The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 19, 1909, Page 28, Image 36

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28 THE Story Corner A matron of the mosl determined character was encountered by a young woman reporter on a country paper, who was sent out to interview leading citizens as to their politics. "May 1 see Mr. ?"' she asked of a stern-looking woman who opened the door at one house. "No, you cant,'" answered the matron, decisively. "Hut I want to know what' party he belongs bo,*' pleaded the girl. The woman drew up her tall figure, "Well, take a good look at me," she said, "I'm the party he belongs to!" A pleasantry in a recent paper reminds me of something which happened in the days of my youth. Marcus Morton, Democrat, having been chosen governor of Massachusetts, a Whig minister, in closing his pulpit reading of the governor's Thanksgiving Proclamation, punctuated its signatures as follows: "Marcus Morton, Governor? John A. Bowles, Secretary? God save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts!"?G. L., C. A man who stuttered badly went to a specialist and aften ten difficult lessons learned to say quite distinctly, "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers His friends congratulated him upon this splendid achievement. "Yrs" saia ??<? man doubtfully, "but It's s-s-such a d-d deucedly d-d-d-d itliculi rent-mark to w-w-work into an ordin-n-nary c-c-convers-s-sa-tion, y' know."?Everybody's Magazine. Professor (coming front his club holding up triumphantly his umbrella to his wife): "You see, nty dear Alma, how stupid are all the anecdotes about our absent-mindedness. You see, I haven't forgotten my umbrella." Mrs. Professor: "But, my dear, you didn't take youi umbrella with you; you loft it at home.' A gentleman living in Leeds nas a smart son. When a friend called recently, the father said to him politely, "I wish I had another cigar to offer you."' looking- with regret at the one he was smoking. Now was the small boy's chance. "I know where they are, pa," he said, dragging open a drawer and bringing out a box of a choice brand. THE FAILURE OF A COLLEGE EDUCATION. "Well,"' observed old man Potts, "I've spent a heap of money on my boy Bill's ? *? ? *?- * " *" vuu^uuu?uiwcu wine nun urea aonars jest to see liim through Yale. And 1 ain't through yet. It shorely makes nie sore to think of the money I'm wastin' on a boy who ain't got as much sense now as he had before he went to college." "What's the matter, father?" asked Mrs. Potts. "Mebbe you're a little hard on Bill." "No, I ain't, Mary," answered the old man. "Just to show you: A little while ago I says to him I thinks it was going to . rain tomorrow. What fool answer d'ye surjfiose he made me?" "I'm sure I don't know, father." "He begged niy pardon!"?Harper's Weekly. y ^ ) PRESBYTERIAN OF T :]ro! v2r?a? iQOdrK PJ2SL" J U_h!_ vjlll new ai 7-J Jf 111! 3; 4<ii ? Churct liollIngatSldc. JAS c w frvrsip Is the best \lac> M in the 'world. It relieves Cuts, Tired and ] immediatelj cation. Vou llglll&U Willi At all Dru | 25 and 50 1 Buy Your There are many i largest in the South, lower freight rates. When you come to < from. You can get J Therefore, when headquarters. We v write tor prices. Sydnor "Furniture for the Horn* Presbyterian FOR CHRIST!At Correspondence Course History, and Doctrine; Foreij School opens Sept. 9, Sunday school workers, Bible For information, addre REV. GEO. O. BACHf Electric 1 You limply press the butt New Orleans Railway Wa. T. Hardle, Pres. Arthur WILLIAMS-] Dry Goods, Notior 209-211-213 and 213 New York Office, 6 Leonard 8 HE SOUTH. Wilson's lling Partition .rvelous convenience atd the most effe< ;ho<l for dividing 1 trge rooms in Church hool Building i into smail rooms, and vi made from various kinds of wood; sour rd air tight; easily opera'ed and lastin dso with Blackboard surface. FilUd nd old buildines. Used in over 180 les acd Public Buildings. Mcntk ttrian of the South for free pamphlet. > Venetian Blindi. Wood Block Floors, and Rolling' Steel Shutters USON MFG. CO., 1 6 S W. l?lh S?. New 1 TTiTOTTrcfa! cident insurance" y* Bruises, Sprains, f W A Blistered Feet, Furniture F reasons wny you should. Our We buy In carload lots and get and the goods reach us in perf< jur store you have big assortnx lust what you want, you visit Richmond, make ou rill be glad to see you. If you & Hundley, I ) Beautiful" 709-11-13 E. Bra Bible Trainir ? WUKKbKS, IMA8HVILLE, TE ?iu the En glish Bible; Sund ?n Missions; Home Missions, 1909.?Cours es for Home an< teachers. Pa stors' assistants, !8S d AN, Supt. 1032 Monro' Light and F on and pay only (or what yon u A Light Co. 317 A. Caat&nedo, Vice-Prea. M. M MCHARDSO] Importer* and Jobber* of is and Men's Fun Magazine, 512 Common and 511 L P. O. Drawer 581. ? May ig, 1909. fork 'tolling Above. ^SKATING % rom Us stock is the lower prices, set condition, jnts to select r store your /"?a nnnf onmo nc., ad, Richmond,Va. ig School NN. ay school work; Church etc. 1 Foreign Missionaries, settlement workers, etc. e St., Nashville, Tenn. 'owcr se. Expert advice free. Baronne Street. NEW ORLEANS, LA. . Hardie, Bec'jr St Treaa N" CO., Ltd. * nishing Goods i Qravler Sts. NEW ORLEANS, LA.