The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 26, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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M THE Fhe Presbyterian of the South Thornton S. Wilson, Managing Editor. Editors?Thos. E. Converse, James P. Smith, E. B. McCluer, George Summey. Published weekly by The PresbyteriaD Co. Incorporated In Georgia. Subscription Terms. Two dollars a year if paid in advance; If payment is deferred three months. Subscriptions made for a definite period are discontinued at expiration. Remittances should be made by money oiier or by draft on some of the large cities. Make all remittances to "The Presbyterian Company," 104 Edgewood Ave, Atlanta, Ga. When local check is sent, add 10 cents for collection. Address tne Richmond. Va., office: Central Presbyterian, Box 850. Address the New Orleans, La., office: Southwestern Presbyterian. Box 731. Entered as second class matter January 6, 1909, at the Post Office at Atlanta, Georgia, under act of March 3, 1879. Church News MAY COLLECTIONS. The month of May is set apart by the General Assembly for Foreign Missions. Remit to Rev. S. H. Chester, treasurer. Chamber of Commerce, Nashville, Tenn. PAN-PRESBYTERIAN ALLIANCE. Delegates to the Ninth Council of the Alliance of the Reformed Churches throughout the world, holding the Presbyterian system, New York City, June 15-25, 1909, are hereby notified thdt a railroad rate of one and three-fifth fares, on the certificate plan* has been granted by the Trunk Line Association. This covers the territory east of Buffalo and Pittsburg and north of the Potomac river. It is expected that a similar concession 4TV rotno will Ko Kw ger Associations. The meeting of the Ninth Council will be held in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, Fifth avenue and 55th street. New York City. The secretary of the local committee of arrangements is the Rev. J. Ross Stevenson, D. D., 7 West 55th street, New York City. In behalf of the alliance. Wm. H. Roberts, American Secretary. ALABAMA. Dothan: Rev. G. F. Bell entered upon the pastorate of this church on May 1, under very encouraging conditions The former pastor Rev. E. M. Craig began. his duties as superintendent of home missions in East Alabama Presbytery on the same date. Thus the church had a change of pastors without a vacant Sunday between. Six persons were received on profession of faith on the last week of Mr. Craig's pastorate, and the prospects ane good (or a substantial and strong growth in the church. The former and the present pastors will share the manse together for several months. Hartford: Four persons were received during May from the Baptist church. This church with Columbia and HeadLand have unanimously called Rev. J. F. Ford of Live Oak to become their pastor PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT r and he has indicated his willingness to accept the call. Troy: Lincentiale Herman Jones has been invited to supply the group of churches composed of Troy, Belhel and Providence and has entered upon his work with a very enthusiastic welcome. Mr. Jones expects to go to the seminary in cue ia.ii. ARKANSAS. Malvern: Rev. J. H. Barkwell pastor. Two additional elders and three deacons have been recently elected. Twelve members have been received six upon profession of their faith. This church is making steady progress along all lines. Fordyce: Rev. B. E. Wallace, evangelist of Pine Bluff Presbytery conducted l meeting in this church recently. Eleven were received upon profession and six by letter. The attendance was good ana much interest manifested. Oceola: Rev. Wm. H. Richardson writes: "Often, in our work, all thiugs seem to be against us; but yields to persistent efforts. During our meeting we were greeted by storms, amusements preparations for closing of school and other things; yet we had a blessing. The ]>asior, nev. t-i. H. Patrick, servos this church half of his time; he has beeii with this church five months. We i*eceived nine members, eight of whom were adults; baptised thirteen children; elected, ordained and installed one deacon. A number pledged themselves to better lives. The sum of five dollars (and fifty oeuts, additional mothly pledges was secured for the pastor's salary, r'ifty-seven dollars and thirteen cents was given for Presbyterial home missions and seven dollars for incidentals." GEORGIA. The Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Union of Athens Presbytery meets at EJlberton, June 3-4. Representatives from all the churches of Athens Presbytery are invited to be present, whether they have a missionary organization in the church or not. Commerce: Rev. J. B. McPhail made known his intention to the session, on Sunday morning May 16, of offering his resignation to Presbytery and asked that they unite with him in this request. He has been elected superintendent of home missions for Athens Presbytery and his labors would be throughout the bounds of Presbytery. Atlanta, Central Church: The report from this church is very gratifying not ~luioiwniiuK me iaci mat tor practically the entire year the church was without a pastor. It came second in its contributions to foreign missions in the Presbytery. The amount contributed being $3,614; ali of the other causes were liberally remembered. The Sabbath school reports a total of 1,780 teachers and scholars. First Church: In the absence of Dr. W L. I.ingle, who is attending the David son College commencement, Rev. H. C. Hammond, of the Pryor Street Church, filled the pulpit in the morning and Rev. John I. Armstrong, of Kirkwood, at night. Westminster Church: The Woman's Missionary Society, held a most dciiglltf'ii meeting on Tuesday afternoon, May 18. Miss Tate, missionary to Korea, spoke to the ladies of the work being done in that far-away country. The Brotherhood now H. May 26, igog. H 'has thirty-lour members and is organized into committees, so that each member will help to carry on the great work of I the Church. During Dr. Little s absence Sunday, the pulpit was filled by Rev. T. E. Converse, D. D. The Presbyterian Hospital: The I Junior Aid Society of the hospital has secured Rev. George Stuart to deliver a lecture Saturday evening May 29, and preach a sermon Sunday afternoon May I 30, to Christian workers. Bethany Church: This church has secured the services of Mr. J. EdwinHemphill, of the Union Theological Seminary for one half of his time during the four summer months. Mr. Hemphill arrived front Richmond, Va., on Saturday May 15, and filled his first appointmeut on the third Sabbath. The people of the entire community joined heartily in welcbiuing their new pastor; and although the weather was rather unfavorable, the church was fairly well filled with attentive and appreciative congregations at both morning and evening services. The church feels very muoh encouraged, and looks forward to a glorious work in the Master's cause. KENTUCKY. Bowling Green, First Presbyterian Church: Seven new members were received into the church, Sunday May 9. Two by letter five on profession of faith, among the latter was a lady seventy-four years of age. The Students Summer Conference will be held at Danville, June 11-1/, under the management of the Y. M. C. A. The meetings will be in the Central University buildings. Many leading educators front outside, as well as inside the state will be pi esent. LOUISIANA. New Orleans: At the Mallard Chapel of the N'apoieon Avenue Church the ltastor, Rev. H. W. Burwell, preaches every Sunday evening. The congregations have been most encouraging. ?The Canal Street Church, Rev. Chas. S. Sholl pastor, has started a new school in the territory adjacent to Central Street and far out that splendid avenue. It is locate*! for the present in south Cortez street. ?The First Church: Greatly to the disappointment of this church, Rev. Dr. R. E. Vinson, of Austin Seminary, Texas, writes that on account of certain conditions which have arisen it will be impossible for him to supply that church during the next four months as had been arranged for. Amite: A moot nleasant ?n?i five days' meeting was held recently in ^ this church by (he evangelist of New Orleans Presbytery in charge. Three members were added to tlhe churdh, arrangements made for the establishment of a Sabbath school, and the coming to the church of Mr. J. V. N. Talmage, of the graduating class at Clarksville, who will be in charge during the next four months. norkinia ar*> * ? * _ m j? C ?? iuvi ui uvrpu nuu I enthusiasm. | MISSISSIPPI. "Port Gibson: Ohamberlln-Hunt Academy has secured a reduced rate of one fare round trip from Oho I. C. and Y. and M. V.* roads in the state for the commencement May 30-June 1. Many friends of the school are expected June 1, at the