The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 19, 1909, Page 33, Image 43

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May 19, 1909. TH he send forth labourers into his harvest." Who will take up the work laid down by Dr. Owen? Who will answer like Isaiah. "Here ara I. Ixird send me"? MRS. JENNIE L. KING. O God of life and death, Litt up our Head; Hear thou our utmost grief. For Mother is dead. i.,13. Jennie L. King v.-aa a mother; and her death, which occurred at her home near Cascade, Pittsylvania County, Va., April 20, 1909, brought to her loved ones their greatest sorrow, a sorrow 110 less heavy even though they had known that her sickness must at 110 distant day prove fatal. AH that medical wisdom and sklM could do, all that love and loyalty of nusband and children could do were powerless to arre3t the ravages of the disease, which some two years ago made its appearance. Through all the days she bore her sufferings wild even aid cheerful resignation, never doubting her Lord's wisdom and goouness?not even when she knew she would be denied the great desire ot her maternal heart?that she might live to bring up her little girls. Mrs. King's parents were John W. and Bettie A Oahill, to whom she was born January 3, 1858, In Henry County, Va., June 17, 1880, she was married hi her native county to Thomas Jesse King, from which union there were ten children. Archer Sherman, Leila Alloc, (now Mrs. J. F. Lewis), Lewis Irvine, Harvey Brown, Mary warn, mourns jesse, jr., sauio Myra, Nora Lavine, Jennie Reaves, and a son that died in infancy. The nine with the husband survive her. tone is also survived by two brothers, z.. 15. and T. C. Caliill. and two sisters, Mrs. Alice Hodnett and Miss x^enora Caliill. In the summer of 1902 she united with the Cascade Presbyterian cnurch.Mn the communion of which she lived lili death Mrs. King's married lire fulfilled the rich promise of her girlhood. Her husband found in her a wife strong and true iu character, invaluable in counsel, and helpful in all the relations of life. Her childreh gratefully acknowledge that priceless heritage they ha 'e from Lcr? the instruction, training and ever living innuence of a consecrated and competent Christian mother. Her neighborly kindness abounded. Her many friends bare witness to the strength and fidelity of her attachments. Loyal to ner Master, she was always loyal to His Church, and delighted to wait on him in all the ordinances of religion. The large and representative concourse of people that assembled at her funeral attested the high esteem in which She Was hpln The fnnornl hj?? ? . ? " uu Wiauuuicu from the home, and interment was made in a family cemetery a few rods away. She rests from her tabors, and her works follow her. I Her Pastor. Another has passed through the evening gate, That shuts in the golden West; I The shadows deepen, the hour is late, And left here In the dark, we wait Our call, as a willing guest. E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE S I I 4n endowed >chool for gtrli, ooder Pretb; Handsome, roomy buildings, beautiful, we necessary equipment. Scientific and Clasal Music, Art, Expression, Physical Culture, students for 1146.00. Next session begins 8 For catalogues and Information, addrea To C A LI Ft from A One Way Colon March I to Ap SOUTH El THROIK I OIL BURNING LOCOMOTIVES PULLMAN TOURIST 8LEEP Rate Per Berth in Touriat Sleei Ask Your Agent for Info D. A8BURY, Dlv. Pass. Agt., Lake Charles. IOUTH. 33 I ircd for Misfortune icy in foolish things, but save all those dollars id deposit them in a go-xl strong bank where , but will begin to grow immediately, lisforhine arrive you will be prepared if you LS NATIONAL BANK, which has the largest r National Bank South of Washington, D. C. IATIONAL BANK. Richmond, Va. Surplus and Profits, Sl.lM.000 legiate Institute N, LOUISIANA rterlan control. Healthful location In the hill country. Il-shaded troasda. Electric lights. Steam Heat. All cal conraea leading to degree*. Special advantages la Board and tnltlon for entire mm ton given twenry-f v# eptember 16, UOt. a the President. H. H. BROWNLBB. Clinton, Louisiana. DRNIA,>30.50 lew Orleans lists Tickets on Sale ril 30,1909, inclusive VIA ?W PACIFIC 2H TRAIN DAILY CHAIR CAR8 AND COACHE8 'ERS LIBERAL 8TOPOVER8 per, New Orleans to 8an Francisco, 85.75 rmatlon and Literature, or Write J. H. R. PAR90N3, Gen. Pass. AgL, New Orleans.