The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, May 26, 1909, Page 34, Image 34

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34 THE WANTS Readers of The Presbyterian of the South may use these columns for publishing: their wants or wares. The chargre will be 2 cents for each word, cash to accompany orders. WANTED?At once, boarders In an old tashioned country home. Beautiful mountain scenery- Altitude 2500 feet. Address, Miss M. I. Wallace, Mlllpoiut, W. Va. FOR RENT At AshevHle, North Carolina, furnished cottage of seven rooms (four bed rooms). Modern improvements. Delightful location, elevated lot, beautiful views. Consumptives ami small children not preferred. For further particulars, address MISS LEEr 75 Church St., Asheville, N. C. YELLOW SULPHUR SPRINGS, VA. New Management. Excellent Cuisine and Chapel Service. Booklet on Application. Open June 1. W. D. PAXTON, Prop. CENTRAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION, Paris, Ky., Miss Kate Edgar, Proprietor and Manager. Prompt and reliable information given presidents of colleges and superintendents" of schools of teachers suitable for their vacancies. Send for circulars. Hermann Schmidt 664-6-8 E. Broad St., - Richmond, Va. SOUTHERN SUPPLY CO, Timberville, Miss. Via Bristol ?AND THE? Norfolk 6 Western Railway The 8hort Line Between NEW ORLEANS, BIRMINGHAM, MEM PHI8, CHATTANOOGA, KNOXVILLE ?AND? WASHINGTON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. Solid Train r All Information cheerfully furnished. WARREN l_ ROHR, Western Passenger Agent, Chattanooga, Tenn. W. B. BEVILL, General Passenger Agent, Roanoke, Via. || K. L. Christian & Co. 11 808 E. Main Street, !? j! RICHMOND, . vfKoiNIA. i; jj FMCY GROCERIES ;j Agents fer \\ HUYLER'S CANDIES!; PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SO AGNES SCOTT C DECATUR ( THE COLLEGE offers advantag THE AGNES SCOTT ACADEM> offers a four years' course leading to tlampden-S 134th Session Be lidreu for Catalogue or other lnft REV. HENRY TUCKER QRAI w &>! K'; jjSqH Senior Hall Mai Texas Presbyterii THE GREAT PRESBYTERIJ Splendid buildings, elegantly furnished, b obviating all danger of Are. Tbe beautiful i tennis, outdoor games. No serious Illness In College and 8emlnary, leading to degrees. Organ, Guitar, Expression. All branches of with sky light. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD, of Interpretation Classes. One hundred and SEPTEMBER 24th, 1908. For Catalogue Illustrated by photographi dent. Mltford, Texas. Austin Presbyteriai FA The Rev. Robert E. Vinson, D. D., Presbli of the English Bible and Practical T The Rev. Smuuel A. King, D. D., LL. 1)., The Rev. Thornton R. Sampson, D. D., LI Polity. The Rev. Eugene C. Caldwell, M. A., B. D Exegesis. To be supplied?Professor of the New T The Seminary of and for the Southw< all modern conveniences. Expenses model from the Synods of Texas, Arkansas, Ok for graduate work In the University of Ti tures by President Patton of Princeton an For cntalogue and full Information add R. IN SI LIABILITY I STEAM BOILER GODCHAI ACCIDENT 626-630 C JAMES H. AI HKAT1NS, OAS AN Box 2 Contractors' 6 Dealt Tal. Main MM. #THE QRE^ We are going to tend 8 asking for them merely at Ilk to complete: 1 Unci Needles. All first (mailt: world for the farm ho mi dolltes and oenti fgr a tri If desired. Address UTH. - May 26, 1909. COLLEGE for Women near Atlanta), GEORGIA. es equal to best colleges for men. f, under separate faculty and government. Freshman class. For catalogue, address F. H. GAINES, President. idney College yillB HlJJUmber lb, IJMW. armation, HAM, President, Hampden-Sldney, Vs. V;^>v - _ ; 9 I n Building Dickson Hall an, College For Girls IN SCHOOL or THE SOUTHWEST, eated by steam from outside metal furnace room, icetylene gas light. Large gymnasium, basket-ball, the history of the school. Two courses of study. Special departments: Piano, Voice Culture, Violin, Art. Artistic Needle-work, China Klin, Art Rooms CHICAGO, Visiting Director of Music and Teacher thirty-six mnslc pupils last year. COLLEGE OPENS i, write REV. HENRT C. EVANS, A.M., D.D., Preai Theological Seminary CULT Y ent of the Seminary and Allen-Johnson Professor fheoogy. Ball Professor of Systematic Theology. !?., Lutcher Professor of Church History and Professor of the Old Testament Languages and cBiuiucui, liuuguage ana exegesis, sst. Buildings are new, fireproof and fitted with ate. Scholarships available for students coming lahomn and Louisiana. Exceptional advantages ?xns. Winter climate unsurpassed. Special lecd others. Eighth session begins October (1, 1901). ireas, E. VINSON, PRESIDENT, AUSTIN, TEXAS. JRANCE >h#ns 1665 PLATE GLASS JX A MIOTON, Ltd. SURETY BONDS f 10MMON STREET BURGLARY nry p mi plumbing, sewerage 1 IVEdll, DRAINING ? * 6* is ID ELECTRIC FIXTURE*. sri' Exchange, New Orlesns. La. 616 Carondalat SL n*?r Peydraa itest bargain ever ,000 of these embroidery outfit* to tbo flnt 5,000 persons cost of handling. They contain 6 Linen Dot Nee, with a Collar and Caff Sot; 6 package* special Embroidery r. We will send Farm News, the biggest little paper la <M i, on trial four montbs for cents. Send 7 cents for tbo al subscription, is cents la all. Kit be r offer separately FARM NEWS. im Washington St., SprlagfeU, O.