The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 26, 1909, Page 32, Image 32

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32 TH] rilDEC r\IARRHOEA, bUllLd l/YSENTERy, CHOLERA INFANTUM, anb all affegtionsofthe bowels. Oxford, La., July 7,1888. viemlemcn.?We have used your Hrrxiie's Cop *ial in our family foi some time past, and an perfectly ratisfied with itr effects. Would nol willinefv do ? ?? ? respectfully, J. n. Robinson SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FRICE, SOr. ar.d SI OO. **?*ppared hv ! L. LYONS & CQ Henry N. Gastrock 3120-3122 Magazine St. NEW ORLEANS, LA. RELIABLE SHOES FOR THE FAMILY. Agent, M. A. Packard & Co.'s $3.50 AND $4.00 SHOES FOR MEN. Phone Up-town 2200 W. A. B. Griswohf 6 Co., Ltd Jewelers and Silversmiths Our Stock rvf Tomol" .tv.. j., onverware, Diamonds and Precious Stones, Watches Novelties In Gold and Silver, Is the larg est and handsomest we have ever shown Everything New, Fresh, Attractive. Write for our Book of Suggestions. A. B. GRISWOLD A. CO., Ltd. Established 1817. 728 Canal Street, NEW ORLEANS. F. Johnson 6 Son Company LIMITED. UNDERTAKERS AND BURNISHERS OF FINE FUNERAL . FURNITURE. 800 Magaxlne Street, corner Julia, ard Washington and Prytanla Streets. Both 'Phones 697. NBUI ABI B ? ? ? - ww vnkKAnOf LA< 0. J. Macnmrda, Jr. B. R. Qngoiy. M acmurdo& Gregory SINIRAL INSURANCE. Ofltca Na. ?14 Htnntn Building. PtaM lteli 4411. Naw Orlaa&a, La. Fire, Lit*, Accident, Liability, BoH?r, Plato Slua. Indemnity, Burglary. Tarnada. NEW ORLEANS, LA. y E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT Marriages Graham-Ulue.?In me Presbyterian church, Aberdeen, N. C., April 14, 1909, by Rev. j. D. A. Brown, Mr. John W. Graham and Miss Kate S. Blue, daughter of Mr. John Blue. mayo-Duncan.?At the pastor's residence. Atlanta, Ga? May 8. 1909, by Rev. J. D. Keith, Mr. Benjamin H. Mayo and Miss Annie Cleo Duncan. McDonald-Currie.?At the residence of Mr. A. McN. Currie, Jackson Springs, N. C.. May 5. 1909, by Rev. J. D. A. Brown, Mr. Moses C. McDonald and Miss Lillie A. Currie. Morgan Browning.?On May 9, 1909, at Ingleside manse, by Rev. R. D. Stimson, Mr. R. B. Morgan aud Miss Lula Browning. Moore-Davis.?At the residence of the I bride's mother, Mrs. Lou Davis, Acker' man, Miss., May 5, 1909, by Rev. R. W. I Mecklin. Mr. William bnelton Moore and j Miss Rose Davis, both of Choctow i county, Miss. , Pawling-Schamber.?In New Orleans, I La., .May 19, 1909, by Rev. Dr. George Summey, Mr. Herbert Francis Pawling, of Kansas City, Mo., and Miss Clara Mary Srhamber, of Buffffalo, N. Y. Deaths Erand.?At 15 Kennedy street, Atlanta, Ga., May (J. 19109, Miss Annie Brand, aged twenty-one years. Interment at Sylvester. Sell.?>->n May 3, 1909, Miss Mildred, this lovely young Christian fell asleep in Jesus. She was tne only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Bell, ot West, Miss. She was born March 1, 1893; was a member of the Presbyterian church and "in all things adorned the doctrine of God her Saviour." H. Pierson.?At Orange Memorial Hospital on Sabbath morning, Maren 7, 1909, of acute congestion of the lungs, Leila Paul, widow of Edward D. Pierson, of * v/imigc, i\ew jersey, and youngest daughter of the late Edwin and Frances Wills James, formerly of Petersburg, Virginia. MRS. JULIA OGDEN PAYNE. In Memoriam. God in his wisdom took from her earthly home to her home eternal in the heavens Mrs. Julia Ogden Payne, April 7, after an illness of a few hours. The Ladies Aid Society of Westminster church, Lynchburg, desire to express this sense of the loss they so keenly feel. Mrs. Payne united with the church in early life,, her faith and trust in her blessed Saviour always firm and unshaken. She was twice the president of this society, and gave freely of her time, talents and means for tta .?? uv* UUVCUlClll. She had a fine mind, well stored and cultivated, and amid all the changes of life bore herself nobly and won through admiration and affection all who knew her. She was a true friend and a devoted mother, and her children may rise up and call her blessed. Qreen be the turf above thee. Mrs. Lizzie S. Mosby. Mrs. Lily H. Thornhill. Mrs. John Hickson. 'H. May 26, 1909. JOSEPH ALLEN McCLUNG. Died on February 12, 1909, at his noniu West Virginia, in the sixty-ninth year ot his age, Joseph Allen McClung, a native of Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier county. West Virginia, and a member of Staurt's cavalry throughout the entire war between the states. He was a devoted husband, a loving father, a staunch friend, an upright man in juti ms intercourses with his fellow men and a brave Confederate soldier. He leaves a wife, who was Miss Callie Doyle, and four sons,?Albert, William, Joseph and Samuel?all grown, besides many relatives and friends to mourn his loss. Rest in peace, brave Southern soldier, Ended is your mission here. May you And abundant entrance To those heavenly mansions dear. MISS MARGARET McCASKILL. Miss Margaret C., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenith and Nancy McCaskill, was born in Kershaw county, S. C'., December 20, 1838, and died at her home at C.assatt, in the same county, March 17, 1900. At the age of sixteen she gave her heart and life to her Saviour and joined Pine Tree church. She was a consistent member and an earnest and zealous worker in her church and Master's vinevwr.rl nn? 51 Af>ll?%-> 1 ? ? iiuicu to ner reward. Her remaius were buried in the Scotch . cemetery on Lynch's creek. Kershaw county. She leaves three sisters and seven nephews and nieces besides a host of relatives and friends to mourn her departure. The battles of life are. over. The crown of victory won, Servant of God we can say 110 more, Thou Thy work hast well done. ?Friend. MRS. EMILY THOMAS. In Shelby, at the home of her son. RevJames Thomas, April 28, 1909, Mrs. Em- I ily Thomas most peacefully, after an illness of a few days, died. The remains were taken to her old home In New Bern, N. C., and she was buried by the side of her husband, who was Judge Oharles R. Thnnrno a+ " * .vi. uuC uime secretary or State, Judge of the Superior Court and member of Congress four years Her oldest son, Hon. Charles R. Thomas, is in Congress now. Of her five Sons three of them were at her bedside when the end came, and all of them?three of them being ministers of the Presbyterian church?were at her burial. She was a woman of rare qualities of mind and heart, and she has left an impress of the true and the beautiful which I can never be obliterated. CAPT. BENJAMIN CUNNINGHAM |j YANCEY. The subject of this sketch was born in I Greenville, S. C., July 30, 1836, but was | i curea in Montgomery, Ala. He was graduated from the University of Alabama, August 16, 1856, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and later received the degree of Bachelor of Law from the Cumberland University, of Lebanon, Tennessee, and was admitted to the bar in Montgomery, Ala., the same year. Tie served throughout the war as caytain of artillery in the Confederate army. At the close of the war, he removed to Brazil, where he resided fourteen years, and in 1873, at Santa Barbara, married