The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 26, 1909, Page 33, Image 33

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May 26, 1909. THE Miss Lucy Cairnes riall, a lady of culture and refinement, who still survives him with five grown sons, all of whom are steady business men of unimpeachable integrity, and one daughter, Mrs Lucy Yancey Fuller, of Baltimore, Md. These six children are all members of the Southern Presbyterian Church. Returnne to the United State? he set tied in Florida, and was a member of the Umatilla Presbyterian church for twenty-two years, and a valued member during most of that time. His fathei was the Hon. Wm. l,. Yancey, one of the most brilliant orators cf the south, and a historical character in tne great struggle between the north and south. After a painful and lingering illness, he fell asleep in Je3us on March 17, 1909, and was buried in Glendalo cemetery amid the orange groves that he planted where the fragrance of their bloom and the sweet thrills of the mocking bird make a fitting place for his body to rest until the sound of the last trump shall awaken it to everlasting life and glory, and ascend with the saints "to meet the Lord in the air and so be forever with the Lord.'* MRS. B. F. HALL. The subject of this sketch was born in Warren County, Miss., near Vicksburg, February 28, 1837. She departed thi3 life at Bolton, Miss., Hinds County, April 17, 1909, having just passed her seventysecond year. Her maiden name was Amanda Elizabeth Farr. nearly in life she gave her heart to God, and from that date to the day ot her deatu she was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church. At lite age of young womanhood she gave her life in wedlock with Mr. B. F. Hall, to whom she was an ever faithful and affectionate wife. She became the mother of nine church and settle in life, aud who, toall of whom she lived to see join the church and settled in life, and who, together with her faithful husband, survive her. The writer was often in her home, and seldom ever left witnout, at her own ronuonl _ * ri -J 1 .C4UC3L, icauiug iuc vv ui u ui uuu ttuu kneeling in prayer. She loved her friends and family, and her Saviour, whom she served humbly and faithfully. She was one of those meek, patient Christians into whose presence one never came without feeling the warmth of her Christian heart, loving influence and deep piety. She will be sadly missed, not only by her church and friends, but most 01 all by ner devoted husband and children. As a wife, mother and friend she was loving, tender and devoted. The sweet fragrance of .ier life will long linger like the perfume of shattered roses to bless and cheer all who knew her; especially those of her immediate family. I Aged husband and loving children, weep not, your loved one has only preceded you a little while to our Father's House, where the ties, now severed, will in Qod's own time be reunited never more to be broken, a happy unbroken family in our home in heaven. C. P. C. Whom the heart of man ^huts out, Sometimes the heart of God takes in. And fences them all round about With silence 'mid the world's din. ?Lowell. : PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SO rfjl^ Be Prepai Don't spend your mone; you have been wasting and they will not only ba safe, t I When the days of Mit 1 deposit in the PL^NTfiRS Surplus and Profits of any Write us at once about oit way to obrain !SB PLANTERS N/1 capital S330.000 Silliiiiim Col I CLINTON An endowed school for girls, under Presbyt Handsome, roomy buildings, beautiful, wallnecessary equipment. Scientific and Classics Music, Art, Expression, Physical Culture. B students for $145.00. Next session begins Sef For catalogues and Information, address SUMME SOUTHER CflLIFORI\ Alaska-Yukon SEATTLE, WASHINGTC PORTLAND, OREG ELK S' CONVENTION, los GO ONE WAY THROI VIA PORTL/ ALL ON ONE TICKET THROUGH TRAIN OIL BURNING LOCOMOTIVES CHAIR CARS AND COACI Ask Your Agent for Information i D. ASBURY, Div. Pass. Agt., Lake Charles 4* lUTH.; 33 S^VINGI Kfmrtmfnti I RICH/V\OND,VA^ | red for Misfortune f in foolish things, but save all those dollars deposit them in a go >d stronir bank where mt will begin to grow immediately. loriunt arrive you will be prepared if you NATIONAL BANK, which has the largest National Bank South ot Washington. L>. C. mtlhid of BANKING BY MAIL--1 site ind jure iTIONAL BANK. Richmond, Va. - - Surplus end Profits, Si,160.000 egiate Institute ' 1 rVT TTni A. XT A I, LUUW1A1NA erlan control. Healthful location In the hill countr*. shaded grounds. Electric lights. K tea in Heat. At' il courses leading to degree*. Special advantages It oard and tuition for entire seeston gtven twenty-Cvf iteiuber 16, 1908. the President. U. H. BROWN LEE, Clinton, Louisiana. CR TOURS VIA 'N PACIFIC IIA RESORTS Pacific Exposition )N, JUNE 1 - OCTOBER 31, 1309. ON?The City of Roses ; Angeles, Cal, July 13-17, '09 UGH CALIFORNIA, RETURN \ND AND SEATTLE LOW ROUND TRIP RATES I TO CALIFORNIA DAILY PULLMAN SLEEPERS iES STOPOVER ANY POINT and Literature, or Write J. H. R. PARSONS, Gen. Pass. Agt., New Orleans