The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 26, 1909, Page 27, Image 27

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May 26, 1909. THI dollars more than we Had hoped; the responses to our appeal have been only one-fifth of wuat we had hoped they would be. We shall acknowledge future gifts, but the appeal will not occur again, so we urge you, brethren, to make whatever gift you can to us, and let it come forward at once. We do not expect much from any one, but a little from a great many. Will you be one? Our situation is waxing desperate. R. S. Eskridge. PERSONALS. Rev. Neal L. Anderson, D. D., of, Winston, N. C., is to preach the baccalaureate sermon of Peace Institute. Rev. R. L. Walton has tendered his resignation as pastor of the church at Suffolk, Va. Rev. A. H. Clarke, of Lynchburg. Va., has declined the call recently extended him by the church at Greenville, Ky. Rev. R. H. McCaslin, of Bowling Green, Ky., is to preach the baccalaureate sermon of Ogden College, Sunday, June 6. Rev. J. S. Sibley, of Pensacola, Fla., has received a unanimous call to the First Chhrch, Jackson, Tenn. He has the call under consideration. Rev. L. Cunningham, changes his ad dress from Denison, Tex., to Eliasville, Texas. Rev. M. A. Ray, of Union Seminary, Richmond, Va., will begin regular work at Madrid, Mo , on June 1. Rev. C. G. Brown, of Chester, S. C., lias been called to the pastorate of the church at Euharlee, G<a. Rev. J. L. McKee changes his address from Kansas City, Mo., to Wichita Falls, Texas. Rev. H. A. Jones, syncdical evangelist, changes his address from Pontotoc, Miss., to Pass Christian, Miss. Rev. S. O. Hall, will preach the commencement sermon of King College, June I 6"_ ... . Kev. Wm. Crowe, of Abingdon, Va., has been elected president of Stonewall Jackeon Institute to fill out the unexpired term of Mdss Kate Hunt. Rev. H. W. Burwell, ipastor of the Napoioen Avenue Church, New Orleans, is in attendance upon the sessions of the General Assembly, in Savannah, Ga. Rev. W. S. Trimble changes his address from Moutrey, Va., to Hampton, Va. He begins his new work on May 30. Dr. McFadden, of the First Church, Richmond, has been in Louisville, Ky., recently attending a meeting of the Royal Arcanum in which fraternity he holds high official position. Ex-Governor R. B. Glenn, of North Carolina, reports that during his extended lecturing tour south under the auspices of I the Southern Church, he raised f25,000 I for home missions. He addressed the General Assembly in session at SavanI nali. Ga., May 24. Dr. Robert Hill, who has suffered intensely for two weeks from an abcess In the throat, is now able to ride out in his h Duggy. Dr. Ucurland, of the Methodist Church, a ripe Christian of more than three-score years, and a most acceptable minister, has filled Dr. Hill's pulpit in his absence. H Dr. Witherspoon, of the Grace Street Church, Richmond, on May 20, participated in the unveiling of a statue of John Witherspoon, the Presbyterian divine who was the only minister to sign the Declaration of Independence. i PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTI This statue is in Washington city and wad erected by authority of Congress which appropriated $20,000 for the purpose. Rev. S. M. Glasgow, of Virginia will reach the lower Rio Grande valley Texas, Saturday, May 29, and preach at McAllen, Sunday morning and Mercedes Sunday night. President G. A. Coe, Ph. D., of Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., has been elected to the Skinner and McAlpin professorship of practical theology in the uijjjuu i awiogieai oeiuiuary, iNew xorn city. At the Monteagle, Tennessee, Bible Week, July 25-31, among the scholarly and attractive lecturers are. Dr. C. R. Hemphill, Louisville, Dr. Wm. M. Anderson, Nashville, Dr. F. W. Gunsaulus. Chicago, Bishop Fallove, of the Reformed Church and leader of the Emmanuel Movement and other notable men. Hon. Allen S. Hall is the superintendent. A Sunday school institute will follow. THE PRESBYTERY OF BRAZOS. Presbytery met in the Navasota church on Thursday, April 22. Present, fourteen ministers and twelve ruling elders. Presbytery has twenty-three ministers, fifty churches and four candidates for the min istry. Moderator: Rev. L. E. Selfridge, nay City; temporary clerk, Ruling Elder Fred S. Robbins, Uuintana. Received: Rev. Messrs. P. H. Hensley, Sr., from Arkansas Presbytery, and VV. T. Ahrenbeck, from Durant. Dismissed: Rev. T. C. Johnston to Paducah Presbytery. Presbyteriai Sermon on "Sanctiflcation" p was preached by the retiring moderator, Rev. F. E. Fincher. p Calvin Addresses were made by Rev. p George W. Storey and Rev. Granvlne ta. a storey. a The Call of Huntsvllle church for the pastoral services of Rev. W. T. Ahrenbeck was accepted by him and arrangements made for his installation. ^ The Presbytery urged all its ministers el to present the needs ot Daniel Baker Col- c lege to their congregations at some suitahlfi timp A llHn^ tho Twrvw*'*! r*t -? - Next Place of meeting, Columbia, on s October 20, 1909, at 3 p. m. ??? gjj PRESBYTERY OF FORT WORTH. ] The Presbytery of Fort Worth met in K< Graham, Texas, April 28, and was opened ci with a sermon by Rev. Wm. Thorburn, b; Present sixteen ministers and fourteen ruling elders. Officers:,- Rev. F. T. Charlton wad cl elected moderator and Rev. RobL L. r Cowan was elected temporary clerk. p New Members in the Presbytery: Rev. jj Robt. L. Cowan, of the Presbytery of tl Nashville; Rev. W. H. Wycough, of the b Presbytery of Dallas; Rev. T. M. Strib- cl lln. V. ? O 1 - * " ? lug, Ui luc ricoujricijf U1 Eil fUBO; Kev. ai Ezra J. Durham, of the Presbytery of t! Dallas. Rev. Rob't L. Cowan Is assistant pastor of the Broadway Church, M Fort Worth; Rev. W. H. Wycough la pas- ai tor-elect of North Fort Worth church; O Rev. T. M. Stribling serves ttfe Grapd- n< view and Venus churches; Rev. Ezra J. cl Durham is pastor-elect of the Bridgeport I* and Chico churches. G Ministers Dismissed: Rev. A. M. Me- ol Lauchlin. (aft a recent called meeting) to p. the Presbytery of Arkansas; Rev. John- W ston Robertson and Rev. W. E. Shive, to G i. C7 13 Don't fat your Spring or Sun- I Pj|)| | ~ 1 mar Suit before you see umpk I ?_!> of the famous Barry Sarga which I \I J ^ ? I ill XYK three-buttoned Sack Suit* ol I /<fT^ Vt?,>-the most fashionable model* r A ' }\\f Z\ I 1A 1 *' ?n>y S15.00. The serf* is t \ ' j [\\] A I I ?| \l absolutely pure worsted ol IAV I indigo-dyed klue and posi/ i\Mj j Jl! r ijT^a tively will not fade. The ['Hi high character ol Berry k3] ' 1 Clothing is known when Vj.2 !% j'j j^lni ever good dresser* go. v\'RAt'-' There it no bettor. YjUjfj :|l'j We guarantee this j | Serge suit to be the best Hi jl 111 j | suit ever ollered the mr k (III public nrwhere ? ?<s.oor P I j Ljr You should make it a point to JKryU WTj get in on this special offering, / i | W\ j j StyW Card, Msan Hrnks, / W 7 tiifltt, ?te, FREE. m V I IS A postal will bring to you a big IJ batch of samples from our eaI,' If H dusive stock of Serges, CassiIvl Bj meres. Cheviots and HomeIL'/ W spun* that will make selection ly easy, and our method ol selling MJ U. goods by mail makes it a "A v*ry simple matter for you to join our army of enthusiastic mail-order patrons?men of discriminating taste. You have much fo gain and nothing to Jose by wearing Berry Clothes. We guarantee the fit, fabric and finish, and we guarantee an air of grace and afyJe rarely seen in garments costing under $50.00. We ship goods C. O. D. with privilege of exsminstion before paying a penny. We know Berry Siufa never fail to make good. A/rite now?take the first step towards getting in touch with the South'a Largest Clothiery. le Presbytery of Western Texas. Canidate T. W. Currie was dismissed to theresbytery of Dallas. Installation: During a recess of the 'resbytery Wednesday evening, April 28, :ev. S. F. McMurry was installed pastor t Graham, by a commission previously ppointed by the Presbytery. Next Meeting; Gordon, Thursday | Sepsmber 22. Installations Arranged: Commissions ere appointed for installing the pastorslect at North Fort Worth, Bridgeport and hico. Order of Synod Declined: The rreBbysry declined to obey the injunction of ynod touching the Caldwell case. Appropriations: Presbytery approprited $29.15 individually pledged to" the Honorarium Fund" of the General As?mbly, and $20 to assist in sending the smmissioner of the Texas-Mexican vresKtery to the General Assembly. Childress: Rev. Gaines B. Hall was inaJled pastor of (he First Presbyterian tiureh of Childress, Texas, April 28, 1909. ev. W. C. Hagan, pastor of the First resbyterian church at Vernon, Tex., devered the charges to both the pastor and le congregation, and Itev. Wm. Fred Galraitli, of the Oak Cliff Presbyterian lurch, presided, preached the sermon fid propounded the constitutional quea ons. Oak Cliff: Mr. Charles D. Browder and T. F, O. Grandstaff were duly ordained" id installed deacons in the Oak ClilT hurch, Sunday, May 2, 1909. Five aw (members were received into this lurch at the morning service, Sabath. May 9. Rev. Benjamin Y. eorge, or tuinrwood, IU., brother of one ' our honored elders, will supply the pul,t during the absence of the pastor, Rev. rfli. rYed Galbralth, while attending the eneral Assembly. t