The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 19, 1909, Page 20, Image 26

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20 Tin Presbyteries PRESBYTERY OF MISSISSIPPI. Presbytery met at Natchez, April 13. The opening sermon was preached by Dr. R. V. Iiancnster. Officers: Moderator, Rev. J. W. Henilprann (11 At*U Rntr 14 W Wflllonn Education: Presbytery listened With profound interest to the animating and cheering address of Prot. W. A. Alexander, D. D.f on the S. W. P. U.; Hev. M. ri. Melvin, "principal of Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, at Port Gibson, presented the cause of that institution. He has had encouragement and success in increasing the endowment, ltev. R. V. Lancaster and others spoke in behalf of McCjinb Female College. The Staled Clerk was directed to write a letter of t..anks to Capt. J. J. White, president of the* boaul at.d tllaux him for the donation of all his stock to the Presbytery, soon to be absolute own ers of this valuable property. Foreign Missions: Wednesday night was devoted to an enthusiastic meeting. Home Missions: Presbytery endorsed i-e plan adopted by Synod s permanent and Ad Interim Committees as to reaching and furnishing the Gospel regularly to vacant churches. This is to be done y utilizing some 01 our most consecrated aad gifted ruling elders. Mr. X. 0. S.nith, an elder of Kidgeland church, has been employed for all of his time to put the plan into operation. Evangelist Wallace was directed to secure the aid of pastors and laymen and hold protracted meetings in vacant churches during the summer. Milkinson and Amite Counties containing seven Presbyterian churches, are to be transferred from ih? Preshviprv nr Louisiana to the Presbytery of Mississippi, and Synodical boundaries will Hereafter correspond with State lines. Candidates: Mr. U. S. lneichen, a member of Union Church, was received. He is already pursuing nis studies in Kentucay Theological Seminary. Reception and Calls: Kev. J. G. Johnson was received from Presbytery of East Mississippi, calls from Payette and Pine Ridge were placed in nis hands and accepted. Rev. M. E. Melvin. Rev. J. J. Chisolm and Elder G. W. McGlnnis were appodnted to install him pastor at Fayette; Rev. C. W. Grafton Rev. .T. W. Hen dei son and Elder J. W. Miller, were appointed to install him at Pine Ridge on June 5, 19u9. i.e Amendment to the book of Church Order was approved. Elect infants: "Shall a Change be Made in Confession of Faith?' (Chapter 10, Sec. 32). Presbytery votes in the mutative. Calvin Celebration: The following program was adopted:?"Caivanism: What is it? Will it Live"? Rev. C. W. Graf ton. "Calvanism as tne Type of Modern Representative Government and its Influence of Civil and Religious Liberty," Rev. S. C. Caldwell. "Calvanism as a Door of Hope to Infants and as an Incentive to World-wide Missions," Rev. J. J. Chisolm. "The Effect of Calvinism upon Character and its Liberal Attitude Toward v^iher Men and Their Churches," Hon. John F. rnerson. y I l-'kh SUYTEKIAN OF THE SOU' "l he Ad Interim Committee requests all our churches to take collections in May to pay "our share" of tue expense of the Assembly's celebration. Send one cent from each member to the Stated Clerk, promptly. Place of Next Meeting: McComu. S. C. Caldwell. S. C. PRESBYTERY OF RED RIVER. The Presbytery met in the First vuui vii| auicvcpun, i/d., April 1.1. lne opening sermon was preached by Rev. Geo. G. Woodbridge. Present, eight ministers and seventeen elders. Officers: Rev. G. K. Stewart, moderator, and Rev. Geo. G. Booth, temporary clerk. The Standing Rule on time of meeting was amended to read: "Presbytery shall meet statedly in the spring and fall at such time and place as it may select." Rev. H. M. McLain was received from I he Presbytery of Ouachita, and the call of the Belcher Church was placed in his hands. The call for the services of Rev. G. R. Stewart by the Burton church was placed in nis hands and ne was granted permission to labor in the Bossier group unit 11 lln*. 'II iumi Rev. W. A. Rolle was granted permission to labor in the Winfield group. In reference to the "Elect Infant Clause," Red River votes lor such change as will unmistakably declare our beliet that all infants dying in infancy are saved. Mr. Byrd Butler was received under the care of this Presbytery as a candidate for the ministry. The chairman of the Sunday School Committtee rejiorted mat the comniiitiee were ready to put a Sunday school missionary in the Presbytery as soon as such a man could be secured. Tne Home Mission Committee's report showed aggressiveness along all lines of work. The Palmer Orphanage and the Assem lily's Home and School were commended to the support of the churches. Presbytery resolved: 1. That a committee ot laymen be appointed in each congregation to promote missionary intelligence and lead to greater financial support of missionary activities. 2. That special effort be made in each church to have representation at the Layman 8 Conference to be held in Alexandria during meeting ot S.vnoa. 3. That ae standard of $4 per capita be adopted as the standard toward which we shall earnestly and prayerfully work. Thursday Evening was devoted to the celebration of the birth of Jno. Calvin. The address was delivered by Kev. Geo. D. Booth on Toe Theology of Calvin. EL PASO PRESBYTERY. Presbytery met in Midland, iex., April 'JO Present, sixteen ministers ar??i fourteen elders. The Woman's Missionary Union met in connection with the Presbytery. Officers: Moderator, Rev. H. R. McFadyen; temporary clerks. Rev. A. E. Miller and Rev. W. is. Hower. Received: Rev. J. P. Nord, from Paris Presbytery. He will supply LubbocK church. Rev. J. Gilmore Smith, from Spokane Presbytery, U. S. A. He is engaged as evangelist of the Presbytery. Dismissed: Rev. W. K. Johnston, to rH. May 19, 1909. Paris Presbytery and Kev. F. M. Stripling to Ft. Worth Presbytery. One new church was enrolled, Weinert, and the name of Guion church was cnanged to Ovalla. The pastoral relation between Rev. W. L. Donning and the Midland church was dissolved. Rev. C. F. Hancock of the China Mission and Rev. C. R. Womeldorf of the Mexican Mission were present and made addresses. A new committee?the Church Erection ConimittPP urnu erm n/1 ? ?-?* ? ? ..MO Vivatcu mm XVII. I\. Hi. Sherrell as chairman. Replying to the Assembly's question, "Do you desire any change in Confession, Chap. 10, Sec. 4, Infant Clause?" the Presbytery answered in the affirmative. Next meeting, Barstow. The Woman's Missionary Union will meet at llarstow next year. Home Missions: In the work of Home Missions considerable advance is made this year over any previous work undertaken, in means, in men employed and in the grouping and supplying of churches. R. M. Hammock, S. C. PRESBYTERY OK NORFOLK. Presbytery met in the Belle Haven church, April 27, and was opened by a sermon from Rev. J. T. McBryde, D. 1J., Present, fifteen ministers and twelve ruling elders. Officers: Rev. C. S. Eingamfelter, moderator, and Rev. J. E. Thacker and Elder H. R. Skutt, of the Post NorfolK church, temporary clerks. Received: Rev. W. H. T. Squires, from the Presbytery of Abingdon. calls presented: To Rev. \V. H. T. Squires from the Park Place church, the name of which was changed to "The Knox Presbyterian Church," and from the Park Avenue church for the services of Rev. V. R. Gaston. The Hampton church was granted permission to prosecute before the Lexington Presbytery a Pfl 11 for tHo ~ * n * * * oci vivco 01 ivt*v. \y . s. Trimble, of Monterey, Va. Dismissed: The pastoral relation was dissolved between Dr. McBryde and the cape Charles church, and he was dismissed ?.o the PreBbytery of Winchester. Presbytery concurred in the action of the Assembly touching the nome and School at Fredericksburg and appointed a committee on this cause, of which Rev. P. 11. Henderllte is chairman, and commended to all its cnurches the interests of Cnioh Seminary, with special reference to the Kndowment Fund. The Report from tne Williamsburg Seminary, presented by President Hunter, was very encouraging, showing a good attendance of pupils to its first session, with a hopeful outlook for next year. The Calvin Annivemarw >10^ ??*v? UCC1I OU" mirably planned by the Presbyterlal Committee, of which Rev. R. C. Gilmore was chairman. In the morning Dr. Wellford delivered his address on "John Calvm in History," followed by Dr. Rennie in the evening, on "Galvanism and its Influence on Modern Life." Presbytery appointed a committee to arrange for their publication. Presbytery was saddened by tidings of the illness of our beloved brother Or. Bishop, of William and ?Mary College, and appointed the moderator to extend to him by letter its profound sympathy. C. 8. L.