The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, June 02, 1909, Page 29, Image 29

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June 2, 1909. THE A SPECIMEN Jell-0 Dessert. With the addition of fruits and nuts and whipped cream, or cream sauce, Jell-O can be made into a great variety of fancy dishes very Oaciltr The least experienced of housewives will fiijd no difficulty in preparing this simple dish : FRUIT SALAD. Dissolve otic package Strawberry or Raspberry Jblc-O in one pipt boiling water. Slice two oranges or two bananas, or any fruit desired, nnd when the Jbll-O is half set, stir fruit iulo same and set away to harden. A hundred or more different dishes can be made from the seven Jell-O flavors. All grocers sell Jell-O. 10 cents. Illustrated Recipe Book, free. The Genesee Pore Food Co., Le Boy, N. Y. Bring Us Your Savings AND GET 3 1-2 Per Cent Per Annum ' on Deposits $1.00 and upwards' Whitney-Central Trust & Savings Bank 616-618 Common St. NEW ORLEANS, LA. * . N : PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT AUSTIN COLLEGE. The Sixtieth Annual Commencement of Austin College will take place May 30June 2. Sunday, May 30, at the First Presbyterian church at 11 a. m., Rev. Henry E. Dosker, D. D., L. L. D., Professors in the Kentucky Theological Seminary, of Louisville, Ky., will preach the Baccalaureate Sermon. In the evening at 8 o'clock, at the First Presbyterian ehurcn, Rev. Robt. E. Vinson, D. D., President of the Austin Theological Semi nary, of Austin, Texas, will deliver the address to the Y. M. C. A. Monday evening in the college auditorium, there will be the annual Declamatory Contest Jetween the two literary societies. Tuesday morning, the Alumni Association will meet in annual session, i^uite a number of graduates and former students are signifying their intention of being present. on this occasion. The specific work which has -been taken up by the Alumni Association is the enlarging of me main building and fitting up a first-class auditorium on the second floor. In the af iernoon the Board of Trustees will converse in their regular semi-annual session. Tuesday evening in tne dining room of Luckett Hall, the Alumni Banquet will be held. On this occasion Col. A. T. McKinney, of Huntsville, Texas, a former student of ?e institution in the "fifties" will deliver the principal address. Wednesday morning the graduating exercises will be held in the college auditorium, r if teen young men are to receive diplomas this year. This has been an unusually successful year in the history of the college. The enrollment has increased to 202 and bids fair to be even larger next year. . This is the first year tha't the Preparatory School has been wholly separated from the college, and this move has proven highly successful. The college is also handling their own boarding department in an pycpllpnt mannnr Work has hppn resumed on the Y. M. C. A. Building and suificient funds have been pledged to practically complete it by the opening ot the fall session. W. T. Read. KING COLLEGE. We have only encouraging reports of King College, Bristol, Tenn. An enrollment of seventy-seven, when last year the college was closed; an increase of endowment by $20,000, all given since January by the Presbyterians of Bristol; a new dining hall (including reading room, kitchen and pantries, and dormitories) whose plans are now in the hands of the architects; a president who has won the full confidence of the town, and of the two Presbyteries in control; an enthusiastic patronage, an encourQffOrl /?hnr/*h a nnnfont o/l otnHnnt Hrvsl%r ?*bvu vuuiyu, u vvuivu iv v* oiuucuv, uv/uj , all going to make a successful session. A college that has put sixty per cent of its graduates into the ministry, and nearly fifty per cent of the graduates into the Presbyterian ministry, is worth conservation and support. The Presbyteries of Holston and Abingdon in their recent meetings both expressed their intention to add to the endowment so generously begun by the citizens of Bristol. The commencement exercises for this session will take place as follows t June 3, Oratorical Contest; June 4, Declamation Contest and Alumni Address by the Hon. S. R. Sells, of Johnson ^??.y, Tenn.; June 6. Commencement Sermon by Rev. S. C. Hall, of Tazewell, Va. A. D. W. EARN $7 DAILY SELLING Finest on earth. Write for special stents and dealers terms. DR. HAUX SPECTACLE CO.. Box 0. St. Louis, tlo. HOME INSTITUTE J 1440 TO 1446 CAMP 8TRBHT. * NEW ORLEAN8, LA. YOUNG LADIES' DAY AND BOARDINO SCHOOL. Twenty-sixth term. Latest methods la all iepartmenta. Term commences OCTOBER 1, 1908. Complete coarse. Mxnorlenced teachers. Special Classes la Normal and Business Courses. For catalogue. address MISS S. B. WRIGHT, Principal. The law School r,v"*s? NASHVILLE, TENN. Three years' course leading to the degree of LL.B. For catalogue or special Information, address ALLEN G. HALL, LLD., Chairman of the Faculty. DEWBERRY SCHOOL AGENCY. I Th<s Agency was established in 1891 and tor many years has serrsfl teachers and schools in all parts of the South and Southwest. Schools deelr <m teachers, or teachers desiring positions should address R. A. Clayton, Manager. Birmingham, Ala. . I TEACHERS WANTED. We have on file hundreds of applications from all over the South, for com???. Wow nnos pnniintr in pcicui (.cavuvi a. 41VI. v everyday. Write at once for particulars. The*. Southern Educational Bureau, Raleigh, N. C. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUH 8EASON'8 8HOPPINQ. Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWN8, or WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get nay saifr pies and estimates before yon decide with whom vou will Dlace your order. With my knowledge of correct styles, combined with taate and good lodgment, and tfc* personal Interest I take in every order, 1 am sure I oan please you. I gun ran tee perfect fit and satisfaction. MRS. CHARLE8 ELLISON, Louisville, Ky. M&rBELLS III-' V Mia a Wpertatty.