The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 19, 1909, Page 21, Image 27

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IVay 19, 1909. THi LEXINGTON PRESBYTERY. Presbytery met at Harrisonburg, April 27. and was opened with a sermon by the retiring moderator. Rev. J. A. Trostle. Officers: Moderator. Hon. P. T. Glasgow; clerks. Rev. A. Hopkins and Rev. J. B. Massey. Received: Rev. J. M. Sedgwick, from MDDue t'resoytery. Ordained: Liicenliale Lyle M. MofTett. as evangelist in the Foreign Field. Dismissed: Candidate Joseph Zailan, a Syrian, to the Wheeling. W. Va., Presbytery, U. S. A.; LiceniTale S. McP. Glasgow. to Western Texas Presbytery; Rev. E. B. Druen, to Winchester Presbytery. Presbyterial Sermon: Rev. J. B. Massey on "Church Discipline." Rev. R. E. Steele, on "Assurance," at ihe next meeting. John Calvin Celebration: Rev. A. T. Graham, chairmau. Addresses by Rev. G. B. Strickler, D. D., Rev. A. M. Fraser, D. D., ard Hon. F. T. Glasgow. Confession cf Faith: "Yes" on "Elect Infant Clause." Book of Church Order: "Yes" on voting in judicial cases. notary rviemDersnip: Ketused to overture. Memorials: Rev. John Ruff and Rev. G. W. Finley, D. D. Fall Meeting: Beverly, W. Va., October 12, 9 a. m. Adjourned Meeting: Staunton. Va., May 6. 2:15 p. ni. Wm. C. White, S. C. PRESBYTERY OF KANAWHA. Presbytery of Kanawha convened at Huntington. W. Va., In the First Church, April 27. at S p. m., with a sermon bj the retiring moderator, on 1 <3or. 2: 2. Present: Thirteen ministers and ten elders. Organization: Rev. W. E. Hudson, moderator; Rev. John W. Carpenter, stated clerk; Rev. H. E. Hansel, torn porary clerk, and Elder C-. C. Brown, reading elerk. Received: Rev. Alfred Jones, from Abingdon Presbytery, end arranged for his installation over Montgomery church. Assembly's Overtures: Presbytery voted to consent to the change in the Confession of Faith on Elect Infaut Clause, by a resolution that d'd not dictate to the Assembly. The Home Mission Committee gave L one of the best reports that it has ever | given. Reporting great progress from almost every field. Lynchburg Orphanage: Presbyterv heard with pleasure Rev. Rowling Wr?H. son in behalf of Lynchburg Orphanage. Kev. J as. B. Wood was heard in connection with the Women's Missionary Union. He spoke very acceptably on China. Fall Meeting will be with the Montgomery church, October 11. Enrollment: The Presbytery reports to the General Assembly an enrollment of fourteen ministers. twpntv-frmr churches and has three candidates under its care. John W. Carpenter, S. C. PRESBYTERY OF ABINGDON. Presbytery met in Tazewell church. April 20, at ? p. in. As the retiring moderator was without the bounds of the Presbytery. Rev. W. A. Hall, by request. ! PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' Ml cn 4S using it has ft| dence that \ n| sweet, and perfectly whc ID miafrl arramet lko/<hMr\ |^J U^UUlOt illV^V^IlV/ap Km the greatest menacers to 1 IS ROYAL IS THE ONL1 tMAOE FROM ROYAL GRi preached the opening sermon. Officers: Rev. R. D. Carson, moderator; Rev. J. M. McChetyiev and Rev. J. G. Reverly, clerks. Calvin Celebration: The Calvin Quadricentennial was observed as follows: "Life and Labors of John Calvin," Rev. G. W. Nickell; "Calvinism?Its Relation to Civil and Religious Liberty," Judge Jno. A. Buchanan; "Calvinism?Its Relation to Missions." Rev. Wm. Crowe. The Doctrinal Sermon on "Final Per sseywraace 01 ine saints' was preached by Rev. I?*. P. Ramsay. Dismissed: Rev. J. L. Beattie, to Presbytery of Concord, N. C. Mr. Herbert B. Carson was enrolled a? a candidate for the Gospel ministry. Overtures: The Presbytery of Abingdon respectfully overtures the General Assembly to interpret definitely question number ten in the Narrative of the Session. In view of the manifest need of an educational instltutioh In the South, whero the highest educational advantages may be had; and also, in view of the fact that such advantages are now often sought and found in institutions where cue aimospnere is iiot conducive to piety and orthodoxy, and still further, in view of the sixlendid contribution cf John Calvin to the cause of education and Ih i great debt that Presbyterians ow? him, therefore, be it resolved. That the iTesbytery of Abingdon overture the General Assembly to eons der carefully the question of establish Ins; a3 a meniorirJ to Calvin a groat Southern Presbyterian University. Educational: Rev. R. F. Klrkpatrlck addressed the Presbytery in behalf of the Union Theoloeiral Seminary: Rev. Boiling Hobson. the Lynchburg Orphanage; Rov. Wm. Crowe. Stonewall Jackson Institute. and President Smith, King College. rH. vxiEk Hmwwt n Thousands of millions [3 f cans of Royal Baking fl kiwder have been used [fl 1 making bread, biscuit tl nd cake in this country, |jl nd every housekeeper ZM rested m perfect confi- Ifl ler food would be light, EJ >lesome. Royal is a safe- Ul alum powders which are Ijl lieal th of the present day. |f| f BAKING POWDER Vjfl VPE CREAM OF TARTAR III Adjourned Meeting: Abingdon, Va., during the commencement of Stonewall Jackson Institute. Fall Meeting: Glade Springs, September 22, at 7:30 p. m. Carl S. Matthews, S. C. PRESBYTERY OF WEST HANOVER. The Presbytery of West Hanover held an unusually pleasant meeting at Gordonsville, April 20. Rev. W. J. King, of College church, the retiring moderator, preached the opening sermon from 1 Cor. 8: 9. Elder C. K. 1-tnrrie r\t f'm ohurch, was chosen moderator, Rev. H. W. Shannon and Rev. J. A. Christian, clerks. Present: Twelve ministers and seventeen ruling elders. Presbytery ordered an increased Preshyterial assessment to create a fund out of which to pay the travelling expenses of delegates to the spring meeting of Presbytery, hoping thus to increase the number in attenance upon the meetings. Calvin Celebration: Five addresses fer the "Calvin Memorial" had been arranged for. hut unfortunately only twr\ were delivered. Dr. W. K. McCoy spoke on "Calvin and Civil Government," and ur. U. L. Petrie on "Calvin Tcday." Overture: In response to the querv of 1he last General Assembly, by a bare majority, the Presbytery said that It desired a change in the Confession of Faith in the "Elect Infant" clause. Also it desired the indicated change in the manrcr of rocordin? the vote in the case erf complaints to a higher court. The Core Chrrch gave tho Presbyter.v a mo-t tirgent and cordial Invitatim to meet thont !n the fall and assist In tho celebration of the centennial of that church, which Invitation was J. C. Painter, S. C.