scc'y A Treas. \RDSON CO., Ltd. d Jobbers of Men's Furnishing Goods 2 Common and 515 Qravler Bts. . Drawor 581. . NEW ORLEANS. LA.