The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, June 09, 1909, Page 33, Image 35

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June g, 1909. THE Dr. Scott, of the Second church; and the interment was at Tinkling Springs. Mrs. Gully was born in Charlottesville, Va., November 30, 1842, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Keolinger, of that place. She was married to Capt. Gully in Staunton, Va., July 19, 1866. She is survived by her husband; one sister, Mrs. A. J. Crooen, of Rich ? - ? * 1 *. -uil J? rr Tlf n ..11,. mono; ana oy iwo cimureu, i. uunj, of Baltimore, anil Mrs. Z. C. Gold, of Basic City. She was a good and gracious woman and has left behind her a fragrant and blessed memory. "Friend." RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY CHURCH DEACONS. At a meeting of the board of deacons of the Presbyterian Church in Winchester, Va., held on Sunday morning, the following resolutions were passed: 1. Resolved, That it is with the feeling of profound sorrow that we think of the death of our brother, William H. Smith, who" on May 19, 1909, was called from the labors of earth to the rest of heaven. 2. That we bow in submission to Him who has called to His servant and said: "Come up higher," though we know the loss win long ue ieit Dy ooara 01 deacons, with which he so faithfully labored* for *even( years, and by the church, whose welfare he studied and loved so well. 3. That, though the Ixird has taken from us our beloved brother and fellow laborer, we will ever be thankful for the grace which made his life adorn the doctrine of God, our Saviour. 4. That as a testimonial of our love and respect for him, these resolutions be spread upon our official records and forwarded for publication to The Evening Star, tie Christian Observer and the Presbyterian of the South. K Thof O AAnV /vf M/\nyvl.,iI/v?n K?. ./. * tiuv u. VU|/J U1 I nunc 1COUIU11UUS UC sent to the sorrowing family, with the assurance of our most hearty sympathy. Wm. S. White, E. B. Sheetz, J. H. Moling, H. S. Baker, M. C. Baker. John H. Myers, Edward Padgett, M. L. Capper, Board of Deacons. THE SCOTCH CHURCH. '1 he Established Church of Scotland has a communicant membership of 702,763. 'these are gathered into 1,412 parishes, giving an average of about five hundred to a parish. Sabbath-schools do not show up as well as with us. There are only 235,974 scholars la the Sabbath-schools of this church, which numbers over 700,000 communicants, about three communironta fn nno aph/vlor If la to -??xvw VW WMV uv??v/n*l . AC AO IV UC Ul/JiCU that tne difference is more tnan made good by the greater attention to the instruction of the children in the homes, 'ihe same sad note is sounded in the Assembly of the Church of Scotland that is sounded in the assemblies of our own land touching the decline in the number of candidates for the ministry. 'i he statement is made that there are but "128 theological students In all their faculties." PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SO B And the life or usefulness of a mal is ruined, unless Dr. Tic septic is applied promptfy?if this wounds will not inflame and ti heal promptly leaving t [fgjggl little scar. Alnrava k?n a bottle At all Druggists 25 and 50 Centj 99 Al#? 'D quart bottlct* Bs I.l I m fl SjS ifl 1 if* I I Silliman Col] CLINTON An endowed school for git Is, uni hill country. Handsome, roomy bulldlt Steam heat. All necessary equipment. Klocutloii, Physical Culture, St e nog rapt ENDOWMENT MAKES PRICES THE SOUTH. Let us explain to you. Address the President, REV. H. The Normal and ASHEVILLF, Under rare Presbyterian Church. Offei 15 teachers and officers?experts. Site ur tuition. $125 per year. For catalogue, add Wn. T. Handle. Pres. Arthur A. Oeetaa WILLIAMS-RIC1 Importers Dry Goods, Notions anc 209-21V213 and 2i& Magazine, New York Office, 6 Leonard 8t- F Buy Your Fui There are many reasons w. largest in the South. We buy i lower freight rates, and the g( When you come to our store ] from. Tou can get just what ; Therefore, when you visit headquarters. We will be glai write for prices. Sydnor & E "Furniture lor the Home Betutifi # % f'; UTH. 33 valuable ani- yl legiate Institute r, LOUISIANA fler Presbyterian control. Healthful location In the ige, beautiful, well-shiuled grounds. Electric lights. Three courses leading to degrees. Music, Art, ly nnd Typewriting. LOWER THAN ANY OTHER GOOD SCHOOL IN H. BROWNIEE, Clinton, Louisiana. I Collegiate Institute , NORTH CAROLINA a to young women three thorough courses of study, irlraled for healthfuluess and beauty. Board and Ircss EDWARD P. CHILDS, President. Ao, Vloa-Prea. M. M. HarAto, loc'y ft Treai 4ADncn\T rn T lxxxi\iyuv/ii v>?vy j jl/lu ud Jobbers of I Men's Furnishing Goods 512 Common and 515 Qravtar Sta. ?. O. Drawer 581. MEW ORLEANS, LA rniture . From Us ny you should. Our stock Is the n carload lots and get lower prices, )ods reach us in perfect condition, rou hare big assortments to select jrou want. Ri ohm on/I moVs out* afnro vnnr i to see you. If you cannot come, [undley, Inc., il" 719-11-13 E. Broad, Richmond, Va*