The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 19, 1909, Page 27, Image 35

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May 19. 1909. TH! MOBILE PRESBYTERY. Mobile Presbytery met in Broad Street ritaurch, Mobile, Ala., April 20, 1909, at 7:30 p. m. Opened with a sermon by Rev. J. P. McMiUi&n, D. D., from Rev. 1Q. C. ' a 11?1..1l? t 11.. t ...j n .j i.7. v., nuciuiia, nil luc i.uiu VJ U UI11siirotent reignelh." Subject, "The Plvlne Sovereignty In the light of C&lvanism.' Being a |?art of the Calvin Quadricentennial Program, it was timely, scholarly, forceful, comforting, and full to the brim of Scriptural proofs. Present, 8 ministers and nine ruling elders. Corresponding Memner: Rev. H. F. Tloyt, of the Presbytery of Athens. Officers: Moderator, Rev. C. R. McLeod, temporary clerk, X. D. McLure. Statistical Reports showed that Pres-' bvtery held its own very well, considering the financial crush of last year. Overture on Rotary Eldership declined. Fredericksburg Home and School received special endowment and commendation. ? Received: Rev. S. W. Rodgcrs from the M. E. Church South. Resolutions of hearty congratulation were tendered Rev. \V. E. MeElrov who has this year reached his fiftieth year in the ministry. Calvin Celebration: Besiedes the superb sermon by Dr. McMillan, before mentioned. Rev. C. W. McCulley spoke on "Calvin as a Factor in the Making of I he Modern World." Rev. E. A. Smith, on "Calvinism and Civil and Religious Liberty." Rev. C. B. Mclxiod, on "Calvin as an Interpreter of the Word of God." lion. P. J. Hamilton, on "The Man and lfis Times." Next Meeting: Scotland. Tine, third Tuesday in September. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the member? of Broad Street church and others for their hospitality. E. A. Smith. S. C. PRESBYTERY OF MARYLAND. Presbytery met at Maryland Avenue church, Baltimore, April 20. The opening I sermon was preached by the retiring moderator, Rev. H. W. Taylor, from Acts Officers: Rev. L. A. McLean, moderator, and Mr. H. Bradley Davidson, temporary clerk. Revision: The question of General Assembly as to proiiosed change in chapter 13 (complaints) was answered in the affirmative. That as to chapter 10. section 3, Confession of Faith, (elect. Infants), was also answered in the aflirma1 Schools and Colleges: Tt was ordered that the amounts contributed for schools and colleges this year be appropriated for the benefit, of Union Theological Seminary. and that, in future, it be appropriated to the Endowment fund of tha Seminary. Overture: An overture was addressed to the General Assembly, asking that there he in the blanks for statistical reports three cnlnnma fnr 1 Instead of two; one for Assembly Homo Missions, one for Synodical Home Missions. and one for Presbyterial Home Missions. Rev. H. G. Richardson wa3 received from T^exington Presbytery, and Owing3 Mills church was granted leave to engage him as stated supply till the fall meeting. E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTI Ruling Elders: J. M. Bateler, Baltimore, and Joseph Reading, Rockville. Presbyterial Sermon: Dr. C. R. Dudley wau appointed to preach the Presbyterial sermon at the fall meeting on "Satanic Influence." Next Meeting: Hancock, Tuesday, September 2, 8 p. in. Greetings: Dr. Fra/.ier, moderator of the Presbytery of Baltimore and Dr. Henry Branch, its stated clerk, brought the fraternal greetings of that Presbytery to the Presbytery or .Maryland, ar.d its moderator and Rev. Dr. Woods were ap pointed a committee to bear similar greetings to the Presbytery of Baltimore. Calvin Memorial Service: The two Presbyteries united on Wednesday night in a great public meeting in honor of John Calvin, in the Northminster church. Dr. Kerris, Dr. Howerton, of Washington and Lee University, Mr. Jas. Biyce, the British Embassador, and Dr. David James Burnell, of the Marble Collegiate church. New York, made notable addresses which were highly appreciated. S. C. BROWNWOOD PRESBYTERY. Presbytery met at Brownw-ood, Texas, at 8 p. m., April 15, 1909, and the opening sermon was preached by the Rev. P. A. Barnes, retiring moderator. Officers: Rev. C. L. Ewing, moderator; Rev. C. L. 'Power, temporary clerk. Received: Rev. R. E. Lentz, from Bra ricsiF/ncr^r. Dismissed: Rev. A. O. Browne, M. D., to Dm-ant Presbytery, and Rev. W. L. Lowrance, D. D., to Dallas Presbytery. A Pastoral Relations Dissolved: Between , Rev. W. L. Lowrance. D. D, and the ? San Saba churcli; Rev. C. L. Power and Dublin church. j Call: Winters church for the pastoral services of Rev. C. L. Power and Mln- f Isters W. A. G-lllon. J. D. Leslie and Rul- j ing Klder S. R. Watson were appointed r a committee to install him on tho sec- 0 ond Sunday In July. r Calvin Celebration: "The Doctrinnl ^ System of Calvin," Rev. W. L. Low- p ranee. D. Dl; "John Calvin and Hla p Times," Rev. W. A. Gillon; "Influence of ^ Calvinism U|>on Civil and Religious Lib- p ertv," Rev. Jesse W. Slier, D. D. t, Overture: Presbytery gave affirmative ^ auswer as to amendment to Rook of r, Church Order, and as to changing Cbup- a ter 10. section 3. of Confession of Faith. ,, Dissolution: Santa Anna church was dropped from the roll, all the members n having joined'the Presbyterian Ohuroh. a, IT. S. A. Organization: Rvangelist F. A. Barnes p reported the organization of a ohuroh at Carlshad, Texas, with ten members, and f( the church was enrolled. Resolution: As a substitute f< r a reso- s lution In favor of submission of prohibition amendment. Presbytery took the following action and requests its publication, viz.: "The Presbytery of Brown- 1 wood places itself upon record as being in hearty sympathy with the following action of our last General Assembly, page 22: 'In view of the deep and vital , interest in the cause of temperance, now widely prevailing throughout our bounds, and of the earnest efforts being made in * many sections to abolish the traffic in intoxicating liquors, this Assembly deems it wise and tintely. for the guidance and encouragement, of our people, to re-af i. X? Berry Suits? For Live, Active Boys! >*rv\ CPAn Absolutely Pore $KUU Wool. Tailored Qffr |l in the Best t /j| Manner. Will vJr >71 JAoiit-wctr and out-look two ?l>?"Perone?l fwith or without sizes9tol6. Here's iport unity tobuy the suit of blue serge, or tan mixture in ncrcheviots everof[ by any dealer at 90. Berry Suits for are made with the ne care and of the ne good fabrics and nmingsaslhe men's hat boy of yours is ry inch a boy. he is don hiaclothes; he wouldn't be natural he wasn't. He does lethotsan J-and-one Dings tliut burst cams, tear holes and p off buttons from rdinary clothes. By dressing yeur oy in a "Berry" suit tall these things and rne without a ripped seam or a lost button. We have headed him off ... .v,;r,..,,,< <.ii_...~~ir-i?:? nnd besides there's an air of style snd refinement about "Berry" clothes that makes them exclusive in any company. Every Suit Guaranteed to wear the full period. Send for Style Book, Samples, Gc., FREE. Handsome illustrationsof our beautiful styles of boys' and young men's suits, and a representative showing of the lovely new patterns. Juvenile suits, 2V4 to 9 years, in Sailor and R.tssian Blouse. I 5 up. Wash Suits. 98c up. I O. H. BERRY & CO. The South's Largest Clothiery, RICHMOND. VA. irm the action of the Assembly of 138G Hon this subject, and it does hereby refflim said action, which is as follows: As the traffic in and use of intoxicating iquors as a beverage are the prolific anses of so much crime, poverty and aufering in our land, and a3 it costs the atopic so much money in criminal proseu lions and the support of the victims f drink, and as it is one of the greatst enemies of the Church of Christ?in estioving the sanctity of the Christian labbath in its right observance wherever :s blighting influence is felt, and es e are* warned against its effects in 1 'o! H: 10; therefore, in view of tlie3e prriblo effects, this General Assemblyears its testimony against this evil, and I'commends to all our people the use of 11 legitimate means for its banishment rom the land." ' " Daniel Baker College: Addresses were lade by Rev. A. H. McCurd.v, D. D.. cling president, and Rev. W. A. GiUon, s to the outlook and interests of Daniel inker College. The college needs $8,00'| ist now to complete the new dormitory r>r girls. Next Meeting: Hangs, Texas, 8 p. m., eptemher 23, 1909. Malcolm Black, S. C. Elufus J. Paddock ATTORN1Y-AT-LAW. M Camp ItPMt Ream 406. Rpectal Atteatloa to Collections. O. Im 711. N?w Orleans, La. M?wm: Prasbytarlaa of the Smitk. For the Beat In Groceries and Table Delicacies Consult