The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 19, 1909, Page 19, Image 25

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May 19, 1909. THI 8J members. The present membership is 194. They have just closed some special service^ conducted by Rev. A. A. Little. D. P.. which have been very helpful to the /hurch. There have been nine additions 011 profession of faith, y^irst Church: On lust Wednesday evening, May 12, Governor Glenn addressed / ihe Brotherhood of this church. He spoke / of some of the growing evils of today / and the attitude which every Christian should assume toward these evils. It waa an enjoyable address. uai riciii vnurcri* .m r. 11. ttlirorU, OT Louisville, Kv., preached in this church on May h, with a view to a call. A congregational meeting was held on Sunday, May 16, and a call extended Mr. Buford. This church is under the care of the First Church. ^ Decatur: A congregational meeting was held on May 16, and three additional elders and five deacons were elected. Messrs. E. S. Lathrop, Moses Davis and M. Li. Brown, elders; Messrs. J. E. Sohotteld, A. B. Houston, Wm. S. Ansley, Julius J. Scott and Dr. Wiley S. Ansley. deacons. The Presbyterians of Atlanta are to have a week with John Calvin in tue near tuiuuiiuet; appoinrea Dy the Presbyterian Minister's Association has prepared a most excellent program which we give below. We have not seen anywhere a more interesting or stronger program. All the services will be held In the Central church. Monday. May 31, 8 p. m. "The Times in Which Calvin Wrought. ' Rev. Henry Alexander White, D. D., Columbia Theological Seminary. Tuesday, June 1, 8 p. m.: "John Calvin and American Liberty," Rev. R. C. Reed. D. D? Columbia Theological Seminary. Wednesday, June 2, 8 p. m., "the Life of the Man Calvin," Rev. Henry E. Dosker, D. D., Louisville Theological Seminary. Thursday, June 3, 8 p. m., "Calvin, Exegete, and Theologian, * Rev. R. A. Webb, D. D., Louisville Theological Seminary. Friday, June 4, 8 p. m., "The hive Points u. vaiv iiusin, nev. u. H. strlckler, D. D., Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. LOUISIANA. Hammond: Rev. Charles S. Sholl, of the Canal Street church. New Orleans, delivered the commencement sermon of the Hammond schools on Sunday afternoon, May 9. Louisiana Presbytery: At a pro re nata meeting of the Louisiana Presbytery held at C Union, May 11, the pastoral relation of. Rev. F. VV. Lewis, D. D., and the Clinton church was dissolved, and Dr. Lewis was >lis missed to the East Mississippi Presbytery to accept a call from the church at Aberdeen. Four ministers and two elders were present. Kev. D. O. Ryers was appointed to preach in the Clinton church and declare the pulpit vacant. Dr. Lewis has been pastor cf this church for some twenty years, and, in the meantime, served as the popular and efficient president of the Silliman Institute, located at Clinton, for a series of years. The church and Presbytery rejcretfullv n<>ni.i?-? _ ^ .??v|lUCOCU III ?.is departure to another field of labor. Our prayers and best wishes will follow him. D. O. Byers, S. C. 2 PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU MISSISSIPPI. The Presbytery of East Mississippi: The Presbytery held one of the most delightful sessions with the good people of Nettleton, Miss., beginning Tuesday, April 27, S:30 p. m.. and closing Thursday night. The opening sermon was preached by Kev. A. O. Price, tne retiring moderator, from Prov. 29:18. Officers: J. \V. Moseley, Jr., moderator, and II. L. Morrison, temporary clerk. Present, ministers, fourteen; ruling elders, nineteen. In the Obeservance of the Calvin Memorial service, there were four addresses made. Reports on the various causes of the church were presented. Unity Church was chosen for the place of the next regular meeting; time, August 24, 2 p. m. Rev. W. V. Frierson presented the claims of the Palmer Orphanage, and a collection was taken up for the same. Licentiate John Goff, president of the Chickasaw Female College, was ordained us an evangelists. The li-ka Church extended a call to Rev. H. M. Jenkins for one half of h'.-i time, which was accepted; and Rev. Messrs. J. W. Orr and J. W. Moseley, Jr., and Ruling Elder E. B. Mitchell were appointed to install him. The Presbytery Voted Yea on the question of change of section 2, chapter 10, of the Confession of Faith, and recommended the action of the General Assembly of 1902, to be incorporated in the Confession of Faith. An Overture in Regard to the Rotary Eldership was passed by a small majority. Rev. J. J. Mclnnis was granted the permission to labor without the bounds of Presbytery for six months. Rev. Messrs. W. V. Frierson and J. Moseley, Jr., to deliver addresses on the life work of Fatuer Stewart at the next regular meeting of Presbytery, and J. P. Unger and John Stinson were appointed a committee to continue to raise the Stewart Memorial fund in behalf of Chickasaw Female College for worthy girls. Port Gibson: Rev. R. L. Campbell, of Hattiesburg, Miss., will preach the commencement sermon of the ChamberlainHunt Academy, on May 30; Rev. Geo. I). Boothe will deliver an address to the Literary Society on May 31, at 8 p. m., and Dr. Geo. Summey, of New Orleans, will deliver the address to the graduates June 1, at 11 a. m. The students will engage in a sham battle after the exercises, and the people of the town will give after this a public basket dinner on the spacious campus. Meridian Presbytery held an adjourned meeting at Biloxi, May 4. Rev. Harvey McDowell, the last moderator present, presided. A church was organized at Longbeach and Mr. McDowell was directed to annnlv tlio oomo .?i- - _ .uu ?u.iiu mini IUC litll meeting of Presbytery. The Calvin Memorial church was organized at Gulfport and enrolled. The commission appointed to install Rev. J. C. Watt pastor of the Scranton church reported that duty performed. In response to an offer of some property situated at Waveland for church purposes. Rev. Hervey McDowell was authorized to have.the property deeded to the trustees of Presbytery, if t,he way bo clear. Rev. Wm. Megginson was received by letter from Ixmisville Presbytery and installed as pastor at Biloxi. The pas toral relation existing between Mt. Olive TH. 19 and Prentis churches and Rev. VV. H. Mcintosh was dissolved. A. B. Coit, S. C. MISSOURI. Memphis: Rev. T. B. Southail, who has been acting as stated supply of this church for the past four months doe.i not see his way clear to accept the call to the pastorate. OKLAHOMA. Shattuck: This church has just recently enjoyed a visit front Rev. J. M. Campbell, of Plattsnurg, Mo. He preached for us a week to the il?*li!rh? - ui <111 w .id neara him. This church ha-s been organized jnst iwo years, ami while it has had its difficulties thtre is a great prospect for it to succeed. We have a nice rliuroh and it is free lioni debt except a small amount due the Atlanta committee. D. NORTH CAROLINA. Marion: Rev. A. N. Perryman has agreed to supply the Siloani church on the afternoons of the first, third and fifth Sabbaths of each month. The amount of money raised and expended oy this church during the year was fl,420. Ashville Presbytery met in Mills River church. April 27, and was opened with a sermon by the retiring *?? B .uuuciaiur, HBV. T. J. Aiiison. Present, twelve ministers and ten elders. Rev. W. P. Chedester was elected moderator. Rev. P. P Winn was received from Atlanta Presbytery. Candidate W. S. Cain was dismissed to Potosl Presbytery. Rev. R. C. Reed delivered two addresses cn John Calvin, and Col. Robt. Ilingbam, in the interest of the Laymen's Movement. Next meeting, Franklin, September 21, 1909. R. B. Grinnan, S. C. SOUTH CAROLINA, Zion and Uriel cmuivmCs: At a meeting of Hethel Presbytery, at Chester, May 11, Rev. R A. Drennen was received from Charleston Presbytery, and having sign!Hnrl *--- * " ..?=? ma acceptance or the calls of these ohurches, arrangements were made for his installation on iuay 30. Ebenezer, (near Rock Hill): The Spring communion was celebrated on the first Sabbath of this month. Preaching services began on Friday previous. Rev. J. W. VVyly, of Boiling Green, assisted the pastor. Rev. J. T. Dendy, and his sermons were strong, interesting and full of the gospel of jesus Christ. Thirteen persons, eight on profession and five by letter, were added to the church roll. The annual report of the churcn showed that there had been; thirteen members received and 52,520 contributed tor all purposes, giving an average of fourteen dollars per member. The Ladies Aid Society have recently made considerable improvements on the interior of the VUUII.H UUllUlllg. Mount Pleasant: This church enjoyed the services of Rev. Mr. Bateman on Sunday, May 9. Mr. Bateman is at present from Columbia Seminary, and i3 filling the Westminster church, Charleston, recently left vacant by the removal of Rev. D. M. Melver to Texarkana, Tex. This is an old church ana has been served by godly and eminent men, among them Dr. Girardeau and Dr. Palmer. Dr. Leigh ton Wilson, our missionary, taught '(Continued on Page 22.)