The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 19, 1909, Page 29, Image 39

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May 19, 1909. TH THE CHILDREN will eat anything that is pood, but they have their preferences, as their elders do. They all like JELL-O and it is pood for them. Seven flavors : f Lemon, Orange, Cherry and Peach. Approved hy Pure Food Commissioners. 1<>c. a package, at all grocers. Illustrated Recipe Book. free. The Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y. Bring Us Your SavincK AND GET ? 3 1-2 Per Cent Per Annum on Deposits $1.00 and upwards Whitney-Central Trust ftr O 1^ m. oaviu^s udiih. 616-618 Common St. NEW ORLEANS, LA. FISH Drop us? a card and we will put you on to something with which you can turn !your neighbor green with envy by catching dead loads of them in streams where he has become disgusted trying to catch them the old fashioned way. It's something new and cheap. It catches at all seasons?something no other tackle will do. It will tickle vou to see it catch house tuiu iiiusK. rats, illustrated catalogued [prices and testimonials for the asking. We arc so'e manufacturers of the celebrated Double Muzzle Wire Fish Baskets. Our sale covers over 20 states. Wo pay the freight on one d <zen or more nets. EUREKA FISH NET CO., 82W5S. T\ D rtDCV CURED with vegetable remedies; *-* * removes nil symptoms of dirps/ in 8 to 20 days ; SO to 60 dnys ?ffrcia i ernianent cur a Trial tr?atn.ent furnishe 1 fiee to every anfTcrer; nothing fa rer. For circus's and fr?e trial treat roent, write DR. H H. CRIEN'S JONS B< * 0, Attar u. Ca Every Church Should Use Individual Communion Cup?. Our "Self-Collecting"Tray is itW r the best, at.d saves one-fourth cost of other s<stems. Will send outfit for free t ial to any church before rurchariny. 5.000 chnicues us? ? " Thomas Communion Service Co. Boa 100 L ma, Ot i ? I E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU Jz CHAMBERLAIN-HUNT ACADEMY OF PORT GIBSON. MISS. The Synodical school for hoys gels an offer through Rev. M. K. Melvin. the president and financial agent, of $.'>0,000, on an endowment fund provided tne Synod will raise $.">0,000.00. This offer conies from two men who give $2r>.000 each, and superceded all other offers and pro|>ositions. It is agreed that $13,000 of the fund raised by the Synod shall be devoted to lifting the floating ... wi uic siuuui, leaving jsv.UUU for endowment The Board proposes to use the income from this fund for helping the submerged white boy of the state. Already a number have applied for work for the next session on the farm, in tne "dairy and as waiters. Of this fund $t!.ooo has already ueen raised. The time limit is January 1st. 1911. A scholarship is valued at $2,500. The income on this will support a student each year, supplemented by his own work. TEACHERS WANTED. We have on file hundreds of applications from all over the South, for competent teachers. New ones coming In everyday. Write at once for particulars. The Southern Educational Bureau, Raleigh, N. C. DEWBERRY SCHOOL AGENCY. This Agency was established in 1##' and for many years has a*nr*d teachers and schools in all parts of t?* South and Sonthwest. Schools desiring teachers, or teachers desiring position; should address R. A. Clayton, Manager Birmingham, Ala. Bonds and Fine BankInvestments. ing Connections. Raymond M. Hudson ATTORNEY-AT-CAW Norfolk, Va. Practices in Supreme Court of the United States. And all Federal and State Courts and Departments. HOME IINSTITUTIT 1440 TO 1446 CAMP STRHHT, NEW ORLEANS, LA. YOUNG LADIE8' DAY AND BOARDINft SCHOOL. Twenty-sixth term. Latest methods Is all lepartments. Term commences OC TOOER 1, 1908. Complete course. Ks perienced teachers. Special Classes Is Normal and Business Courses. For cats logue. address MISS S B. WRIGHT Principal. TH. 29 nfes I Tile donor may name the beneficiary. Several are considering this. Who will be the first? We trant ten. This is the Kieaiesi opportunity trie Synod lias ever faced. Our preachers come from the class the school is seeking to reach. Can we raise it? We must and we will. RESOLUTIONS OF ESTEEM. At a recent meeting of -the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Presbyterian College for men, the following action was ' taken upon the resignation of Dr. William E. Mcllwain from the presidency of the college: In accepting the resignation of Dr. William E. Mcllwain, as president of the Alabama Presbyterian College for men. the Hoard of Trustees desires to put on record its sincerest regret that it finds. mmci nit- urgeni request oi nr. Mc.'lwain, no other course open. The task attempted by Dr. McIIwain in founding the college, and in bringing it up to its present prosperous condition, was a difficult and trying one, and requiring a great deal of hard work. The Board hereby records, with deepest feeling of appreciation and gratitude, the obligation of the Board and of the whole Synod of Alabama to Dr. McIIwain for his generous subscription to the college. and for his earnest, self denying and efficient labors in behalf of the college, both as its financial agent and president. Tne Board would assure Dr. McIIwain of its highest esteem of him as a Christian man and minister of the gospel, and as an earnest, conscientious laborer for Christ, and of their interest in his future career, praying God's riohest bless ing upon him in the work to which he goes. John. G. Anderson, Secretary, pro tern. The Law School R"s. NASHVILLE, TENN. Three years' course leading to the degree of LL.B. For catalogue or special information, address ALLEN O. HALL, LL.D., Chairman of the Faculty I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUR. SEASON'S SHOPPINCL Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNS, or y? Eiuuu\i> muusBKAUA, get mj samples and estimates before you decide with whom you will place your order. With my knowledge of eorrect styles, com blued with taste and good Judgment, and the personal Interest 1 take in every ordor, I am sure I can please you. I guarantee perfect fit and satisfaction. MRS. CHARLE8 ELLISON, Louisville. Ky