The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 19, 1909, Page 26, Image 34

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26 ; THE Presbyteries TRANSYLVANIA PRESBYTERY. Transylvania Presbytery met at Lawrenceburg, Ky., April 20, and by request was opened with a sermon by Rev. Dr. S. D. Boggs. of Ebenezer Presbytery. Moderator.?Rev. W. B. Harrison, missionary to Korea, was elected moderator. Licentiate J. V. Logan was received fT T?... 1 * ..v.... rresuyiery; a can trom the Somerset church for his )>astoral services was accepted by him, and he was ordained to the full work of the Gospel ministry. Pastorate Dissolved.?At his own request the pastoral relation between Rev. C. M. Chunibley and the Catnpbellsville church was dissolved. The Synod's Evangelistic Cause was presented by Dr. Hoggs, the chairman of the Executive Committee;" and the cause of Sabbath schools by Rev. G. F. Bell, one of the Assembly's superintendents of Sabbath school work. Sabbath Schools.?-The PresbVtery's Committee of Sabbath schools was enlarged by the addition of Rev. G. 0. Alexander, Rev. It. E. C. Lawson, Rev. J. V. Logan and Elder C. -C. Fox. with a view to holding Sabbath School Institutes in the different sections of the Presbytery. Ministerial Education.?The Committee on Ministerial Education rejjorted that only ten chinches had contributed to this cause, Riving a total of $179. Ministers nnd church sessions were urged to give their people the opportunity of making offerings to this cause at the time fixexd by the General Assembly, Home and School.?In view of the fact that only $100 had been contributed by the churches of this Presbytery to the Home and School at Fredericksburg, Presbytery earnestly commends this important institution to the generous support of the churches. Book of Church Order.?T he Piesbytery voted in favor of the amendment of Chapter XIII, Form of Government, as recommended by the Assembly. Changing the Confession.?Presbytery expressed its unwillingness to favor any change in the "Elect Infant" clause of the Confession of Faith, without knowing definitely the change proposed. Calvin Celebration.?The afternoon of the last day of the Presbytery's sessions was devoted mainly to tihe Calvin celebration, and the Presbytery was favored with very interesting, able and instructive addresses by Dr. Edwin Muller, of Lexington, and Dr. Marquees, of Louisville. ran meeting.?Fisgah, September 2*. 7 p. m. E. M. Green, S. C. LAFAYETTE PRESBYTERY. The Presbytery of o.afayette met in the First church, Lamar Mo., April 13, 1909. . he opening sermon was by Rev. K. A L. Re"j(l of I^ees Summit, Mo., retiring moderator. Present: Eighteen ministers and eight Rulings Elders. Officers: Rev. Benjamin Andres, Moderator, Rev. S. F. Shiffler, temporary clerk. Received: Rev. \V. \V. Palmer, Wlnti : PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' son. Mo., from Missouri rresbytery. Dismissed: Rev. N. H. McCain to Upper Missouri Presbytery. Resignation: Rev. J. J. Squire resigned the pastorate of the church at Blackburn, .Mo., lie was released. Calls: The First Church of Pettis called Rev. .1. J. Squire as stated supply for six months with a view to the pastorate. Clerks: Rev. G. W. Jurey as permanent Clerk and Rev. W. R. Beattle as stated Clerk, each for the term of four years. Calvin Celebration: 1. Calvin, his Personality and his World, by Rev. J. E. Abbott, .Marshall, .Mo., 2. Calvin's Jheology and .Modern i bought, oy Rev. .). F. Cannon, D. D. 3. Calvin as an Ecclesiastic, by Rev. R. C. Gordon, D. D. -1. Calvin ard Civic Development. Rev. L. F. Ross. Reports: The Women's Societies increased their contributions $660 dollars. To Foreign Missions there was a gain of $2,059. The reports throughout indicate a healthful aspect in the work. Fall Meeting: Sweet Springs, September 14. at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School: One whole day will be given to the consideration oi the work of aabbath Schools, at the Fall meeting of Presbytery. AH n?-1 1 ? j - ....3vniy. riesuyiery aajourned to meet in Boonville, ivio., May 18th, I'.'OO, at 2 p. m. W. E. Beattie, S. C. PRESBYTERY OF NASHVILLE. The spring meeting of the Presbytery of Nashville, just closed in the Glen Devon church, Nashville, was in many respects the best meeting we have had for years. A larger number of ministers was present, and rdore churches were represented than usual. The various committees exhibited a great deal of interest in their work, and the reports were encouraging all along the line. The opening sermon was preached hy Rev. R. A. Webb, D. D., from John 10:17. Present: Twenty-four ministers and representatives from thirty churehes. Officers: Rev. Donald McQueen, of ShelbvviJle, moderator, and Elder R. M. Weems. of McMinnville, temporary clerk. An Evangelistic Conference was held on the morn ins; of the second day. presided over by Rev. C. R. Nisbet, chairman This is One < Testimonials received in two years. Lome, and as we are twenty miles fro pend very largely upon family medi< "First and Foremost among the have always found a true friend and fully from dyspepsia, \ ' ' nit finding positive help, and when i had used foi for many years. I have found Iioo< "A a?- ? ? A A. uivai; upilllg iueuicms to I needed, to create an appetite, and in s have lately been taking Sarsatabs, will also very beneficial." Airs. E. L. Bt Hood's Sarsaparilla combines the 20 different ingredients, each greatly peculiar combination. Begin taking Hood's Sarsaparilh form or in chocolated tablets known a [*H. May 19, igo j. of the General Assembly's coniniittye, and addresses were made as follows: "The Pastor and Evangelism," Rev. W. J. MeMillan; "The Officers and Evangelism," Rev. R. M. DnBose; "The Congregation and Evangelism," Rev. C. E. Diehi Received: Rev. J no. W. R> sebro, D. 0., by letter from East Hanover Presbytery; Rev. E. S. Hrainard, by letter from the Presbytery of Potosi. Rev. J no. W. Rosebro, D. V-, Professor of Theology in the Theological Seminary, Southwestern Presbyterian University, Clarksville, addressed the Presbytery in the interest of that institution. Calls for Rev. E. S. Brainard were received from Mt. Olivet, Mt. Vernon ar.d Spring Creek churches, and. bsing found in order, were placed in his hands, and he has accepted them, end a commission was appointed to install him. Sabhath Schools: The report of the Committee on Publications, S bhath schools and Youne Poonle'-s Wnrt ^ v , ? . . rv cril . well a large amount of work done by the committee throughout the Presbytery. Con ferences were held in all the nine districts, and a Workers' Week was held In the city of Nashville, and a course of lectures delivered to the students of the Southwestern Presbyterian Un versify, Clarksville, Tennessee, and the Theological Seminary. The Ele:t Infant Clause: The" Piesbytery voted to make any change In Chapter 10. section 3, "that shall remove misapprehension as to its meaning." Licentiate W. W. Patton was transferred to the Tresbytery of Miss'ssippi. Next Place of Meeting: Shelbyville. The Monroe Harding Orphanage was represented by R?A*. C. It. Nisbet. and Treasurer J. H. Wifkes, and the entire *-rfSDyiery was taken by special cars to the Home. Presbyterian Bible Training School: The following was adopted: "Whereas. There is a movement on foot to found a 'Presbyterian Bible Tiatning Scho 1 for Christian Workers' In the city of Nashville, and realizing the great need for sucn a school: We recommend the approval, of this Presbytery, and the hearty co-operalion of all the pastors and congregations in this important work." An Adjourned Meeting will bo held in the First Church of Nashville on Alondav. May 31, 11 a. m. Geo. O. Bachnian, S. C. )f the "Ours is a New England farmer's m a large town, we are obliged to detines we keep on hand all the time, m is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which we helper. When I had suffered dread relief, flood's Sarsaparilla gave me nr bottles I was in better health than 3's Sarsaparilla mild one up when strength is most liort to regulate the whole system. I ch l lind convenient, easy to take, and :rry, West Troy, Me. utmost remedial values of more than ' strengthened and enriched by this fi today. Get it in the usual liquid is Sarsatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar.