The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, June 02, 1909, Page 34, Image 34

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34 THE FOR RENT I At Asheville, North Carolina, furnished cottage of seven rooms (four bed rooms). Modern improvements. Delightful location, elevated lot, beautiful views. Consumptives and small children not preferred. For further particulars, addresa MISS LEE, 75 Church St., Asheville, N. C. | SAY RE COLLEGE SKssSK?- I ?? IX l..t I u x IX I A select school for girls, delightfully located in tire far-famed Blue t'.rass region of Kentucky, lieautiful grounds, handsome buildings, modern appointments, outdoor sports. College Preparatory, General and Si?ecial Courses?Music, Art. Elocution. Physical Culture, session opens September 8. For illustrated announcement, address REV, J. M. SPUNCKR. President. PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE for WOMEN CHARLOTTE, N. C. SITUATION?In famous Piedmont Section. In city of refinement and life, the centre of Presbyterlanlsm In the South. BUILDING?New, .equipped with electric lights, steam heat, lire escapes. Only two girls to a room. TABLE?Wholesome fare; skilled housekeeper. _ aCULTY?Trained teachers of long cxptrlence, representatives from best Eastern Colleges. MUSIC AND AKT?Teachers from Itest American and European Schools. HATES?Very low, considering the advantages. REV. J. It. BRIDGES, I). D., President. CENTRAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION, Paris, Ky., Miss Kate Edgar, Proprietor and Manager. Prompt and reliable information given presidents of colleges and superintendents of schools of teachers suitable for their vacancies. Send for circulars. Via Bristol ?AND THE? Nerfolk 6 Western n~ ? naiiway The 8hort Line Between NEW ORLEAN8, BIRMINGHAM, MEMPHIS, CHATTANOOGA, KNOXVILLE ?AND? WASHINGTON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. Solid Train Service Dining Car. AH Information cheerfully furnished. WARREN L. ROHR, Western Passenger Agent, Chattanooga, Tenn. W. B. BEVILL, General Passenger Agent, Roanoke, Va. i *9 T r* " ? ; iv. Ms. KsilTlStian tr CO. | 08 E. Main 8tr??t, | RICHMONB, . VIRGINIA. j ; II FAHCY GROCERIES ji ! I j [ Agent* <*r : HUYLER'S CANDIES 1 : PRESBYTERIAN OF THE S( AGNES SCOTT C DECATUR ( THE COLLEGE offers advantaj THE AGNES SCOTT ACADEM offers a four years' course leading to Hampden-S 134th Session Be Address for Catalogue or other lnf REV. HENRY TUCKER QRAI ~? ?.1 i; 1 . " . . ' Senior Hall Mai Texas Presbyterii THE GREAT PRB3BYTBRIJ Splendid buildings, elegantly furnished, b obviating all danger of lire. The beautiful a tennis, outdoor games. No serious IUbsss la College and Seminary, leading to degrees. I Organ, Guitar, Expression. AH branches of with sky light. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD, of Interpretation Classes. One hundred and SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1909. For Catalogue Illustrated by photographi dent, Mllford, Texas. Austin Presbyteriai FA The Rev. Robert E. Vinson, D. D., Presldi of the English Bible and Practical 1 The Rev. Samuel A Kin? r> e ** ?. u-. X/., UU 1/., The Ilev. Thornton R. Sumpsou, D. D.f LI Polity. The Rev. Eugene C. Caldwell, M. A., B. D Exegesis. To be supplied?Professor of the New T The Seminary of and for the Southw( nil modern conveniences. Expenses modei from the Synods of Texas, Arkansas, Ok for graduate work In the University of T< turcs by President Patton of Princeton an - For catalogue and full Information add R. "?? IN SI LIABILITY I TEAM BOILER OODCHAI ACCIDENT ?2e-6S0 C JAMES H. AI HEAT1ND, DAB AM Box 2 Contractors' 6 Deal# TeL Main MM. The Nowl Hlgh-Olaes Diamonds and other P and Wadding Rings, SHver Novelties, 1 Latest Patterns. Fine Imported and i at tee. Ooods sent on approval upon sal t*1 Bast Main Street. DUTH. June 2, 1909. COLLEGE for Women near Atlanta). GEORGIA. ;ea equal to best colleges for men. Y, under separate faculty and government, 1 Freshman class. For catalogue, address F. H. GAINES, President. J / ? UlLlUy College gins September 15, 1909. >rmatlon, 4AM, President, Hampden-Sidney, Va. - r* .. . ... " ' IM l " ,V ,'C Dickson Hall an.^uuege t or liirls LN SCHOOL or THB BOETHWBST. eated by ittta from staid* mefal foraace rooaa, .cetylene pas light. Large gymnasium, basket-ball, the history of the school. Twb courses of study. Special departmeats: Piano, Voice Culture, YloUu, Art, Artistic Needlo-werk. China Kiln, Art Rooms CHICAOO, Visiting Director of Music and Teacher thlrty-alx ma ale pupils last year. COLLBQB OPENS I, write REV. HB/4RY C. BVANS, A.M., D.D., Preai Theological Seminary CULTY out of the Seminary and Allen-Johnson Professor ^heoogy. Ball Professor of Systematic Theology. j. D., Lutcher Professor of Church History and >., Professor of the Old Testament Languages and estament, Language and Exegesis. ?8t. Buildings are new. flrcnmnf n.i ???? ' ? _ M MWU Ulicu Willi -ate. Scholarships available for students coming lahoma and Louisiana. Exceptional advantages exas. Winter climate unsurpassed. 8pecial lecd others. Eighth session begins October 6,- 1909. rese, E. VINSON, PRESIDENT, AUSTIN, TEXAS. JRANCE *h?n? 1M6 PLATE GLASS JX A MIOTON, LW. SURETY BONDS ISMMON STREET SURSLARY npy p AT PLUMBING, SEWERAGE i iVull, DRAINING SSS S ID ELECTRIC FIXTURES. t ? S - ?- ? * :r? cxcnnngt, new Orleans. La. I1S CamMtt H, nnr Ptyirn an Company recloos Stones. New designs la Engagement ifcd Cases of Silver (or Bridal Presents ot the jaericaa Watches. Opera Glasses and Lerw Jsfactory city reference. RICHMOND. VA.