The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, June 16, 1909, Page 18, Image 18

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18 THE Che Presbyterian of the South Thornton S. Wilson, Managing Editor. Editors?Thos. E. Converse, James P. Smith, E. B. McCluer, George Summey, Published weekly by The Presbyterian Co. Incorporated in Georgia. Subscription Terms. Two dollars a year if paid in advance; if payment is deferred three months, $2.50. Subscriptions made for a definite) period are discontinued at expiration. Remittances should be made by money order or by dra^t on some of the large cities. Make all remittances to "The Presbyterian Company," 104 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. When local check is sent, add 10 cents for collection. Address the Richmond, Va., office: Central Presbyterian, Box 850. Address the New Orleans, La.,-office: Southwestern Presbyterian, Box 731. Entered as second class matter January 6, 1009, at the Post Office at Atlanta, Georgia, auder act of March 3. 1879. Church News JUNE COLLECTIONS. The month of June is set apart by the General Assembly for lx>cal Home Missions. Send remittances to the Synodi~*1 or Presbyterial treasurer. ALABAMA. Anniston: The Press Dispatcher announced a few days ago that Rev. Dr. John M. Stagg, has been elected president of the Alabama Synodical College at Anniston, to succeed Rev. Dr. S. J. Foster, who recently resigned on account ?f poor health. Florence: The First Church, Rev. E D. McDougall, D. D., pastor, recently received thirty-one members, all but two ?n profession of their faith. Mobile: The Government Street Church still claims the record for "Children's Day" offering. The amount of $1,343.08 was given. This is an increase of three hundred dollars over that of last year. Troy: This church has just enjoyed a very refreshing meeting conducted by Rev. H. M. Edmonds, of the First Church, juunigomery. a great liiieresi nas Deen aroused, two persons added to the church and plans laid to pay off the manse debt. Birmingham: Changes many affecting seriously the ministerial force of our city, have been and are still occuring. First came the resignation 011 the part of our beloved ?r. Sterling F. Fos ter, of the pastorate of the South Highlands Church, in order to accept the Presidency of the Synodical Male College at Anniston. He had scarcely begun the. work to which he had been called, when the announcement came that owing to impaired health, Dr. Foster was c&mpelled to retire temporarily from all active duties and find recuperation in rest. He had resigned his Presidency of the college, and it was accepted by the board. Meanwhile the board elected to the chair of Philosophy and Modern I^anoiiocroc Pav f!or\rur/\ T oticr noot nr a f ^Uii^vo, tvv?, VJ^WI 6C 1'OOU'I W? the North Birmingham Cliurch, and he lias accepted. y PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT He is a S. W. P. man, academic, and theological, having since his ordination as a minister, studied in Scotland, making philosophy his specialty. He is hence well equipped for service. He was tinfirst and only pastor of the Church, which he is leaving, and which has prospered at his hands. ah 11 now Kev. nr. jonn w. stagg. pastor of the First Church, Has been called to "the Presidency, from which Dr. Foster resigned, and will accept. He was largely instrumental in the inauguration of our Synodical college movement; lias always been deeply interested in its progress; and feels it to be his duty to give himself to its development. It will thus appear how intensely interested Presbyterians are becoming in the work of Christian Education in the bounds of the Synod of Alabama. The denominational college is fast becoming a necessity if the Church is to conserve through higher education the very fundamentals of "the faith once for all delivered to the saints." And now, with the addition of Mr. Charles A. Lane, in the chair of Mathematics, vacated by Prof. Carmichael, who goes to an instructorsbip in Princeton University, "The Alabama Synodical College for Men." will have a faculty and a moral force, to say nothing of its splendid plant, which under the blessing of God, should insure its rapid development. Thus three of our pulpits are left va cant; two of them the most influential in the city. Dr. Stage's resignation has not as yet been acted on either by the Church or Presbytery; nor has Mr. Lang's by the Presbytery. Bui the South Highland's Church has already called unanimously, Dr. J. T. Plunket, of First Church, Augusta, Ga., and will use its best efforts to have him come. Let us hope that he may see his way clear to accept the urgent call of this great church. ARKANSAS. Camden: The First Church received thirty-six additions during, the year. All the causes were liberally contributed to, $400 being given to Foreign Missions. One elder and two deacons have been recently ordained. Local Home Missions: In Ouachita Presbytery an earnest appeal is made to every church 1n the bounds of Presbytery to make an offering to Local Home Missions during the month or June. The appropriations made for Home Missions at the last meeting of Presbytery amounts to about $300 per month. If the work as planned is carried out, it will be necessary for every church to help. All offerings should be forwarded to the Treasurer of Presbyterial Home Missions, T. L. Green, P. O. Box 124, Camden, Ark. Hope: This church has just had a very enjoyable visit from our "secretary of Foreign Missions, Dr. J. O. Reavis. He came to stimulate us on the support cf our Foreign Missionary, Rev. H. L. Rcss in Mexico. After his talk Sabbath morning, in a very few minutes, pledges were given for his salary for another year. We paid his salary last year, and use jxmi messed our cnurcn more abundantly than He had ever clone before in one year. Many more of our churches could easily pay the salary of a missionary, if each member would H.' June 16, 1909. sign a pledge card. Dr. Reavis gave us a very instructive sermon Sunday night. Earle: Our meeting was almost prevented one Sabbath and a large part of one week, by constant and heavy rains; but notwithstanding, the Lord greatly blessed us. The church here was n.-i;fin.iy organized and nau, wnen we began, but fifteen members. During the meeting a pastor was called for half of his time. Two most excellent lots were secured upon which to build a church, costing $000, the full amount of which was secured in cash and pledges. Nine children were baptized. Ten adult mem bers were received. Two deacons were elected, ordained and installed, Dr. J. H. Matthews and Mr A. O. Anderson. The sum of fifty-six dollars and forty-three cents was given for Home Mission work. It is hoped that others may unite with us in the near future. The brethren are much encouraged. My next appointment will be at Augusta, Ark., to aseist. Rev. M. D. Williams. Wm. H. Richardson. FLORIDA. Live Oak: The pastoral relation between this church and Rev. J. F. Ford, has been dissolved. He has moved to East Alabama. Jacksonville: The First Church unanimously decided last Sunday to extend a call to Rev. J. Ernest Thacker, now pastor of the Second Church, Norfolk, Va. The Brotherhood of this church has secured Rev. E. H. Norwood, a recent graduate of Columbia Seminary, to do home mission work. GEORGIA. Atlanta, Westminister Church: Sunday, June 6, was Promotion Day in the Sunday school. There were 290 in attendance, and the exercises were of great interest, showing that the training of the past year had been thorough and effective. This school is graded in all its departments and the classes go on from teacher to teacher. At the eleven o'clock service the oflicers and teachers were installed by the pastor, who preached an appropriate sermon on, "The Church studying the Word of God." There wa3 one addition oh profession of faith. Savannah: On the ilrst Sunday of June, the Lord's Supper was observed in. the Independent Church. There were iourteen additions, five by letter and two by baptism. Rev. J. Y. Fair, D. D.. pastor. The Presbytery of Atlanta met in called meeting in Atlanta, June 7, 1909, and accepted with grateful appreciation the generous offer of the stockholders of the Donald Fraser school property located at Decatur. Ga.. to donate to the Hftesbyteiy all their holdings In the property on the two conditions, that the name "Donald Fraser'' be retained in the new name to be selected, and that Presbytery conduct in or near tie town cf Decatur a Christian school of high grade for boys and young men. Tho following Trustees were elected: for one year, L. R. Wnlker, J. C. Herndon, R. O. Flynn.^J. M. Brawner, G. B. Scott, Hoke Smith, H. F. Emery; for two years, A. A. Little, D. H. Ogdcn, J. B. Gordon, W. M. Rverett, Frank Innian, J. 1j. Harge, W. .J. Houston; for three years, J. C. Patton, W. L. J-Ingle, Jno. I. Armstrong, C. D.