The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 19, 1909, Page 25, Image 33

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May ig, igog. TH! j Presbyterial Unions WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION, ROANOKE PRESBYTERY. Tin.* Woman's I'resliy tonal Missionitrv I'uion of Hoanoko rtvsliyiory liokl iis < leveiith I 111*'ftiiin in in*- "\"111;? Church." * harloti?'. II., Va? April J71 Present: Twenty-six delegate,.;. inclniin?; several from tin- Veiling People's S > ? if i?-s. With a exception every . oeiei \ in ilie i ii.on sell I 111 a ripuii and niosi of thi'iu we:-*- of a very encouraging Kali iv. Dr. J. B. rf.codc, of China, gave a delight fully entertaining ami instructive ad dr- ss-, whim forc ibly illustrated the value of medical missions in tne foreign fie.'d. Young People's Work: Wednesday at' i* i noon was devoted o Voting People s Work, and a Conference on this subject was most jibly conducted by our own volunteer, .Miss Irene Hawkins, of 13a nYille. Va., now undor appointment for work in China. The Good People of Charlotte abounded in hospitality of the real "old Virgin a ' type; while the pastor, Kev. H. 1.. MeN'air won all hearts by his never failing kitiuness. Next Meeting: An invitation for tlio next meeting t ame from Drake's Liranch. and was accepted. Adjourned to meet in April lit 10. M. N Smith, Secretary. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION MISSISSIPPI PRESBYT cRY. The Woman's Missionary Union of Mississippi Presbytery met in Natchez, Mississippi. April 21. 15?0!?. On the evening ot April 20 the delegates attended service in Si ratten Chapel, when the pastor ol Natchez church. Rev. J. J. Chisolm, preached an excellent missionary ser nion. The service whs followed by an introductory social. Addresses: Special features of this meeting were the addresses by l>r. .1 It Wilkinson, of Soochow China, and the presentation of a map of the Union by the President. Mrs. C. \V. tlrafton. 'l?..s map is the artistic work of Mrs Pegues. of Natchez, who was assisted in the work by Dr. J. .). Chisolm. The reports of individual societies were encouraging and it is hoped that renewed interest in tne Master's work will result [I' lh#? in* Elinor Next Meeting: An invitation from Mrs. II. 1'.. Myers, (delegate from the McComb Missionary Society, the Union decided 011 McComb as the next meeting place. MISSIONARY UNION OF FCORIDA PRESBYTERY. The Missionary Union of Florida Presbytery met at De Fun ink Springs. April ill, 21 and 22, and was a meeting of great benefit and enjoyment. Reports were encouraging and the Cnion undertook the support of a student at Palmer Collog. (our Presbyterian school at I>e FtinIiakt. The retiring president, Mrs. .A. Lewis, of Pensaeola. was delegated to attend the Montroat Convention. Officers elected for this year: President. Mrs. F. P. May. Qiiincy. 'treasurer, Mrs. Annie Kstes. Marianna. E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' 8 LUZIANNI m High Quality, Low Price?I ^ kU" 1 ^ we belie H / a Jl THL RLILY-TAYLOR C WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION, FORT WORTH PRESBYTERY. The eight Annual Meeting of the Woman's Missionary t nion of Fort Worth Presbytery convened at Itaska. April I and 2. The delegates were warmly welcomed by the good people and conducted to the church where till was in readiness for the meeting. the opening devotional exercises vere conducted by Itev. Win. Thorburn, of Itaska. i wo new Societies were enrolled, tin adult one at Venus, and a Children's Hand at Mineral Wells. Some interesting instructive papers were read by members of the Union. It was decided to have these papers read to each loca^ Society. Evangelist: With enthusiasm the Union again took up the work ot raising a fund to etnploj en evangelist for Fort Worth PresDytery. and to provide a laundry for the Orphanage near i-*iles, Texas A Secretary of Literature, and a Secretary for Young People's Worn was added to the officers of the Union. It was voted to observe a special day of prayer for ti.e work. All meniners concurring in the belief that such a day would help us to get our whole heart in the work of the .Master. Laundry Fund: A thank offering of nine dollars was collected which added to the balance left in the treasury amounted to $48.h,<. This money was donated to the Laundry Fund. The meet ing was adjourned with prayer by the Kev. Wni. Thorburn. "The Spiritual uplift and inspiration received from this meeting cannot be measured.' FOREIGN MISSION DEBT FUND. Previously reported. $lf>.117.71; Mrs. Ai. W. Coleman. Nellysford. Ya.. $1; Mrs. John M. llart. Roanoke. Va. (addi.l, $1; Pastor's A. and M. S., Utica Pres 111., San Antonio. Tex., $">; Miss Eleanor L. earnest, Ebensburg. Pa.. $10; M. S. Pres. Ch., Gurdon, Ark. (addi.l, $".; Miss Kate D. Thomas. Grenada. Miss., $1; Miss Mary E. Thomas. Grenada. Miss.. $1; Miss I,. Shelton. Roanoke. Va.. $1; L. A. S., Cooks Creek Ch.. Lex. Presby., Va. (addi.l. $:?; I, M. S. Duplin. Road Ch.. Wilmington Pres.. N. C. (addi.l. $4; "(hie Interested in Missions." FarmvMe. Va. $1; Miss May Bach man. Bristol. Tenn., $2; The Young Ladies of Mrs. IJenderlitc's S. S. Class, Second Ch., New rH. is : tf5^5^3WS*SS*S&<SK L cotter 8 )ouble Strength, l ine Flavor m /IRGINIA TESTIMONY do not hesitate to say that um ve Luzianne to be tlie best X n the market, and we doubt mm nn PMiml " "* luff, Andrews 6c Thomas, Wholesale Grocers, Roanoke, Va. b. Can * ' 25 cts. W !0., New Orleans, U.S.A. ^ port .Vows, Va., $10; St. Andrews C'i., Wilmington Fresb.. Union, X. C., (addi.): Mrs. K. S. Mannernian, $1; Mrs. Joseph Akerman, $1; Mrs. Martha Akernian. ?1U. $ la, 174.71. Mamie D. Smith, Treas. 1'etersburg, Va. MEMORY MENDING. What Food Alone Can Do for the Memory. The influence of food upon the brain and memory is so little understood that people are inclined to marvel at it. Take a person who has been living on improperly selected food and put him upon a scientific diet in which the food Grape-Xuts is largely used and the increase of mental power (hat follows is truly reme-kable. A Canadian who was sent to Colorado for his health illustrates this point in a most convincing manner: "One year ago 1 came from Canada a nervous wreck, so my physician said, and reduced in weigat .o almost a skeleton and my memory was so i?oor that conversations had to be repeated that had taken place only a few hours before. 1 was unable to rest day or night for my nervous system was s-iattered. "The change of ctlma.e helped me ? little but it was soon seen that this was not all that 1 neeaed. I required the proper selection of food although 1 did not realize it until a friend recommended Grape-.silts to me and I gave this food a thorough trial. Then 1 knew what the riirhf fnn/1 rnnlH /In onH f Won in my feelings and bodily condition. "This kept up until now after 6 months use of Grape-Nuts a.i my nervous trouble has entirely disappeared. 1 have gaTheu in Mesh all that I had lost and what is more wonderful iO me than anything else m ymemory is as good as it ever was. "Grape-Nuts has remade me all over, minu and body, when I never expected to be well and happy again.1* "There's a Reason.' Rook for the famous little book. "The Road to NVellville," in pkgs. c.very read thi? above letter? A new one appears fror.T time to time- hey are genuine, true, and full of human interest.