The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 19, 1909, Page 31, Image 41

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May 19, 1909. TH National ^ I PneU' L" P m atic Water fa | \ Sui ply I l\ rFor Country and Suburban Homes Gives all the advantages of a city water works, an'd furnishes fire protection, which reduces insurance rates. Systems furnished for use with hydraulic rams from spring or branch, or any kind of power pump from well. Capacity 140 galIlons up. Send sketch of ynur building similar to illustration, giving depth of well or fall to spring or branch, and we will estimate as to cost. HERE IS OUR GUARANTEE: | IYou purchase a National Water Supply System, install it according to directions furnished by us, opeiate it for one year, and if at the end of that time you are not satisfied in every particular, you mm return the system to us, and wewiilpay thefreight charges, and refund to you in cash every dollar you have paid us. Write now while you think of it. The cost is small compared to the comfort It will give you. Address carefully as follows to Insure prompt attention: GRAHAM DAVID80N & CO., 627-631 E. Main St., Richmond, Va. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY IurrKKS. MUM the regular College Courses, Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering. Architecture. Mus'c, Painting. Law, Medicine Sociology and Pedagogy. SUMMER SCHOOL July 6?August 17 Oollego entranoe conditions may be remo\ed and college credit given to those doing satisfactory work. The instructors are University professors. Anrnle facilities for library and laboratory wcrk. The location is cool, healthful and easy of access. Living inexpensive. Tuition, $15 for single course; $25 for two or more courses. Send for circulrrs. THE REGISTRAR, Syr. case University, Syracuse, N. Y. Geo. E. Egdorf Practical Painter and Dceoratcr. 11*1 Constance St. New Orleans Phone Uptown 1S96-L. Contractors' and Dealers' Exchange, Telephone Main 317. Estimates Cheerfully Given. J Bank of Branches 303 E. Broad St., 15th and E PRESBYTERIAN OF T! V Put m Y It is wot convenien kitchen wo stove that'! J at the instant K and out of the V moment you'r Such a stove is Perfection Wic Flame Oil Coc By using it you ? continuous overj heat of a coal fire i I with comfort, even I days The L-NEW Wick Blue I is so constructed that it dc It differs from all other oi with shell hot, and utensils, towels. T If not wit a great lij write our i I Cluster S CLU This school claims jour attenti Christian teachers, and the perso will interest jou if jou have a bo Forty-f YOU CAN) OF THE GOSPEL." Round or St songs. Sample copy S cents, i Westminster Si I A 8chool for Girls.?Special and Physical Development, as w yon a catalogue. ' J^ichmo Main Sts., 25th and Broad 8ts.f I HE SOUTH. ^ ! This Stove in our Kitchen | s 7 II 'W3 I : wanted, hi 4*^ I j way the M ; /I e done. ?k-Stove. ~ I lowering ^~'y and cook (f J \ J \J) i in dog- JJ \l ^ . I PERFECTION J Flame 00 Cook-Stove I ' >es not add perceptibly to the heat of a room, I stoves in its substantial CABINET TOP, f for warming platesand keeping cooked food drop shelves for holding small cooking Has every convenience, even to bars for h rpp C17PQ WitKnr \uithnnf foKinorT nn fl h your dealer, write our nearest agency. "MfoLamv m family use?safe, convenient, economical, and ;ht giver. If not with your dealer, learest agency. Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) m >M?T rounded In i?49 MLM WESTMINSTER III L11 COLLEGE A. 5. FULTON, MISSO0RI prings Academy ISTER SPRINGS. VA. on because of its superb location, its strong corps of mal care given each boy entrusted to us. Our catalog j to educate. our Years of Successful Work. HAMPDEN WILSON, Headmaster. 4 Ijt |>/"V Yk TV a new Song Book in your Church \ fl 13 I liC I I or Sunday School, atid one for ** A every person; "FAMILIAR SONGS ape Notes, for $3 for 100. Words and music 83 very best L A.K. HACKETT, 109 North Wayne Street. Fort Wayno, Ind. chool. - Richmond. Va. [ attention through entire school to Music, Art, Health ell as to the Academic work. A postal card will bring MI88 CARRIE LEE CAMPBELL, Principal. ? _/ gth and Tlain Streets WW W W Your Account Solicited v 3 per cent Interest allowed in 8avings Department. Louisiana St., and Williamsburg Ave.